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Everything posted by scrapwave

  1. Have this Sendy one that I got from Amazon (it's $24.99 now but was some kind of special deal when I bought it) but it's great. Comes with several different interchangable tips so you can use it for phones, ipods, etc. Comes in a little black carry pouch to keep it all together. Use it all the time. Also has an led flashlight on it. http://www.amazon.com/Sendy-Capacity-Portable-External-Flashlight/dp/B00CLDD4PC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1385490436&sr=8-1&keywords=sendy
  2. No stores within 50 miles of you are participating in this offer.
  3. thanks..ordered a parka and a tote...even with paying shipping it was still only $11 something so a great deal!
  4. I just got one today at Hibbit Sports for my daughter for Christmas. It was $54.99 and not on sale....but I had a 20% off entire purchase coupon that I got in the mail the other day so that brought it down to $43.xx. Also got her some Texas Longhorn Pants ($35) and a Longhorn Tshirt ($25)--they were on sale 40% off though. Also got another 20% off those prices too. Total for everything including tax was $78.xx. Over $40 savings!
  5. Nothing... haven't found anything that jumped out at me as a great deal that I really needed to pull the trigger on buying....
  6. What a complete waste...the button is a tiny button--the size of a nickle..and ours only had a 6 digit code on the back. Everytime we tried to enter the code online it asks for a 7 digit code. There aren't 7 digits! We stood outside the store for over an hour before opening only to find out after they opened that they didn't even have the advertised small appliances at our store...then we get a buttons with invalid codes. Thanks for nothing JCP---looks like they will be getting NONE of my money this Christmas.
  7. just got a paper with the actual ad..and it says Limited to store quantities...so I'm thinking it's not going to be available online. But my question is...there is the Toshiba 50" LED that's supposed to be an 8pm Thanksgiving day doorbuster for $299.99 but then there's also an Friday 4 am doorbuster 50" major brand HDTV for 299. Are there two different 50" that Sears is going to have for $299??
  8. Big Lots is at 75% off now on all Christmas! Made a pretty good haul yesterday on LED lights (switching my exterior lights and decorations to LED to save energy). They even had a lot of Christmas Trees left at my store....but already had one so didn't pick up another tree.
  9. OMG...this is the all time best movie ever!! LOVE IT! TY!
  10. my WM had all Xmas down to 75% today..not a whole lot of stuff left but they did have lots of the little girl type gift sets with lip glosses, shower gels, fingernail stickers, etc. They had stockings and quite a few 3 foot trees (that was the only size they had left), gift bags, some wrapping papers, some ornaments...and that was about it. No light sets or yard decorations left at all.
  11. I thought surely Big Lots would drop their Xmas stuff to 75% off today since we are at the 2 week mark after Christmas now...but my Big Lots is still at 50%...and they have LOTS of stuff left...taking up LOTS of store space! They need to drop to 75% already so I can load up for next year!! LOL! So does anyone have any idea when Big Lots does actually go to 75% off?
  12. Anyone know when Big Lots goes to 75% off? I want some more of the $24/box LED icicle lights but even at 50% off they are still rather pricey ($12 each)....I'd love to some of them at 75% off!
  13. Love it..had to order two for 18 year old ds....he will LOVE them! LOL!
  14. Not sure about all the other walmarts...but my walmart had the ends of isles blocked with huge pallets and big wire baskets so you couldn't get through most of the isles anyway. There have got to be some OSHA and safety codes being violated by blocking soo many isles and letting so many people in the store at one time. If there was a fire or other emergency alot of people would be trapped because of the blocking of the isles. And the isles that would be open access would be like trying to get through a stampede. It's just scary what could happen in WM on BF. They need to get a better system.....
  15. There were sooo many with young young children and babies at my walmart. Saw one woman at our walmart (dont' know if her dh or anyone else was with her) who had not 1 or 2 but 4 children UNDER the age of 5 in her basket! The baby (appx 5-6 mos. old) was screaming and crying....probably hungry and exhausted..it was close to midnight at that point. I wonder what deal is so great that you have to drag your toddlers/infants out to that craziness and ignore their crying while you shop???
  16. Anyone know if HP.com ever does BF or CyberMonday deals? I have a $175 credit (e-giftcard) for a defective monitor I returned last year but I never really see any deals that good on there.
  17. Apparently enough people don't like the Thursday shopping this year that it's getting the attention of the media.... http://finance.yahoo.com/news/thanksgiving-day-shop-meets-rejection-123025036.html
  18. Totally bummed this year...have not seen one single thing that even makes me want to go shopping on BF...and the WalMart ad? What a total failure.
  19. Thanks for all your help! I am going to check on upgrading my receiver (I always just purchase my receivers, I don't lease from Dish--I have no contract Dish). I will check on that and I may just wait and see what the BF ads bring...TVs are on sale every year...so they are sure to be this year also. :)
  20. It's LCD though..not plasma
  21. thanks for responding. I have been looking at a Vizio 42" 1080p refresh:60hz contrast:100,000:1. It's at Walmart for $478. Here's my question though...my current Dish sattelite receiver is the DVR 625 model which has a display resolution of 480i. Is that going to look blurry on a screen that large if I set it to widescreen? My receiver doesn't have HDMI connection...just AV connection.
  22. Ok, I am in the market for a new TV......but don't really know the difference between plasma and LCD? is one really better than the other? is it just personal opinion? I am looking for probably between 37-42". (My max. viewing distance in my living room is about 16 feet with the furniture being closer to 11-12 feet from the TV). I was looking at 1080p LCD's but see from here now that at those distances a 720p looks the same? I'm not into the high tech stuff...just want a good tv that has a good picture. Probably not going to wait for BF sales as I'd like to replace my old tv pretty quickly. Just looking for good quality at the cheapest price. Thanks for this tread...it's been helpful! :)
  23. I bought one of these on Black Friday from Hastings Bookstore. Took it back within 3 days. I never could get it to connect to the internet/wi-fi no matter what I did. It is not very user friendly at all. Maybe I just got a "bad" one but I definitely thought it was a bomb. Hope everyone else has better luck with theirs!
  24. awesome! Thanks! :)
  25. I went to my local CVS to see if they had any because I thought my 5 year old niece might enjoy it for Christmas. The manager said they were sold out and that I could check on ebay because that's probably where they all are..that people were buying them 10+ at a time when they put them on the shelves. Umm..no thank you. I'm not paying an outrageous amount on ebay for one...my niece hasn't even asked for them..I just thought if I could happen to get one she *might* like it. Don't get the frenzy over them though.
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