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Everything posted by ActuaryTm

  1. With Ross, it's a Pavlovian response. FM Tuner = Ross' Meat Powder
  2. Bottom barrel ($6.99 + shipping). Not certain I would trust the product or the reseller, however. Might consider the card originally mentioned from this source ($29.99, free shipping), or the refurbished version ($28.99 shipped) from the Egg.
  3. None in my area, either. A total of one (yes, ONE) in all of Manhattan, and none in Queens. Disappointment! Disappointment!
  4. The Computer Geeks reported weight may be a bit off. The manufacturer site states 5.5 lbs. Edit: at second glance, the weight mentioned is the shipping weight.
  5. I thought it was Fonzie this week. Glad you circumvented the attack, Terry.
  6. Above link may need some correction. Works (partially, no images load) when the HTTPS is changed to an HTTP. May be a SonataWeb issue. Edit: Now fixed. (or was it just me?)
  7. Congratulations, Ross - both on the deal, and getting out of bed in time. Just be aware that for dual channel support, the DIMMs must be added in pairs matching in both size and speed, Ross. Notebookforums has a rather concise FAQ here.
  8. Thank you for the clarification. Out of curiousity, are these concession type coupons stackable with public coupons?
  9. Any way GottaDeal.com could work out some affiliate commission with Honda? I am hanging around Ross too much, aren't I?
  10. Rossy recommending the Honda Odyssey in 3...2...
  11. It could have been worse: http://www.tulip-ego.com/images/0003.jpghttp://www.tulip-ego.com/images/0008.jpg
  12. You'll want to avoid this particular retailer mentioned above. While not all resellers in New York city are bad, a large percentage of them deal in gray market goods, which often translates to no warranty coverage in the United States. Warranty coverage is carefully mentioned on the "About us" page, and the Reseller Ratings are what one can expect from a large percentage of Nyc based photography/electronic stores. As chance would have it, this particular store happens to be just a few blocks around the corner from one of my relatives in Brooklyn. Considering the nature of this purchase, and the amount being spent, you are far better off considering an alternate retailer. Good luck.
  13. Don't concern the man with a minor detail such as that - he's enjoying the idea of being able to possibly save that amount of money in a hot deal.
  14. Agreed. Likely the last chance at a similar savings until the next quarter.
  15. Just think if you instead opted for one of these how much additional space that would yield.
  16. Case in point. As I've admitted before my friend, I suffer from the same affliction at times - just a less aggressive strain.
  17. Just out of curiosity, do you believe you'd really make good use it, Ross? Do you/would you burn many DVDs? Also have yet to see a steep enough decline in the cost of dual layer media. Don't get me wrong: I think it's certainly a great choice as far as writers go. Aside from the occassional video-based or backup oriented DVD, I have yet to really make heavy use of the LiteOn 8x +/-R/RW I own (and confess the only reason I bought it was a terrific deal that resulted in the cost being less than $20.00 total).
  18. I believe the title used with Risk Assessment Analyst? Someone with a better memory chime in if I am wrong? No. There are risk analysts that typically work alongside the actuary (or actuaries), but are more slated towards the product development/deployment/in-force analysis/etc side of the equation, rather than the truly intense mathematical side.
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