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Posts posted by ActuaryTm

  1. Do you have a home office (work from home) too?

    Until Nyc office space becomes more affordable, yes.


    Although, I do have access to a rather nice conference room on demand in a law office in midtown. A family member of mine was nice enough to offer use of such when I require it, as it is part of a remote office of a Long Island based practice.

  2. Not a bad chair at all. Purchased an identical one for a family member in Brooklyn during the summer of last year (I think I caught it on a slightly better sale, as it was almost free after rebate).


    Only thing I dislike is that the seat and the back are joined together by the arms themselves (four bolts total). In other words, the arms are not optional, as without them the seat and the back would not be joined.


    Am actually looking for a new chair myself, but I think I am going to opt for something more along these lines (or perhaps these lines), though obviously a bit more inexpensive.

  3. I personally know 6 people who have purchased Sony VAIO laptops and regretted it.


    The support leaves a lot to be desired. They are very stylish, light and awesome looking. But if you ever need support, good luck.

    Would agree with this sentiment (if Ross did not include me in the six mentioned) on many points as I have personally owned a number of Vaios (one purchase, five replacements across three different models). Sony mobile machines typically have very nice displays, but their proprietary parts/replacements are extremely expensive, and the support is truly awful. Even when coupled with a good local retailer's extended warranty, most regrettably mandate the first year is covered exclusively by Sony.


    Unfortunately with notebooks, most of the parts are proprietary by design, and thus choosing a good manufacturer that stands behind their product (and repairs it when it does indeed fail) is a must.

  4. I actually did look two days ago when this was posted.


    If memory serves, I found the cable at Buy.com for around $6.00. Free shipping on orders over $25 only, however (and the hard drive was a bit more expensive there, even if coupled with a coupon).


    Suppose one could throw the cable into a later Buy.com order.

  5. How is this different from the GS model

    Likely more than you wish to know.


    Depends greatly on the which version of the G and GS are being compared. Some models have more total RAM than others. One very nice feature of the GS is the larger flash memory size (8MB v 4MB), which may play a role in later firmware (does not make much difference at this present, however).

    and is it worth the extra $20?

    If you plan to make use of SpeedBooster, perhaps. Or want the latest and greatest bleeding edge.


    Personally own the 54G, and find it extremely reliable and useful - especially in client/WDS mode.

  6. <a href="http://www.broadbandreports.com/shownews/38267">Hack it</a> with the latest third-party firmware.

    Was planning on posting this information after sighting the topic. Beaten by the thorough GottaDeal "user".


    Excellent router, especially when coupled with any of the number of third party firmwares.


    GS model is an additional $20 for those seeking such (link on picture below):



  7. easytim: you may want to list which applications you make use of regularly, and your preferred resolution. That would enable those offering aid to make well informed suggestions, rather than pricing out a great many cards.


    If you aren't a high end gamer/graphic designer/video editor/CAD/CAM user/utilizing more than one display/etc, there are few reasons to spend a great deal of money on a video card. A moderately or inexpensively priced quality card can suit the needs of most average users.

  8. Looks like I need to stay within these guide lines. (Right?)

    Many, many video cards will support WSXGA+ resolution. If that is the only considering in purchasing the 9800 Pro, you can certainly choose a much more inexpensive card.


    The feature that should most influence your decision is purchasing a card that offers a DVI interface.

  9. No one made mention of this quite yet, but you might want to research your machine a bit further and/or post more information about your machine; specifically, the motherboard in question, and the AGP bus speed.


    No sense in spending additional funds on a card if the AGP slot is limited to 2x or 4x.

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