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Everything posted by snakeswiff

  1. I feel ya. sending you hugs and good thoughts we can make it happen
  2. the room in our budget to afford to give our girls a Christmas
  3. gonna beg hubby to get this for me for valentines day
  4. That girl deserves a swift attitude adjustment.....
  5. My dd 9 has canned spray cheese (gag) and that huge barrel of cheese balls from Walmart on her list.....
  6. Putting the tree up is usually how I end my BF festivities, but since I wont be BF shopping this year( first time in 17 years) I dont know when I will put the tree up.
  7. if you still need I cam PM you some codes
  8. Can't wait to use mine tomorrow...gift for the sons girlfriend!
  9. not done.....thats all....I will be the one running around on the morning of the 24th.....First time in many years that i am not done by now, but having a newborn doesn't make it easy!
  10. ty ty! Logged into my rewards and had a $20 cert. waiting for me!!! I did get the email, but deleted it without reading.....wont do that again!
  11. Got mine today! So excited!
  12. learn something new everyday! LOL I thought they were the same thing!
  13. using a food mill, or I think it's also called a ricer, will guarantee no lumps!
  14. Cream Cheese and corn?? Please elaborate!!:)
  15. me either...whats up with that???
  16. hmm will have to try that one.....we did ones with green onion instead of asparagus too....those were really yummy!
  17. we always have Ham rolls.... thinly sliced ham with cream cheese thinly spread on the ham and an asparagus spear in the middle...roll up and cut into bite size pieces. Can sound kinda nasty but delish!!!
  18. Pumpkin cheesecake candied yams stuffed mushrooms thankfully nothing too time consuming!
  19. me too...maybe Walmart will have something
  20. disappointed in the ad....may stop anyway for dvd's and the mens pajama bottoms.....
  21. the set that hallmark has (mine anyway) includes the elf with the book....
  22. navy blue is my signature color! LOL I'm in!
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