The clearance people were marking down overnight last night at my Target and they spent several hours in toys. I didn't get a chance to roam around there before leaving work this morning, just a heads up though.
My dad went and got a medium nugget tray for dinner tonight. He brought in 120 nuggets! He said, "Well I wanted some for lunch tomorrow" LOL at this rate we can have them for dinner tomorrow as well.
That is an awesome amount to have saved since joining GD! I don't think I have really saved that much money since joining here.....I've just gotten more (ALOT more) for my money.
lol -- My sister and I went about 2 years ago and got a small nugget tray for lunch one day. Now we just pick one up for dinner and it feeds the entire family for dinner plus leftovers.
I can't believe they are eating his cookies!!! I hope everything gets better for you! OMG, I didn't even realize that they sold those! Tomorrow morning, I am stopping at Staples to pick a few up.
Every time we've bought for a family we never met them, we just dropped the things off at a designated place and then later on they delivered them to the families.
I think adopting a family at Christmas time is such a wonderful thing.
I have a question..... everytime I make cookies they turn hard, but I want to keep them chewy. So my question is, how do you avoid rock hard cookies???
I really didn't go back and read, but TRU and Target will also feature the Wii in Sunday's (12/17) ad.
Again, sorry if it was previously posted in this thread.