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Everything posted by scrapwave

  1. I was able to pick one up Saturday for a friend who couldn't make it to the store. At around 9:30 my store still had 2 carts full of wii's. When I went back later (for other stuff..not another wii they appeared to be sold out--at least the carts weren't there with the wii's in them anymore.)
  2. Sweet! Just worked for me! Thanks!!
  3. darn...no laptop or monitor in my area in TX....and DS was wanting a laptop for his bday too. oh well.... Great deal for those who can get this deal though! Happy shopping! :)
  4. have you hung them yet? I hope your shepherd's hook is EXTREMELY sturdy because these things are VERY heavy when filled with dirt. Mine are hanging from a BIG tree limb.
  5. I got mine at Walgreens BUT the ones you find in the stores do not come with stands. Also, the one they are advertising on TV now has holes in the sides for 2 or 3 plants and the ones in the store you just have the hole in the bottom so you need 1 bag for each plant. This is my first year using it so we'll see how they go...I planted 2 tomato plants in the topsy turvy and 3 more in a long flower box--we'll see which does better. I've been told (by a friend) that his neighbor had really good luck with the Topsy Turvy last year.
  6. if you have any Hastings Entertainment stores in your area, that's where I got our Mario Kart game...the kids LOVE LOVE LOVE it.....
  7. well shoot...I ordered from Gamestop online because I was wanting a DS game (Driver's Ed Portable--since I have one that's going through that now I figure this game will help all the more!) that my area store didn't have. So no free shirt...but I got the game and the ds game and got free overnight shipping b/c my order was over $75. Will ship tomorrow and be here the 24th! All good!
  8. local Hastings store has signs up that Rock Band 2 for Wii won't be out until January 6th. I don't need the bundle...just the game (we already have RB1 bundle). Wonder if they will hold the games till January or go ahead and release them along with the bundles? Edit: The game is online at Amazon.com...$49.99! Woohoo! Gonna call Hastings and if they don't have them in stock will order from Amazon...this was all DS really wanted for xmas and was crushed when it was announced that they weren't releasing the Wii edition until later.
  9. On Black Friday HEB Plus (a grocery store) had them advertised for $99.99. Got my Walmart to price match that price. Haven't seen anyone else really have them on sale though.
  10. I stayed up till 3:30 am Thanksgiving morning trying to get 2 of the Magellan 1212's from BB. I finally gave up and went to bed. Got back up at 6:30 and checked and they were finally for sale online and was able to buy 2 (one for me, one for mom) for $79.99! Yay! Can't wait to get them! Don't know that I'll even really use it all THAT often...but that was too good a price to pass up!
  11. our fleece hoodie jackets were marked $18-$25. The cashier overrode the price with no problem at all..said they were told to override those. Think everything else we were there for rang up correctly. I did go back after lunch and got 2 of the ladies athletic suits, another pair of men's pajama bottoms and another pair of Jr. jeans for the Doorbuster prices! I didn't even FIND the athletic suits the first time we were in there at 5 am. Glad I went back later!
  12. Does CC charge sales tax for online purchases? Nevermind...I see they do...at least here in TX. Oh well, thought I could save the tax buying online but guess not. LOL
  13. Great! Thanks so much! I didn't care about the 110% thing...I just wanted to be able to price match to get the sale price...so that's perfect! Appreciate the answers everyone! Happy shopping!
  14. Don't have a Best Buy close to me at all but there is a Staples. I am wondering if Staples will price match a few BB items on BF? Specifically, I want to price match the Linksys router BB will have for $39.99. I know Staples has these in stock...I just bought 2 the other day for work but we haven't used them or opened them yet so I'm thinking of waiting till BF and price matching to get the better price, but want to make sure Staples will pm first. Thanks!
  15. Went to 3 different Target stores searching for the fire pit and for the Sony Walkman and didn't find any. We did find the Warm Fusion Oil Filled Heater (electric radiator heater) marked down from $39.99 to $9.75 each. :)
  16. I'll be in the metroplex on Friday....I'll try to get by a couple of Target stores while I'm there and see if I can locate any for us.
  17. found the 2 pack character keys for the Easy Link Internet thing at Walmart tonight for $1 each. There were 3 different ones at my store. Picked up one of each since i gave my 3 year old niece an Easy Link for Christmas. :)
  18. My store didn't have any of the makeup left...but they had Revlon Colorstay nail polish twin pack (on color one clear) on clearance for $1.59. These were B1G1 1/2 off. Got 6 of them thinking they'd just be free. Also got some glad stretch 13 gallon trash bags on clearance for $3.49. 2 lip glosses on clearance for 1.59 ea, 3 Eclipse gums on clearance for .60 and a pack of Warheads (for DS) for .99, and 2 of the One Touch Ultra Mini glucose monitors that I had coupons to get free. After the 2 One Touch coupons and she scanned the $3 coupon I owed $1.72 OOP. It took the $3 off 5x's.
  19. I got a pop up message that said "this item is not available for purchase at this time" when I tried to add to cart.
  20. Cabela's Big Game Hunter got a thumbs down from my DS14. No clue why...he just doesn't like it...should have rented it before I let him buy it. Guitar Hero is a HUGE hit for him. He also LOVES the Mario game that you can download from the wii website (with the wii points).
  21. Thank you thank you thank you!!! :) Edit: don't know if you can use this or not because it says Only original mail-in offer forms, .... But thanks for the info! I need to find one of these forms!
  22. CVS has Pepsi 12 packs 3/$10 and with a $20 purchase you can get $10 Extra care bucks...
  23. Went to walgreen's today and got the sunsilk. At my store it was 3.99 and second one half off. Anyone else have that? Paid $6 for 2 and with the man. coupons got them for 2/$3--not free here. Also, the coupon thing at the checkout printed a thing that said "Buy Unilever Products During Purchase Dates and Save Up To $8 off your next order with coupon." Also says at the top "not a redeemable coupon. The purchase dates are 12/31-1/26. Buy 4 and get $4 buy 8 and get $8. I bought 4 Sunsilks today (included in the list of participating Unilever brands) but I didn't get a coupon...just the thing telling about the coupon offer. If I go back with the receipt and the offer printout will they give me the $4 they owe me on my next order?
  24. My walmart has a clearance isle---with stuff from all different departments---the stuff has been the same price for literally 4 or 5 months. And it's barely marked down...so none of it is moving. And they still have a big cart of Xmas stuff up front...75% off. I don't check toys..but they can't be any better there either.
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