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Posts posted by theboyzmom

  1. wow...I missed the part about you carrying twins....you REALLY need to make sure you are going to be ok and you MUST stop and sit, drink water, etc...


    twin pregnancies are risky just by being twins...mine were born 3 months early and I did everything right....please be careful....

  2. I've never gone pg, but I would say do NOT go without someone going with you and be sooo careful...a few deals is NOT worth something bad happening


    I'm glad to hear of people having good experiences, but around here, I've seen pregnant women being shoved out of the way...nobody seemed to care :( So just be very very careful

  3. I'm so sorry Lorinjer...I wish there was something I could tell you...


    next time you go..pick a line that is slow and ask the cashier if you can wait while she enters it in...if it's already in the system, a red screen will show up, if it's a 'new' email, she will get a green screen...and if you are standing right there, you can tell her what to type...just to make sure there are no errors...


    now, if it shows up as a red screen and they say they already have you...it sounds like your postal carrier might be enjoying your coupons...

  4. I've been slowly buying less and less the last few years....good thing cause dh lost his job and this Christmas will be MUCH smaller than the kids are used to...I will be making fewer, more thought-out purchases this year (gone is the PILE of 'stocking stuffers' the kids are used to along with SEVERAL video games, etc)


    btw...voted significantly less...

  5. Kmart is one of my last stops...they never have anything I REALLY want (other than the huge tv...but those are spoken for before they even hit the store)...we go later in the day and sometimes pick up their pj sales, but other than that I stick to Thanksgiving Day for Kmart
  6. I think there will be some good deals...but I also think stores will have less stock...they do NOT want to get stuck with leftovers in this economy (you can see it with back to school stuff now...they just aren't as stocked as last year...at least around here)


    last year I went with my typical "this is fun and if I get deals, great!" attitude...this year...dh lost his job and money is scarce...IF I get to go out...I will be more desperate (no I won't be rude; pushing/cutting lines), and I expect I won't be alone (especially here in Michigan)

  7. TRU is NOT one of my stops....last year I went with my sil and HATED it...it was better than years before...but not again


    lines that wrap around the entire store (this is not an exaggeration), things in aisles that are not where you are looking (ie barbie in the kids shoes, GI Joe by electronics, etc)...NOBODY to help you


    AND they do NOT have a friendly return policy

  8. 1. In your opinion, what store had the best Black Friday ad last year (2008) and why?

    2. What would be your #1 piece of advice to someone totally new to Black Friday?

    3. Besides offering great deals, what else can a store do to get you to shop there on BF?



    1. Around here, I'd have to say Target...due to GD I was able to get most of my 'hot' items the day before and then was able to price match on BF...made it MUCH easier!! lol


    2. Have a game plan! If you think you are going to just 'walk around' and see what's on sale...you will miss it all! Go through the ads the night before and make a list of what store and items you want...when you hit those crowds that early in the morning, it helps to know exactly what you were hoping to find.


    3. Crowd control and freebies...I miss the days where the first 100 got a gift bag...it doesn't even have to be anything big...just the idea of getting something. I also like when they do 'activities' with the crowd waiting to get in to shop...group led singing, or a coupon to the first person who can show me a pack of gum, etc

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