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Everything posted by becca0884

  1. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y2/beccah84/PMM.jpg Aren't these actually the ones on clearance for $49.98?? This is the Disney Mix Max sells for $99.99 on Disney. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y2/beccah84/DMS.jpg This is the Mix Stick that sells for $49.99 regularly on Disney.
  2. Sam's Club sells a Hershey's Fund Raising box which includes 52 candy bars for somewhere around $19 (comes to about .36 cents for each candy with a profit of $33 each box). A lot of people buy 1 initial box for the $19 and then just pick up candy bars from the store at like .33 and then sell those for $1 when they run low.
  3. The only place I can find online that has it in stock is Sears, but the S&H is $100. I haven't seen it in the stores.
  4. When I was looking at them, $179.99 was the average price. You could always use the Bed Bath & Beyond or Linens and Things 20% coupons and get it at the B&M stores.
  5. Welcome to GottaDeal!! :] I see you live in Arlington, Tx. I live just down the road in Flower Mound.
  6. These are really cute and could probably be used indoors or out. http://www.littletikes.com/toys/toys-detail.aspx?Product_ID=2178&Ne=14&N=26+152+16
  7. The one I mentioned is bagless.
  8. We always seem to be buying a new vacuum, but in November 2005, we got the Dirt Devil Swift ($25 or maybe $35 BF 2005) and it is nice. We have a large persian rug from Kuwait and vacuums have a hard time getting all of the dog hair off, but this vacuum works just fine.
  9. A free shipping code would work wonders. My total was $47.xx and the shipping was $35.36 for the total.
  10. Not true at all. It will usually end in an 8 or a 4. If you are wondering if it's going to go down more, look in the top right corner and it will say either 15, 30, 50, 75, sometimes 90. If it's seasonal the lowest it will go is 90. Most other items will be the lowest when it has a 75. Hope that helps.
  11. I'm not sure if you can just print it off, but I found the rebate form on a radio station's website and it says to print it off... Anywhoo, here it is. http://www.power96rocker.com/eachevent.cfm?id=618
  12. They are the same cabinet, but they have different finishes on them. 249-12-0044 is a cherry finish and 249-12-0046 is a walnut finish.
  13. This is in stock in Frisco for anyone in the Dallas metroplex looking for one. Pier 1 Kids - #9116 2787 PRESTON ROAD FRISCO, TX 75034 214-387-0109 In Stock
  14. Woohoo, I hope I get one too!! :)
  15. Just so you know, I work at Target and I haven't a clue when items will be marked clearance or when it will be an additional percentage off.
  16. I went and checked these out and my store only had the 8 piece set and it was 104.98 so it was 30% off. It was the last one, but I am holding off until atleast 50% and if I get it, great deal, if not I will keep looking. My mom told me Sunday that she needs a new cookware set.
  17. I'm not sure if they will be starting it on a regular basis. It may be just because the sporting goods/luggage section is clearancing out a bit so they advertised those items to get them moving. I've got my eye on a few luggage items.
  18. In the ad this week, there is a page of clearance items and they list a tent in there, so I would check your store.
  19. I was just coming to post about this week's deal. I am down to only 2 hand soaps left, so I guess I will go stock up again. I love the Anti-bacterial hand soaps. Sometimes in the store they are 5/$15 or $4.50 each meaning that you have to buy all 5 to get them for that price. :\ It looks like on the website they are letting you buy them for just $3 each, but I don't know about in-store.
  20. Do you have any of the DPCIs for these cookware sets? Is the DPCI for the Utility 11 piece: 070-01-1280??
  21. Too bad this doesn't apply to retired military. :\
  22. I picked up a couple of things for store pick up. Thanks OP!
  23. Duh! Of course I wasn't thinking seasonal/holiday clearance. Yes they do only return the current clearance price when you return seasonal/holiday clearance.
  24. All I asked for was either a mp3 player or the Bare Esscentuals starter kit and I was surprised with both!
  25. Usually there is a return policy posted either near the register or hanging on a big sign above Guest Service. I would check and see if it states this new return policy because I've never heard of it before. As long as you have a gift receipt or a regular receipt you should get back what you paid. If you do not have a receipt, you will get back current learance price.
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