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Everything posted by Mommie2one

  1. I usually wait to go my Movies 4 cinema.....It eventually gets the new movies but have to wait a few months.... All movies is $1 to see. Friday and saturdays are $1.50. I did splurge and see The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe though lol Most new releases around me do not take any coupons or passes of any kind. I would check the movie theatre policies
  2. Go to your local library's site and sign up for their newsletter. When I went to my last book sale at the library, I lucked out as the day before is was on, my mom ran into a lady who told her. When I got to my library, I asked when the next one was as I was told they do it 2 times a year. She didn't have a set date, but told me to sign up for the newsletters on the site and it will be emailed. I get them monthly. And they the info was on there this time. Not sure if every library does this, but it doesn't hurt to try.
  3. My walmart used to PM without the ad, but they have toughen their rules. Have to have ad and no price matching from a store that you need a special card to get the price. That sucks
  4. The only items I bought with rebates were from Milton Bradley. I bought 3 board games and waiting for $8 in rebates from them. I mailed out the forms w/ receipts on 11/26. Although it said up to 12 weeks before check arrives
  5. I recently changed my mind on what to get my mom. Now she says she wants a DVD player for her room. So, Im off to buy it this week
  6. I buy mine at Marcs. Everyday price is 100ft roll for .97 (lowered the price). I bought Dora paper, Blues Clues, Grinch, 3 rolls of non-character paper, and Disney Princess
  7. After we open presents, we get everyone ready and I usually make a nice breakfast. Then we head to church. After wards, we go to my parents to open gifts and have christmas dinner. We only have to travel an hour or so
  8. In-laws Christmas eve Our house Christmas day
  9. I received mine. Wasn't too excited. What happened to 3 coupons? I already have a LeapPad so won't be going to TRU today
  10. Got my email about that yesterday. made my order! Thanks for posting though
  11. Thanks. Bought a bundle!
  12. Most take the +R though. At least the ones my friends and I have.
  13. A new electonics store opened up by the mall. Yesterday they had two guys standing by the street. One dressed up as Santa waving people down and a guy in a computer outfit. He was jumping around and sliding in the snow. Too funny, but again, distracting
  14. Thanks for posting. cute idea
  15. Thanks for the info. Its just for her bedroom so Im glad I don't have to spend too much!
  16. TRU in their coupons today, has the Darth Vadar Mask.
  17. I've been looking too. My Household has that "ghost" too where spots appear and no one knows what happened! I'll keep looking and if you find one, post here.
  18. How are the brands Cyberhome and Sylvania? Will these brands last a while? Hate for it to break in a few months
  19. Their quantities are very limited. Do not stock much I noticed. When they have a toy I really want, if you're not there right when they open, you mind as well for get it!
  20. Too bad you didn't buy on BF. Had some super deals on womens jean etc. I would check out the sales now. Things are pretty good (sales) and also coupons have been popping up everywhere
  21. 40 systems for my store! UGh (#286)
  22. Just make sure if you do that (buy to sell on ebay), you put it up IMMEDIATELY and offrt next day shipping or 2 day shipping. Right now if you sold one, you would double to triple your money. Don't advertise the product for christmas if you can't deliver! FedEX is good and also USPS Express shipping w/ confirmation and Insurance. Had to use that one for concert tickets I sold on year.
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