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Posts posted by lexyreyes72

  1. Thanks for the info! I guess this means I'll have to brave the store on Saturday during the 50% off time -which is good for me!


    As for you Cricut folks, maybe you should swing by your local Walmart and see what they have. I was at Kohls and they were putting some of the BF items on display. Is the Cricut a doorbuster? Also, check out the Creating Keepsakes Scrapbooking Message Boards. They've had a few posts on the Walmart BF Cricut deal. Someone might have gotten the scoop on the Walmart Cricut.

  2. You can check on their website, I believe they've already posted the ad online. It probably says that in the small print. Also, you could probably stop by your local store and see how many they have on hand. This way you'll know for sure.
  3. that stinks! They aren't even going to give a 50% coupon??


    I hope it doesn't sound rude, I know you don't make up the sales. I don't mean to be mean to you personally.


    Thank you for the info. Guess I won't have to wake up too early.

  4. that I know...they open at 6am


    I'm trying to figure out what will be on sale and what kind of early bird specials they are having. Last year they offered a 60% coupon which is GREAT!!! I'm just worried they will have the item I want on sale so I won't be able to use my coupon.


    Thank you!!

  5. Well I don't think you should be worrying yourself about the germs you get from the cashier eating on her job. Germs are everywhere. I'm more grossed out by people in public coughing up mucas and not covering their mouths. As I mentioned I've worked in retail and you'd be surprised how dirty your hands get from cash! I mean for all any of us know someone could have wiped their rear with the dollar bill in my wallet!!! In fact, I'm more worried about the folks in fast food chains adding "special sauce" to my meal than I am worried about them giving me germs from their hands.


    I'm not sure what your point is about the folks buying Playstations. I mean one minute we're talking about employees being allowed to purchase items and the next we're talking about customers hoarding items and selling them on Ebay. This stuff happens everyday - not just on Black Friday. There was a big deal about this with Ticketmaster. The regular folks want to know how scalpers or "brokers" seem to end up with all the great seats to sporting events and concerts despite people camping out at the box office. Also people complained b/c they did camp out and then they'd get to the box office and they'd have some kind of raffle for numbers or wrist bands so that if you were there at 3am and I came 5 min before the raffle, we'd have the same chance to win the band to go to the front of the line. They also said brokers/scalpers had special phone numbers to that helped them get through the Ticketmaster line when they called (while the rest of us get busy signals) and I guess they even know special back door entrances to get tix on line before everyone else too. And what about the specials the event's have with credit card companies - ex. if you have an Amex card you can buy your tickets to an event before they go on sale to the general public?


    There are lots of people who are getting "special" deals everyday. Why would Black Friday be any different?

  6. One last thing, to the person who commented about what do they deserve for their job - as I mentioned, I'm sure your job has health benefits and decent pay and you don't have to work at 4am or until midnight (I presume you work at an office). Haven't any of you seen those specials on retailers - especially Walmart. These places are looking for slave labor but since that's illegal they'll give the absolute minimum.


    And that's actually not a bad idea about getting a job at BB so you can get a jump start on the bargains. I'm sure you'd have a better appreciation for the employees if you worked in retail for a few weeks during the holiday season. The only experience you'd miss out on working at a Best Buy would be that they don't sell clothes. So you wouldn't get to see customers try and return smelly, wrinkled clothes that they claim have "never been worn, but purchased like that"

  7. LOL at that "poor single mother" comment!!! If she's a poor single mother than she shouldn't be out there trying to get a flat screen - she should do what majority of us do and buy a regular old TV!!!


    As for waitresses eating before the restaurant opens - I presume they do and I see nothing wrong with that. I've been to places and seen employees eating food while on their break and that hasn't stopped me from eating somewhere and if someone is eating at the drive-thru - as long as they are not eating the food that's in the bag for me I don't care. What if the person has low blood sugar and needs to eat? Not to mention I've noticed this at the stores I've worked at - they are hot/warm! I'm constantly thirsty and grabbing some water. What's the big deal? These people are human beings - just like the rest of us!!


    And no it's not false advertising. The items were sold legally. The employees aren't getting things for free. I'm sure on some of those things that are discounted significantly employees don't get to use their discount or it could be like the store I work at and the discount is a minimum. I get 15% on soft goods and 10% on other stuff. That's the same discount any of you get for opening a credit card and in many cases it just covers the tax.


    I think many of you are making a big deal out of nothing and just want something to complain about. I mean get real, how many employees are buying flat screens and laptops? Do you really think there are 10 of them purchasing those items?? If so they must be teens or have other jobs b/c frankly if you work retail full time shelling out $250 for a laptop is a huge chunk of your paycheck!!!


    I'm sure that some of you who have office jobs get small perks and first dibs on things before other employees so why shouldn't others be able to take advantage of these things? Let's be realistic, if you REALLY want/need a flat screen or laptop or other item, you'll buy it!!! You'll just wait for another sale (b/c they have these things on sale every week) or continue to do without.

  8. I work at a retail store and frankly I think the least they can do is let the employee's get first dibs. The pay & benefits in retail aren't that great (and neither are the hours) and at some stores neither is the discount, not to mention it's hard work standing there for hours on end, listening to people complain and nickel and dime, however, I imagine they'd only let the employees do this on items in large quantities like DVDs, CDs, etc...I can't imagine if the store has 20 laptops they would let the employees buy them ALL.
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