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Everything posted by christmasangel

  1. These are $8.40 after the 20% off. They came to just over $15 after tax and shipping. http://www.zales.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2549482&cp=2059712&pg=1&categoryId=2059712&kpc=1&s=A-StorePrice-ZALES&parentPage=search&searchId=22745900923
  2. Oh my word their site is moving so slow!!!
  3. I bought a few of those for the guys in the family this Christmas and they all LOVED them!! I got my BIL the hunting/camo one and my dad the one with the built in radio.
  4. http://www.kohls.com/upgrade/webstore/product_page.jsp# $2.60 I have 3 of the mosiac ones in my bedroom and I think they give off a really nice semll.
  5. I bought these towels at the store a few months ago- I bought the big ones for $7- They are actually REALLY nice! GOOD DEAL
  6. note to self- get up early and hit Kohls! ) THANKS!
  7. Do you have a Kohls by you? Are these like the ones your daughters wants? http://www.kohls.com/kohlsStore/saleevents/1216christmassale/shoes/1aboots/juniors/PRD~257418/SO+Snowy+Wedge+Boots.jsp
  8. I've never had a problem with them- they have honestly been really great. I'm sorry you had a bad experience.
  9. Wonderful - thank you! I had planned to stop in there after work today to pick up an exchange gift!
  10. I just got Flash Focus and B-17 Fortress in the Sky for the Ninetendo DS for $25.xx and that is with the 3 day shipping. Now let's just hope it comes fast! (I was going to spend $20 just for flash focus at Walmart!)
  11. I'm going to cash in on this deal! My father in law wants DS games for Christmas and they have some good ones. They are OOS of Brain Age 2 though.
  12. You can use your $5 g/c to get a muffin or hot coco ) They have a great peppermint hot coco.
  13. Got mine! I'm going to use it this weekend when I go in to pick up my catalog order. I'm thinking I'll treat myself to something nice considering I'm all done Christmas shopping :oD
  14. What if I took the tags off of it already AND can't fine the receipt!? OPPS!
  15. Cute coat- but I saw this review on the page. Be careful :) "I will suggest do not buy any stuff from classiccloseout, i am really surprised how come amazon is having this vendor on thier site. I ordered some stuff and got almost junk and when i returned, even though i already lost money in return shipment and their delivery charge, i did not receive my rest of the money back, they claim will retrun to my credit card. There is no phone number to call and email send to them does not get answered"
  16. Those towels are a great deal!!!
  17. This weekend only. It was just on the Today Show. Code: WINTER (get's you free shipping) They said that the free gift wrap is included, but THIS WEEKEND ONLY:D
  18. We had a few big groups TRY at Kohls- there were no security guards- but the people near the front of the line (US!) banded together to not let them in. That is probably the biggest annoyance of the whole BF shopping experience. It's just plain RUDE!!!!!
  19. I didnt get Walmart or Sears for Black Friday but my brother 3 streets away did. Go figure.
  20. We were in and out in an hour and a half and got everything we wanted...................and then some!!!!! )
  21. I'll let you know- I'm on my way there in a few hours. I bought 2 DVD's and the Memory Game.
  22. We should have done that. We walked in there at 5:40 and the line already wrapped around the ENTIRE store 2 1/2 times and you could move around to find anything that buy! We were there for 10 minutes before we realized it wasnt worth it!
  23. Get this- Kohls was our LAST STOP!!!!! We started at 10:30pm at the Outlet Mall and then finished at Kohls- got some SWEET deals!!
  24. Are you sure?
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