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Everything posted by magickallight

  1. I always do lottery tickets (Got lucky this year and won $100 worth of $1.00 scratch tickets from a local radio station... so no big chunk of money out of my pocket this year on those.) DH is having a Greek food themed stocking this year - he loves to cook and loves Greek Food, so that is this year's theme for him. DD's get CD's and panties and fun stuff and DS's stocking is totally up to Santa. I LOVE stuffing stocking and seeing what all I can jam in them - but always try to make it fun.
  2. Don't feel bad - it's that way here, too! But, I am used to it... and it keeps him from getting mad at me when he sees how much I bought... once it's all wrapped and under the tree - there isn't much he can do about it!
  3. Mostly Cloudy 57º/38º
  4. In past years I have always put the presents under th tree (except for Santa s Gifts) as I wrap them - but this year we have an addition to the family (a VERY naughty cat) that will NOT allow that! He unwraps gifts and tears up boxes... So, they are all in my craft room... I am afraid he will have to go in his cage on Christmas Eve, until we rise on Christmas morning.
  5. Thanks! Can't beat $5.99 for a set of sheets - grabbed some for my son.
  6. After reading this thread - I have come to realize that I am STRANGE... I keep up with the gifts I buy for all 3 of my kids, their insignificant others (the 2 oldest change them like socks!), my DH, my mom, my grandson and Everyone else I might buy for in an excel file... it is started in January (as that is when I start my shopping) and I keep up with each penny spent and on whom it was spent... (indecently... I spend WAY more than I want to admit...) But, I digress... I think now that shopping and spending is not my ONLY problem - I AM a control freak - and I now have proof after reading that people CAN spend and not keep up with everything... I NEED HELP... but in the mean time - think I will check out Amazon and see what they have on sale! - LoL! Merry Christmas, all - it's not What we spend... but how much LOVE we put into it! (Amen!)
  7. We have a BIG house and are down to 3 of us at home form 8 of us... have to buy for 9 + lots of individuals - it adds up... GIFT CARDS are looking REALLY GOOD for next year!!!!
  8. Haven't received mine yet - but can't wait! I SO love that movie!
  9. Christmas is Only "2" weeks away... :) I have pruchased everything (although I KEEP finding GREAT deals and BUYING MORE!) - but wrapping is NOW a BIG PROBLEM! I have way over 200 gifts to wrap and cookies to bake and entertaining to do - and UGGGGGGGGGGGGH! I am SO NOT READY!!!!
  10. Is it just me - or has everyone else noticed the FANTASTIC bargains going on right now? I have been done shopping - but keep on buying more becasue the prices are OUT of this WORLD! Perhaps next year I should wait until 2 weeks before Christmas to start shopping! Naw - can't do it - I SOOOOOOOOOOO love to shop!
  11. I can't remember - Paul Shannon sounds familiar - but it has been SO LONG!
  12. I miss my childhood – where when a Christmas special came on TV – you KNEW that was the only time you would see it that year… and the WHOLE family would gather around the TV and watch it together… THAT was Christmas! Now… it’s like… "Tivo it, Mom – I’ll watch it when my OTHER SHOWS aren’t on!…" I may be getting old – but, darn… I miss the old days!
  13. Me, too! Oh, well - there is always next week.
  14. I hope overstock is ready for the influx of customers TODAY... not a good thing yesterday! This DOES look nice - I am done with Christmas - but might make a nice B'day gift for DS.
  15. AWESOME! I would LOVE to be your neighbor! Where do you store all this stuff when it's not Christmas Time?
  16. Thank you... that was SO beautiful!
  17. Family Video's Steal of the Day is only good for one day... sorry. Today's Steal is: Crossroads DVD for $9.98 - $4.98 after the coupon code. http://shop.famvid.com/catalog/pod_history.php?source=stealmailer
  18. I was getting ready to bite the bullet and do the same thing! That is why I got so excited when I found this deal this morning and just HAD to share!
  19. Good Deal - we are looking for a new TV and this might just come in handy!
  20. Shoot - I should have said DVD in my title! How do you edit a title? (Wish it WAS a Vacation for $4.99... I would SOOOOOOOOO be there!)
  21. Family Video's Steal of the Day is: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Special Edition DVD for $9.99... but, if you are a new customer (or register with a different email address) you can use CODE NEWMEM96 to receive $5.00 off... Bringing it down to $4.99! Shipping is ONLY $.99! http://shop.famvid.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=33329&pod_id=652 Gotta LOVE this movie!!!
  22. That TV would be AWESOME! I wonder how their "Random Customers" are selected to win?!?
  23. Now showing: Price: $139.00 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.
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