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Everything posted by peifgirl

  1. lmao yeah thats worth camping for bwwaaahhhhaaa:D
  2. i wouldn't even bother if it was a good ad (which its not)...they just laid off 100 people at my nearest one and i have heard they have like maybe 5 registers going on the weekends and the lines are obnoxious.....so avoid the bloomington IL one if you like the ad
  3. the ad is lame i am not even bothering
  4. i wake pretty easy cause i am that excited sometimes i wake up earlier then my alarm
  5. thanks for putting this together for us....very much appreciated
  6. its the last thread that is pinned at the top
  7. oh and old navy is doing the free mp3 player with a purchase of $20 or more
  8. my toys r us does free coffee and dunken donuts while standing in line before they open and after they open....and they have a monitor out there watching to make sure people get their spot back in line if they leave it to get either coffee or a donut
  9. hmm not as good as last year for what i need
  10. thanks brad are you going to be putting up the ad scan too?
  11. can anyone point out the ads for them all i see is kmart thanksgiving and i am not going out that day....
  12. thanks for posting
  13. you and me both....me and my friend mainly go to people watch and laugh at people:g_dance: :g_dance:
  14. no prob at the one i go to
  15. peifgirl

    Employee "tickets"?

    i was at kmart today and not one person approached me and the store always looks the same....not a mess but to much crap in the isles that you can hardly push the basket around the store
  16. i recently have decided to try to go to target if i can...i am tired of spending forever to park, walk 5 miles from my car to what ever i need when only need a couple of things. its just to much with my kids being 4 and 2.....i really don't grocery shop there so no biggie on that dept.
  17. peifgirl

    TWO Day Sale!!!

    didn't know about this sale glad i didn't miss anything... but i did go today and get b1g1 free on colorwonder coloring books, and b1g1 half off of other crayola stuff
  18. :gd_orange :holiday16
  19. lmao i was thinking that too..... he needs a good slap of reality...who the heck falls for that crap :gdlaugh: thanks for the laugh
  20. i just sacrifice sleep...i get up at 3am friday morning and go...but i guess dh sacrifices too he works lots of overtime so we have the money for me to go
  21. i got mine in the mail today...last years was a better sale...but then again their sale prices are now matching some of walmarts everyday price...might just buy there now to avoid walmart....
  22. thanks for posting....old navy is always one of my stops
  23. dear santa i would just like to thank you for all the Christmas's you got me just what i wanted. and for all the ones that you didn't, hey i would of been a spoiled brat if you did. I was writing you again after all this time for a Logitech io2 Digital Pen Writing System. Its for my husband. I would really like to get this for him so maybe he would be more interested in writing down all of his ideas then talking my ear off. maybe then i could get more sleep at night. i love him dearly but the man could talk your ear off. i never thought it would be possible but i have seen it happen i sure did. well i won't keep you i just wanted to seek your help in my SAVE MY EARS campaign. much love!!! me
  24. yep stopping for starbucks....check stopping for krispy kremes....check avoiding walmart......check getting good deals cause i check here........check
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