My kids got the character ones last year in their stockings lol. The character ones don't have replacement heads, however, the adult ones do. (My husband got one of those in his stocking!).
Even if I only buy one or two items, I feel good as I went out on BF. Good news for me especially being in Ohio is that the weather so far is 58 degrees. UNHEARD of in Ohio for that day. Im so happy. Last two years was snow and ice. and COLD
Didn't Walmart have the adult bikes for $39 or something like that? I remember some store had them as I got a bike like the ones advertised for mothers day.
I remind them its the thought that counts. My son's birthday was yesterday and my mom got him his new X-Box controller and game but when he opened his last present it was a new sleeping bag (he will be going to 6th grade camp in the spring so she thought to buy it now). He pretty much didn't care for that one. I reminded him to thank her and appreciate that she thought of him
I don't have a set amount for my kids, but try to even out the number of presents they get. My son is 12 and his presents are more expensive so I probably spend more money on him though