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Everything posted by Lyricsmama

  1. I buy a ton of wrestling stuff, for me and my hubby and daughter, we're a wrestling family! lol
  2. MY oldest has been asking for these since they were Aquadots. I'm still not convinced that they are safe so we won't be getting them for her.
  3. NICE!! Just got a set of the clear and the mint, still 3.11 for me Great find!!
  4. This is why we might not be going out this year, I refuse to bring my kids with me #1 it's not the time for them, it's too cold, I'm usually buying their gifts and its too crazy. If I don't have anyone to watch them, I just stay home and shop online. BTW They're ages 5 and 2.
  5. I actually did a review on this company for my blog, they sent me product. HORRIBLE!! It didn't match up my phone at all, and the graphics were pixilated. I picked the correct phone and graphics and the skins cut off my screen and buttons... I don't recommend them.
  6. Nice... Thanks, got my little one her halloween costume for 17 bucks
  7. We got our DD one for Xmas, she loves it, works great for her.
  8. Thanks, all the rest of my sales are going up today for 5 day listings, once the 20th hits, I won't be selling on there anymore.
  9. I wish, I have NO MONEY LEFT for shopping after all the shopping I did on Amazon for xmas gifts.
  10. Lyricsmama

    Wassail drink

    8 c apple juice 2 cinnamon sticks,2in. long 1/2 tsp nutmeg 2 Tbs lemon juice 3 c pineapple juice 1/3 c honey Mix all in large saucepan. Bring to boiling,reduce heat,cover,simmer 10 min. Remove cinnamon sticks and serve hot in mugs.
  11. LOL, I kinda think its pretty funny to, really sounds like something that I would do to my DH if he had a list of stuff I didn't want. I'm mean tho, and if he gets me something I don't like I tell him and it goes back.
  12. oh man, LMAO I seriously thought I was done LMAO.... Perfect stocking stuffers... Thanks.
  13. Maybe what you could do, is take the cosmetics OUT of the Bratz case, and buy a really nice makeup case for her and put the stuff in there.
  14. I dunno.. My 4 year old is into Bratz, I can't see her at 11 being into it but I could be wrong.
  15. I dunno which one your looking for but I remember seeing something like that on amazon so I searched... http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/103-7275222-8762268?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=+bumblebee+transformer&x=0&y=0
  16. I sure did LOL...I never miss anything WWE related LMAO.... I was disappointed The Rock didn't come back tho BOOOO! lol SURPRISED AS HECK to see RVD tho that was great
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