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Everything posted by CarpeDiem

  1. CarpeDiem

    Hastings ad?

    Anyone seen that one?
  2. haha moon sand for $10? what a waste of money! That is the most worthless messy crap ever and made by same company as aqua dots....soooooooo........could be toxic
  3. what about one of those edenpure heaters that paul harvery pimps?
  4. OMG I want a ton from here!! Ty from posting!
  5. Benadryl is the active ingrediant in sleeping pills. same thing cheaper to buy benadryl though.
  6. Oh man I could have used this the other day I just bought a few new outfits and spend over $150 ...ug
  7. Who has best price on a 19 inch flat panel lcd?
  8. UGGGGHhh our nearest target is 110 miles away. would anyone be willing to snag me season 5 of 24 and possibly southpark season 10? PM if you would. Thanks!
  9. everything i want says its not recommended for printing..ugggg
  10. can you just see guys who can get ahold of this and popping em in drinks? SCARY
  11. Brad could you put this on front page? I have this in my cart at amazon ds wants bad, how scary is the getting with kids toys?!!!
  12. LInk here...OMG! Millions of toys recalled; contain 'date rape' drug Two U.S. children went into comas after who swallowing Chinese-made Aqua Dots found to contain a chemical that converts into 'date rape' drug when ingested http://money.cnn.com/2007/11/07/news/international/toys_drug.ap/index.htm?cnn=yes
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