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Everything posted by higbee

  1. Do you think there will be deals much better than the toshiba for $350 that is on the gotta deal homepage? http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=9548983&st=9548983&lp=1&type=product&cp=1&id=1218122295102&ref=39&loc=01&AID=10597222&PID=1418914&URL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bestbuy.com%2Fsite%2Folspage.jsp%3FskuId%3D9548983%26st%3D9548983%26lp%3D1%26type%3Dproduct%26cp%3D1%26id%3D1218122295102%26ref%3D10%26loc%3D01
  2. If anyone goes to this, please let me know if it is worth the trip. Thanks suzanne
  3. that's exactly what happened. i know everyone thought i was crazy.
  4. http://i442.photobucket.com/albums/qq149/madisonaurusrex/tourdefemme006.jpg
  5. Looking through the ads Black Friday is approaching I can hardly wait Eat Thanksgiving meal Pack warm clothes and sleeping bag Head off to the stores Waiting in the cold Making new friends—young and old Now it’s getting close Rushing in the door Grabbing goodies—left and right Shopping is a thrill Now my shopping’s done Toys galore for everyone I’ll be back next year
  6. If you call the store to ask about black friday deals, who should you talk to??? The employees don't seem to know.
  7. anyone know how many zunes they will have per store??
  8. My two teenage children are planning on camping out for this. SHould be interesting. WOnder how early they should go. I really don't want them to do it if they aren't giving out tickets.
  9. higbee


    I think it is 89.99 at amazon.
  10. higbee


    Do they hand out tickets at TRU or how do they do it? I am interested in getting a Zune.
  11. My target dollar spot section has a space for "reed diffusers" for $2.50, but it has always been empty. Not sure if they never got them in or if they sold out quickly. Did anyone see these diffusers in their Target??
  12. redoctane is the best place to buy the good ones.
  13. I need a gift for a girlfriend who has just started running.
  14. Do you think they will actually have any WII's
  15. I bought two mp3's but not sure how they work. Do they not come with headphones??
  16. there are lots of online companies that do this. Google "audio books" and you will find some.
  17. I want to get an inexpensive MP3 player to download books to listen to while I run. Any suggestions?
  18. Which is better, the shuffles, nano, or whatever??
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