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Everything posted by MuddyZ71

  1. Have a safe day everyone, and a sane one. Im gone!
  2. Bogity bogity bogity lets go shoppin!!!! Its live
  3. Happy birthday! I was sick on my 20th, I was compeltely trippin on the medicine...I couldnt see my skin, just my bones. LOL. One heck of a 20th.
  4. Guess ill get my shoes on....booo...
  5. Amazon has the 8 gig one for $11 or $12...but its not from actual amazon, a third party seller using amazon. So im tryin to stick to WM. :) Thanks for the heads up.
  6. All im tryin to get this morning online is the flash drives for me and a buddy. Maybe some DVDs if they throw some more online. the $3 shipped dvds yesterday were awesome.
  7. Give it a few more mins. Theres always potential for uckfup when your dealing with humans.
  8. Iv had no hours of sleep. Iv watched 4 hours of south park tonight on the SP website. Caaant sleep. Heading out in 40 mins to hit the stores startin with sears... Biggest item of the day is a welder. Already got my garmin 255w and DS through amazon yesterday.
  9. talked to a guy in the thump room... opens at 4am. No sleep for me.
  10. nvm i re-read the thread....guess its midnight now with a sleeping bag.
  11. Im planning to strike at 2AM solo with blankets... Whats the deal with CC? Do they hand out tickets to those first in line , to those who want specific items? Im going for the sony subs and amp.. I was originally planning for 4am but found out they open at 5, then might have the best buy style ticket thing...2am too late? I do live in a major urban area, everybody has to have their subs, this is gonna be a major item here... Tips Priciated!
  12. I will be sleeping through the family thanksgiving dinner if i can.. Getting up at 2AM and leaving shortly after =D
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