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Everything posted by elena_398
Its funny because I first heard about omaha steaks from Regis and kelly. Someone in the audience got a gift certificate for $500 from there after the person on the phone got there vacation. I wonder if its any good?!
I think they're trained to hound you to take more pics. LOL. I just go there for the one special and thats it. The girl always wants to do all these backgrounds and poses. Every year I get a good christmas coupon of like $9.99 for 80 portraits or something like that. Luckily I can take up to 3 pics there and chose which one for the coupon portrait pack
I wish the girls at my walmart was like that. I always got into a argument as the rule of the package is first pic accepted is the one you get. Of course if it doesn't look right, I want them to retake it. It was like the 4th retake and the girl told me it was getting ridiculous. That is why I stopped going there. The same 3 girls work there every year.
My husband doesn't decorate the tree. He just heaves it upstairs and sets it up. Its a prelit one so its me and the kids who decorates. He really doesn't care when I put up the tree/decorations, but wants to tear everything down the day after. LOL
Thanks. This will help me. I have 3 relatives who recently moved out of state so I have to mail theirs out. Also, I have a gift idea for my father-in-law in Indiana that may be odd shaped. I think I may go to UPS shipping for that
My son finally outgrew the Yugioh cards. His deck is super too. Everyone in the neighborhood kept coming over to duel with him. I never could understand it, but they had fun. The cards now just sit in his room on a shelf
yes, its that time again. I called Sears today just to see if and when they were taking appointments yet for our yearly Christmas portrait session. Get this. The girl on the phone said November was already half filled up! I immediately kept her on the phone and pulled out my calender. I made my appointment for November 18. The pictures would be back by December 5. This way I can write my notes in each card, put pic in, and get them out. I dread the pictures as my kids never smile right and usually one is in tears from arguing. Anyone else start thinking about pics for the kids and if so, where do you take your kids to get their pics taken? I've been happy at Sears. I belong to the Smile Savers program which is no sitting fees. I stopped going to Walmart because of the girls there. I still cannot believe its already filling up for November. The girl also told me due to high volumes, pictures taken after November will not be guaranteed to be back in time for christmas. Wow.
A lot of us stay all year long. You should too! We chat about everything. Its great
I remember getting the Childrens Palace Toy Ads. Loved that Toys store when I was a kid. Anyone else remember the Panda Bear?!
I have several presents I need to buy and mail out this year to relatives that have moved out of State. I have heard that past a certain point in the Christmas Season, the post office can't guarantee it will arrive by 12/25. When does the rush hit and when should I have presents bought and mailed by? Also, how do you mail christmas gifts if they are an irregular size? I have some BF items that I want to get, but not sure how to box them for safe delivery? Thanks for any info from anyone familiar with mailing out items.
This year I think I'll jump the gun and put the tree and decorations up the weekend BEFORE BF instead of the week of it. I get so tired after shopping! When do you start getting all the Christmas decorations/tree up at your house?
I have to hide it to look at it first! LOL. Otherwise there is circles everywhere from both kids and I can't see anything.
sometimes if my kids go to my mother-in-laws house on christmas eve, they open her gifts then.
My childrens school no longer have christmas parties due to the different religions. They only have the fall party (don't call it Halloween party anymore due to religions too) and Valentine's Day Party. Im the head room mom for both for both of my kids. :)
I love the ringtones I got to pick that was already programmed into my phone. There is like 10 of them
Every year I go to the Wise Owl which is a teacher supply store. I buy a basket and get a bunch of supplies. Stickers, paper, etc. My dad is a teacher so I know how much they have to spend out of pocket for supplies
I think I'd rather go into the store. Only if the variety isn't there do I shop online
Walmart only around my way
Purses, jewelry box, jewelry, watch, lip gloss and other makeup sets, clothes, head set, cd player, gift cards. Its endless!
A newbie for BF? Shes brave to accept that position!
I try to stay comfortable. Jeans, sweatshirt, and tennis shoes. My hair is usually in a pony tail too! :)
I hope the book comes in my mail. Nothing today, but Im hoping it will be in the Sunday paper. Hate to make a trip out there for it as I was just there last week
This is why I have been wrapping and bagging each gift (in the same contractor bag) so I don't forget this year!
Some stores need your discharge paperwork too. My husband was in the air force and to get the military discounts at Lowes/Home Depot you have to bring your discharge paperwork if you aren't active