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Everything posted by noaimhere

  1. I also bought a dyson and 4 pound memory foam my total was just under 500.
  2. i love them.
  3. $6 wallflowers and free shipping on $65 at Bath and Body works
  4. I got a dog leash last night for 1.97 and I was pleased. :) Good deal for you!
  5. Sorry, I meant $90 boots for 4.97. I bought 5 pair of shoes total.
  6. i have not had good luck wi/ that brand of dvd. I bought four 2 years ago and they were all working for maybe a month.
  7. I scored boots and shoes for $4.97 today. I couldn't believe it. they were pretty picked over but I bought 90 boots, 2 sandals, 2 men's shoes for my son Vans and leather flip flops for $25 total.
  8. Is having 10 for $5. I scored some nice things!
  9. wow, good deals!
  10. My store was 75 as well. I bought a bunch of Method countertop cleaner for .62 - can be uused on most anything I only spent 43. and also bought a clearance skirt :) I was pleased with my finds, but many of our hidden deals were not discounted. Nope, no way. Weird.
  11. I also found the wii at TRU. I had the gamestop bundle that arrived on the 18thg - the day it promissed to ship. I tried to find someone locally that wanted to have the bundle and finally returned it yesterday.
  12. Well my Wii arrived from Gamestop. I'm a little stressed about the cost though. But it is here! yeah.
  13. I am not a walmart shopper -thankfully!
  14. This is OT but what is that movie thing called that shows dvds on the ceiling or wall? This is a last minute request.
  15. I have not heard anything about my gamestop bundle. I'm quite nervous. Dec. 18 is sooo close...
  16. Ikwym! A few years back I loved Dell... NOW NO WAY!
  17. OMGosh! I went back today and it was even cheaper!!! Fleece pants for 2.49~!!!
  18. Sure! I bought some about 2 weeks ago and stopped in and they had even more. the really nice warm fleece ones were the cheapest. I was thinking these would make snow pants for our light Maryland winters....
  19. Just gets better. boys pants 3.24-6.99 plus coupons! Aslo I scored 2 Timberland boys coats for 13.99
  20. How much is the system alone? 250? I guess it's a tad over pricced then. Games total 300, remote 40, memory card 60 that's 650, so the year warrenty cost me 45. But I will get the system at least. not so overpriced that i bought it on ebay though! :)
  21. ReallY? I have no idea. Can someone answer this?
  22. I missed out at Target, but Game stop has them right now 11:56 am EST Dec. 3!!! I just spent 760 including shipping/tax
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