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Everything posted by CBC

  1. Got my Infinity for Wii $37 in Palmetto Fl! The bop it game wasn't ringing up $5 but that was going to be an after thought gift anyhow.
  2. Most stores have a lot of the items in stock, my store got 287 of the TVs and 100 iPads.
  3. What coast are you on? East Coast sales are 8 and 10pm
  4. great deal, thanks! I just picked up 2. :0)
  5. CBC

    A White Christmas?

    Nope, itll be 75 like every year. I miss Christmas' back home.
  6. Im so sorry that happened. I cant help you but I sure hope you find someone who can.
  7. One at a time but quickly. We all do our stockings at the same time though. When I was growing up we were allowed to open our stockings and play with our unwrapped Santa gifts before my parents got up, probably to keep us from waking them up at 5.
  8. My DD is only 2 so Im trying to control myself but I think with the $200 Jeep it will end up being about $300. My brothers and I always had huge Christmases when we were little and I think its in my blood to go that route but I figure Ill wait until she actually has an idea of whats gong on.
  9. CBC

    Hiding Places :)

    In my closet. The jeep is going to be at Grandmas house.
  10. Are you a yahoo group loopie? I buy loads during the summer but we dont get much use out of winter stuff here. I have several things from Prima Ballerina with the tags on them still. At least I bought them with Gymbucks.
  11. Im allergic and havent had a real tree since I was little. However I have seen the signs for a tree lot and they start at about $50.
  12. Thanks, it says "accepted" but nothing else. Ill give it a day or so and then try calling again.
  13. Im sorry if this isnt in the right place. :) How long does it take for something to be shipped? Its been 4 days since I placed a small two item order and it hasnt shipped yet. Im just hoping that itll get out and here in time for Christmas.
  14. CBC

    When do you wrap?

    Usually right before I go to exchange or mail the stuff. My daughters presents I do on Christmas Eve. Shes little and gets into everything.
  15. Thanks!
  16. I kinda do. I found this site and checked all the time. I was sooo excited to go shopping and then I couldnt go out. Just like that, it was over. However, Im liking the rest of the forums with all the great deals.
  17. I owe my SIL $55. She went to Walmart for me. I have NO doubt I would have spent much more. I really wanted to load up on DVDs at CC or WM.
  18. This breaks my heart. My daughter is 2 and I just cant imagine doing this to her. Also with the lil ones out in the cold. I had no one to leave her with so I didnt go anywhere.
  19. I wasnt able to go out but my SIL picked me up the cabbage patch, the mushroom chair and a care bear. They didnt have the LP zoo thing I wanted but when she went to Target she found the big zoo with all the animals for $25. I didnt even know it was on sale, cant find it anywhere. I may go brave the mall with my daughter later.
  20. CBC

    Your first stop

    I was going to Walmart but hubby has to work and Grandma decided to get a part time job at the Outlets so I dont have anyone to stay with my 2 yr old. No way Id take her! No one goes to Kmart around here so Im thinking I can still go there with her.
  21. CBC

    Pay Day?

    Its my initials. I figure they are pretty general so I dont think anyone will come knocking on my door. The mortgage isnt in my name anyhow. LOL I usually just use CC, what some of my IRL friends call me, but I had to have 3 characters to register here.
  22. CBC

    Pay Day?

    Hubby gets direct deposit at midnight Thursday night/Friday morning.
  23. Whooo hoo Im even more excited now!
  24. Im a born observer so I dont post much but Im always here peeking in on whats going on.
  25. I have two presents but not wrapped yet. I just got a ton of paper at Walgreens today.
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