Here's my story of the $149 emachine from last year.... I arrived at BB at 1am there were already 100 people in line and the emachine and laptop was sold out. I decided to leave and head over to walmart and wait for their sale for the computers. Of course there were already 100 people waiting at super walmart for the same things. We decided to leave and headed home to our small town. Then it dawned on me that our local walmart would have the same things and since it was not a super walmart, we may be able to get one. So we headed to our local walmart and found the computers in the BF ad. There was only about 15 people waiting so we figured we had a good shot. While waiting for the ropes to come off, i noticed a display of emachine computers. I walked over and could not believe they had the same computer BB was having in their BF ad. Of course Walmart had the price for $450. I took the emachine up to the front desk and my BB ad and asked them if they were going to price match. They said yes but i had to wait until 5am to check out. I could not believe my luck! ***Removed By Moderator*** Moderator Note: Illegal and unethical practices should not and will not be discussed here. Consider this your one and only warning. --Scott