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Everything posted by rennakay

  1. Here in alabama both 45 minutes away are 75% off. I scored with those hershey kissables and made 6 cents per bag ( 6 bags ) with their coupon of 75 cents off and they rang up 69cents each and I had a coupon for each bag. Lg. 4 pack ziplock storage bags 1.24 present shaped stocking holders 1.25 pedi cure sets 3.74 3 pack sport balls .99 polar bear with silver "holiday 2006" charm 2.49 lighted santa 1.99 lighted snowman 1.99 swag bow (lighted) 3.24 cake mix .24 frosting .33 turtle wax holiday car care set 3.74 pet stocking loaded with toys 3.74 holiday tissue .24 gift boxes .49 plus a few other items I can't figure out what they were on the list, I'll have to go check. Going back at 90% off to see if anything left that didn't make it out today.
  2. says not eligible for in store pick up, yikes $15.99 shipping cost. anyone able to get free shipping?
  3. Have never put a link in before but was able to find site for tees, try this link http://www.sears.com/sr/javasr/subcat.do?Filter=Brand%7CTKS%5E&cat=Boys+4+-+7&vertical=CLTH&subcat=Tops&BV_UseBVCookie=Yes&gridindicator=true
  4. If you can apply for a target card you can get 10 % off your purchase. Targets ps2 is 129.00. I didn't even have to put it on my card and they still gave me 10% off so paid less than 129 before tax.
  5. I called 2 of my area HD's and they stated they didn't have the Rigid 12 gallon wet/dry and they sold out on BF. They had no idea there is an ad for it now on their internet web site, they said it was there early bird special I said no it's listed on your web site now as a 2 day sale. Any way looks like I won't be getting one for my DB
  6. $38 Walmart $47 Goodies $10 Bath and Body works ________ $95 BF total
  7. Looks like I'll get to sleep in the BF unless Target has a great deal to get up and out the door by 3 am. I live 45 minutes from the nearest target but nothing around me worth getting up for and I live all year for BF. Held back some BF mad money, looks like I can start spending it. Hoping for other deals to come from walmart because everything I saw listed is the early bird and they usually have other items on sale I don't have to fight over.
  8. I don't get to shop at Target for black friday because the closes one is 45 minutes away. I save my target shopping for the after christmas mark down sales. I save a little money from my black friday stash just to use on 90% day. Some times slim pickens but I can always find enough to fill two carts. Already planning on using a vacation day for it which I'm hoping is around 1/06/07. Happy hunting
  9. We have a cato's here and I never shopped there thinking prices would be way to high. I finally went in about a year ago and was shocked at the low prices for really nice looking clothes. I did have one problem and I talked to some others that shopped there and they said the same thing happened to them. My blouses shrunk in length at the waist and arms, thought I may have put on a couple of pounds but nooooo. So I had a couple left with the tags on I hadn't wore yet so I took them back. Maybe it was just an isolated incident. I think I would give them a try again when I need to buy for myself.
  10. Thanks to this board I scored TMX for my grandson, I was going to go first thing in the am but saw where everyone was saying they would be putting them out at midnight so I was going to go about 11:30 when a friend called about 10:30 and said they were already linning up for them so I headed right down and I was number 16 after a few cut in line. They started at exactly 12midnight handing them out with a limit of 2 per person, many people had spouses and kids with them to get extra, I was sweating it being told they only had 50 to give. When I got to the counter there were 7 left, I was going to get an extra just in case I ran into someone who was hunting one as I did to give as a present not sell on ebay, but I got to thinking of the people behind me and and told them no I'll just take one. So many didn't get one this morning. Hope everyone can find one today.
  11. About 200.00 so far, but planning on spending it on what i want again this year. Gonna send gift cards this year, shipping usually cost me around $100 so I've decided to go with the cards. I don't like it but hate the shipping and worrying about the weight for a toy I want them to have. Will buy each a toy and an outfit. Last year I shopped at stores on line that offered free shipping but they live in the boon docks so some of the items where lost at the post offices and they didn't get them until 2 weeks after christmas.
  12. I hit kmart 1st, then big lots on thanksgiving day. three years ago they were giving away free gift cards at kmart on BF, my eldest son and his family were visiting and we went to kmart 1st. I was number 6 and he was number 7 in line, well when we got to the check out we learned he had a $500 gift card so any place that offers free gift cards, i will sit in line all night to take that chance, by the way my gift card was for $1. geeeze
  13. I live in alabama, my son who is 18 this year usually goes with me, he loves to shop and watch all the people too. The only problem is I can't buy for him that day and miss great deals for him. Last year I had to go it alone but got to talk and meet all types of people, it's so fun to swap BF stories while waiting in line. Always run into someone I know or should I say hide because I'm lucky if I've brushed my hair and many of my friends come dressed to the hills. Good luck to us all on BF
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