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Everything posted by abentley

  1. Well it finally happened. I didn’t even walk into a store the entire week. I am sad and realize I didn’t spend near the amount online that I used to. Walmart sales seam just weird now, My Amazon cart was of items normal daily use items, not any holiday gift giving purchases.
  2. While the excitement has changed, I still try to go out on principle alone! The sales have morphed into sales weeks prior to the Thanksgiving weekend, and honestly I spend less. I keep waiting to see what might pop up until I realize it is over! It is sad and I don’t even know if the retailers are liking the new situation as a n improvement.
  3. I have purchased most of what I know I want this year. I don’t feel like I can wait and see what the sales bring. I will be picking up a new iPad sometime between now and Christmas. We seem so boring now with adult kids!
  4. Committed to try to win one!
  5. The rideable fire engine for $14.98 for me!! Can you even imagine ? It would be made out of metal too!!
  6. September check in. Excited for fall weather and getting closer to Black Friday!
  7. I am starting to feel some excitement for this year! I need to replace a Shark robotic vacuum, so that could one of the reasons!
  8. These are my thoughts! Back to school next week makes me think of the saying “The days are long and the years are short.”.
  9. This is the fog I am living with right now...ugh!! I want one more month......minimum! July check in for me! I am refusing to fully admit it is here.
  10. QVC will have Christmas items tomorrow so I am going to officially start my shopping!! June is almost over so it is close enough to July for me!
  11. I can’t even remember if I posted this month! It has been a blur. Many celebrations including my graduation have kept me busy!!! Happy May let’s roll in June!
  12. Woke up this morning for spring break to SNOW!! I need some sun and vitamin D!!! Happy April to everyone!
  13. March better be an improvement from February!! Geez what a year so far!
  14. Well February is here! a I am one month closer to graduation. The crazy things a pandemic will have you consider doing, and I settled on going to school. I hope this month goes well for everyone!
  15. Woohoo! This is AMAZING!!
  16. If anyone is taking attendance I am HERE!!
  17. I am IN! a now I need to set a monthly alert!! It used to be so easy for me to remember to jump in!
  18. Nothing! Ugh! I feel so weird with all of the non-shopping time. In my defense, my Christmas shopping is all complete, I just had hopes of fun additional purchases.
  19. I agree that people might be full, or at least with what they traditionally offer. Life phases are an impact as well. While I love the traditional matching pajamas, small appliances, and TV’s those aren’t anything I want to purchase. I would love to see the return of Black Friday. The month is sales is exhausting, or maybe I am just exhausted. I haven’t seen a sale I got excited for in quite a while.
  20. I am feeling sad! Like post shopping SAD! I have never had a year that i saw nothing, zero, zip to buy….until now!
  21. Hello February!! So far it has been exhausting! Hopefully it smoothed out and warms up soon!
  22. Well I made it to January! Hoping I can remember until the end! Hoping everyone is enjoying the New Year so far!
  23. Wishing everyone an amazing 2023! Stay safe!
  24. Oh! I love hearing about all the Ninja Creamie machine gifts! I bought one in April and sadly it is still in the box. I really should get mine out! This year I got a MacBook, leg massager, and many gift cards. It has been a different year for me as I returned to school. The MacBook was from my husband so I can do homework from the couch…I think. Even thought he built me beautiful home office in our new home with all custom built ins and work space. Funny how things work out. Oh! I love hearing about all the Ninja Creamie machine gifts! I bought one in April and sadly it is still in the box. I really should get mine out! This year I got a MacBook, leg massager, and many gift cards. It has been a different year for me as I returned to school. The MacBook was from my husband so I can do homework from the couch…I think. Even thought he built me beautiful home office in our new home with all custom built ins and work space. Funny how things work out. Oh! I love hearing about all the Ninja Creamie machine gifts! I bought one in April and sadly it is still in the box. I really should get mine out! This year I got a MacBook, leg massager, and many gift cards. It has been a different year for me as I returned to school. The MacBook was from my husband so I can do homework from the couch…I think. Even thought he built me beautiful home office in our new home with all custom built ins and work space. Funny how things work out.
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