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Posts posted by jennirv4967

  1. ixray, lucky duck!!! I ordered mine on November 7, and I"m in "delay" hell. I got an email that they were overloaded and it would be a 10 business day delay. I just wrote them asking what the status is, since it's been more than 10 business days, and was told there's a further delay, you'll get them before Xmas.


    Umm.... they were supposed to be Xmas presents....and one was being shipped to the UK. If I don't have it by Thanksgiving, they won't have it by Xmas.


    Needless to say I'm not very impressed by Artscow right now.

  2. Dear Santa (Geeks.com),


    The ultimate gift for me? Definitely the Logitech io2 Digital Pen Digital Writing System! Why?


    1. I'm a total tech-geek. If it's neat and so cutting-edge noone else has it yet, you're looking at the lone geek who heads out to buy it.


    2. I do ALOT of writing for my job. So I wind up taking notes, then having to transcribe to the computer. This means way too much wasted time, and for someone with carpal tunnel, and a former broken wrist with rhumetoid arthritis (at 32 years old!), this would save my poor hand.


    3. I'm lazy.... if this saves me one ounce of work, Jenn's there with her hand up going ooh-ooh-ooh like Arnold Horshack!



  3. I went to store Friday morning and I must say I have never seen customer service the way they were set up and ready to go....................They were GREAT we were IMPRESSED.


    They had an associate meet you at the door and help you get everything you needed.

    I dont go there very often so I dont know if this is usual stuff, but we were tickled about it. Im thinking I may even call Monday morning and tell them how impressed I was with their organization!


    They even had a girl at the door speaking over their walkie talkie thingys telling them when a car pulled in and how many people, so any free employee could greet them at the door.


    Kudos from me to Office Max!!!

    Wow! If only all stores ran like that.

  4. The deals this year at WM sucked. Most the stuff they decided to put on sale, no one really wanted. And the stuff that people did want, people figured, from past experience, they wouldn't have enough items and didn't even bother. Getting rid of layaway also hurt them. Most Walmart shoppers who stand in line for hours to get a break on an item, usually don't have $500 to pay for an item at once and used the layaway.


    Saying all that...not like Walmart really cares what their customers think anyway, so I don't see anything changing.

  5. How old is he?


    My father is annoying in that he goes out and buys what he wants when he wants it, so you can't buy something he needs...he already has it! For the last few years I've given him Amazon GCs.


    My dad is 59....this year, I'm giving him a box set of 7 Marx Brothers DVDs from J&R. He loves The Marx Brothers, and he doesn't have them yet. So I scored big time. You might want to try old tv shows or movies.

  6. I've been to WMs before that did the maps... it would have been nice today.


    the problem with ours, was they just kept rolling out pallets next to each other. So there was a pallet of the FP little people by the bikes, then another pallet next to groceries. So then you have crowds of people who all wanted different things and being crammed in the same space.

  7. We got there about 5:30, we had to hit Walmart first. There was a line. They opened the doors...pandemonium. First off they took half the store and turned it into warehouse, so the store is so much smaller than usual. Then they used to take all the sale items and put them on tables at the front. This year they only took half the sale items and did that. The others were hidden...and then the big ones they hid behind the copy center.


    it didn't help anything when the boneheads all get out their shopping carts and then park in front of the tables so you can't get around them. Then we all had to stand in line to see if we even had the chance to get the hidden items because they didn't believe in tickets.


    Apparently they only had 4 laptops and 2 of the televisions. Luckily we were able to get 2 of the 400GB hard drives. My hubby barely got the Tungsten he wanted, and they hid the Compact Flash cards. I made another stab at looking at them as we were about to leave and luckily found that too.

  8. Last year I couldn't go out for Black Friday because of the boys, so I was really excited about Cyber Monday. It was a HUGE disappointment. I really hope they improve this year.
  9. I got it. They didn't have that many at our store, but was able to get it. My husband won't let me open it (saying it's a Xmas gift), but from what I see, it isn't a color screen. Just a backlit screen. It's small and very nice looking.
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