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Everything posted by ni4ni

  1. I saw some at Dillards. http://www.dillards.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=301&langId=-1&storeId=301&productId=500995519&Ntk=all&Nty=1&N=1000301&Ntt=keurig&search.x=32&search.y=6&searchUrl=%2Fendeca%2FEndecaStartServlet%3FNtk%3Dall%26Nty%3D1%26N%3D1000301%26Ntt%3Dkeurig%26search.x%3D32%26search.y%3D6&R=02729438&IN_MERCH=true
  2. FYI - you need a remote for each player if they want to race at the same time. The wheel does not come with a remote, you have to install a remote into each wheel.
  3. $49 at Gamestop. You'll probably want a second steering wheel, they have them for $10 at Gamestop as well. Not the same as the Wii wheel, but it works OK. You might want to buy a Wii wheel if you don't want a conflict over the wheel.. Good luck!
  4. Unfortunately not all of us get "no tax". Items sold by Amazon.com LLC, or its subsidiaries, and shipped to destinations in the states of Kansas, Kentucky, New York, North Dakota, or Washington are subject to tax.
  5. I had to pay tax at Amazon. Maybe because the shipping center is in the same state as me.
  6. I've noticed that the cleanliness of the store is relative to the neighborhood.
  7. I can't answer either, but thank you for serving our country and get home safely.
  8. Dell is a good place to start looking. http://www.dell.com/content/products/category.aspx/inspn?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs
  9. There's a Maxtor for $239 on the home page of Gottadeal http://www.gottadeal.com/
  10. Southwest can save you a bunch on airfare, if you book early enough to get the Funsaver rates.
  11. I use Southwest Airlines, but they don't have a payment plan.
  12. A Google search found these http://www.optimumstore.com/category.jhtml?category=1061&parentCategory=1056&p=cat
  13. I refuse to enter K-Mart!!
  14. Staples. I hate rebates!!!
  15. The item you requested was not added to your cart. You requested 1, however, only 0 are available at this time.
  16. That's Enhanced Definition, not a store.
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