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Everything posted by gemini1217

  1. Can we PLEASE trade????? I have 3 eight year olds that think reading 15 minutes a night is punishment!!!!
  2. From work: 2 of the guys gave me bottles of wine 1 gave me a bottle of vodka So what are you thinking they are trying to say to me?
  3. One of my 8 yr olds got a portable DVD player, too!!! I am sure the other to will be having fits for one by next Xmas!! Might as well start looking for the deals!!
  4. Santa doesn't wrap for us! He used to & always used special paper. (you know the paper Mom & Dad don't buy because it is too expensive!! )
  5. Oh bless your heart, Outnumbered. I feel for you!!! He will enjoy Christmas!! I know it is easier said than done, but don't worry about it. When he wakes up on Christmas morning & sees what Santa brought him...he will be ecstatic (sp?)
  6. Ahhh...the new generation!!! I understand my three 8 yr. olds want one, too! They think they all need one in their own rooms. 1) we can't afford it 2) way too young & need supervision while surfing 3) when I get my laptop (dreaming) then they will be able to "own" this computer, BUT not for a long time will they have their own computer. You said that your son hasn't said anything to you, but you read this on a website from school? If that is the case, he might have been just going along with the other kids? Hopefully for you that is the case!!! And don't fret too much, my DS has wanted a dirt bike even before he could ride his bicycle w/o training wheels. He is just NOW getting one....this will be the 4th year of asking Santa for one. But every year he enjoys Christmas morning just the same!!!
  7. My kids' rooms stay colder than the rest of the house. So I have to keep ours around 72. We are going to have to close some vents & stuff to get it adjusted right. If it wasn't for the kids...we would keep it around 68-70.
  8. My nephew wanted a "kitchen" last year. My SIL was going to get it for him and my brother had a fit. I thought this was ridiculous. I understand that you always want your boys to be "boys." BUT good grief...my brother having a tantrum because his "boy doesn't need a girl's kitchen." I about slapped him in the face!!!! I get alot of slack because my DS has a pink polo shirt. They think it is awful that he is wearing a "pink shirt." And my son is as boyish as you can get. Let kids be kids...if he doesn't like the cabbage patch...just another perk for his sister!!!!
  9. I know EXACTLY what you are talking about! My DS 8th bday was last week & it was just like yesterday I was trying to figure out what to get him! December has flown by!!! Too fast!
  10. CG480, you sound like me trying to buy PS2 games. I am so clueless!!! Wish I could help!
  11. gemini1217


    So, the manager decided after all NOT to get one sent in? You should have told him/her...that you don't give a flying #$(% if it is worth it to them or not...it is worth it to you (the customer) & that should be all that matters!
  12. Eddie (my Boston Terrier) will get a stocking from Santa. Santa usually puts a dog bone & some biscuits in there. This year (if I can afford it), Santa might bring him a sweater. Eddie is the biggest wus when it is cold outside. He barely will walk outside to use the bathroom!!!
  13. After "santas" presents actaully put me overbudget...I had to find ways to have presents under the tree for the kids. Yes, everything that I got them is clothing (excluding two presents). My DS has already shook & pushed on his presents & he is mad! But, I think he will get over it once Santa shows up!!!
  14. I got one of these for my DS when he was a lil' tot. My parents still have it over their house for all of the grandkids. Very big hit!!!! I was lucky, though, I found mine @ a yard sale for $15.
  15. I checked my order this morning & it still shows pending. They have already debited my account for the $$$. Has anyone every used this company before? I am just afraid that I am not going to get my present before Xmas!!
  16. Thanks for the info! My kids are all 8 years old. We have the Disney but I am getting tired of the same questions with that one! I was hoping that the Jr. was for their age group! Glad that i didn't waste the $$$ on it!
  17. Nice....I might have to stop by Eckerds on my way home! Thanks
  18. What is a Dyson? I know...I know...I am as lost as last years Easter Egg, huh?
  19. My December bills to be paid!!!! Christmas is breaking me!!!!
  20. On BF, I got the 4-1 table from Kmart...and I bet you that mine is not air hockey...I bet you it is knock hockey! Crap! I didn't even think of that...I was just happy to see one with foosball, "air" hockey, & ping pong.
  21. How do you go to JC Penny's through this forum so GottaDeal gets the credit? And are the clothes discounted??
  22. Our team is sold-out!! Darn! Thanks for a great post anyway!
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