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Posts posted by jennirv4967

  1. In years past, GD would let us make a list of items from all the stores. This was a great help so that when the items went live we could go right there and it was easy to have everything in one place. I don't seen that this year. Did we lose that?
  2. I have always refused to do black friday at walmart...it's just one huge soccer riot waiting to break out. No, I do shop there on BF, but I wait until later when the insane people have left. It's just mad there. The only reason I did the TV there last year, was I decided to try it online, and I managed to get it. But it takes a special kind of crazy to go to Walmart for electronics on Black Friday.
  3. Jeeze LOUISE!! i love right behind Walmart, ran over for the dang sheets. That place is a MAD HOUSE! People with full carts stopping everywhere to chat, even on foot you can't push your way around...and then trying to leave... I practically had to linebacker my way out.. Jeeze people...the sales aren't that dang good for you all to be flocking on the damn stuff like flies on crap!
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