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Everything posted by lucyismycat

  1. Best: XM radio or my quilting machine w/frame Worst: an ugly wall-clock from an aunt of mine. This, after she had been to our new house and asked where I was going to hang a clock in the spare bathroom. I explained that I wasn't going to, didn't think it was necessary, etc. So she specifically writes on the gift tag/card that I was supposed to put this clock in the bathroom, and that she'd be "checking up on" me to make sure it was there. The clock went to the Salvation Army and she hasn't been to our house since then.
  2. I think it's so great that you're willing to do this for them. A couple of years ago there was a family in our neighborhood that was having a rough time. I really wanted to help, but I knew that their problem was temporary, and they probably didn't realize that I knew about their troubles, and I didn't want there to be really weird feelings later on. One day in December I was making homemade chicken soup, and ended up putting it in half gallon containers, well, I ended up with enough for the entire neighborhood. So I put that together with a loaf of homemade bread, some cookies and a card. I presented it to them with the notion that it was for one of those crazy nights when they've been out shopping all day and didn't want to worry about supper. They really liked it, and the next year the husband started asking when they were going to get soup in October. Now it's a tradition.
  3. Ooh, an all white tree with solid color lights would be really pretty! We're all white lights at our house except for one strand around the center of one tree, that's red. I am liking the idea of all white lights with some bigger, colored lights on the outside of the tree, tho. If DH had his way, the lights would look like they were choking the tree, you wouldn't see any actual branches, just outlines of them covered in wires.
  4. I'll be putting up the outside lights sometime in October, depending on weather. DH is NO help with that, so it takes me awhile to crawl around on the roof getting things just right. Then the inside decorating will start either the week of Thanksgiving (if we're going somewhere else for Tday) or Thanksgiving weekend if we're having everyone to our house. The outside lights come on late Thursday night/early Friday morning when I leave to go shopping.
  5. I start with a list, just so I don't forget to buy something for somebody, and I'm terrible at forgetting what I've already bought. So I start with a few ideas and then go from there. The most important thing for me is to remember to write down what I bought after I bought it, so I don't go too far overboard with any one person.
  6. Just like normal, you mean. My craziest memory was BF 05, I got to the line at Staples about a half hour before they opened, I was surprised at how mellow everyone seemed to be after the mess I'd just come from at CC. Was I ever surprised when I got inside the store and saw these people clawing for the 1gig jump drives they had that year. Some poor sales associate came out of the back with a couple more boxes of them and had to fight his way through the line so he could dump them in the bins. I didn't think he was going to get his hands back, those people went CRAZY grabbing at him! Finally, someone shoved him out of the way so they could get through and he just stood there looking a little dazed. As I got past him I waved my hand in front of his face to make sure he was okay, he said something that indicated this was his first BF, and I'm pretty sure he quit his job on the spot. I would not have been surprised if he was bleeding. There's just no excuse for that kind of behavior. Last year's favorite memory was standing outside of Joanns at 10 'til 6, I was the only person in line. Next door is an Office Depot, and I think those people had been there half the night. We were shouting at each other, I kept trying to get them to come get in my line. Didn't work. Another fond memory of last year was DH standing in line at Menards while I ran around the store collecting stuff for everyone in line. I'd come back with some coffee cups or something, and someone else would want one. When we were in line next to the electronic games we started passing them back so that everyone who wanted one could get the one they wanted. The sweetest thing was when two ladies wanted the same one (last one) and started arguing that the other one SHOULD take it, because they each didn't think they really needed it. I do try to carry candy for cashiers, I usually start out with a bag of mints or mint-chocolates. I've never had one turn me down yet. :)
  7. I love (and sort of collect) the candle-powered Christmas windmills. So far I only have 4 of them, but I'm trying to get a new one every year.
  8. DH handles all of the wrapping at our house, but I make the wrapping paper. I start with a roll of brown postal paper and then set to work embellishing it. I usually give it to him already stamped with "woodsy" stuff, and when he's done he gives it back to me so I can finish off with greenery, twigs, a little ribbon and some gold spray. It probably ends up costing not a whole lot more than regular paper since I can use what I find in our yard. When I was a kid, the Santa gifts would have newspaper wrapping, but the papers would be from Japan or Germany or somewhere. My Mom finally told me several years ago that she would have one of her coworkers pick up the newspapers when they traveled. I had no clue, I just figured Santa got all of the newspapers in the world delivered to the north pole. Heh.
  9. I usually get up early on Tday and head to Meijers to 1. get a paper and 2. pick up whatever was in their Thursday leaked ad. Last year I had given heads up to several coworkers about the iPod they had, so I hung out in line with them for awhile. Then we head to the in-laws for lunch. I spend the afternoon rummaging through the ads (and the binder is a GREAT idea! I'm doing that this year!), and making my final plan. I lay out my clothes, make sure pda and cellphone are charged, try to get to bed early, but can never get to sleep. Friday morning I'm up by 2 or 3, depending on where I'm going, and the last thing I do as I'm leaving is turn on the outside Christmas lights. It's the first time they come on, other than testing, and I feel like it's my little "welcome to Christmas" to the rest of the crazies who are up like me. :)
  10. I take my pda so I can play some games and, if I happen to be somewhere like BB or CC who has free wifi, I can check email and surf. Mostly I just try not to freeze.
  11. Tickets for St Louis haven't gone on sale yet, according to ticketmaster it will be September 29. I went by myself last year to see them for the first time, I think my Mom is going with me this year. I can't wait!
  12. Last year I hit Meijers early on TD, and wasn't disappointed. They had a lot of really great deals, so I'll probably be back there this year. In the past my Mom and I have gone to Kmart on TD. I'm not sure what other stores are open that day around here. Maybe Walmart.
  13. I've usually gone by myself, it's just easier. But last year DH met up with me around 6 and went to a couple of stores with me. It was nice to be able to take his car for the rest of the day while he took mine home and unloaded. He also was a good line place holder, and is extremely tall, so he was able to get a few things that were "out" on lower shelves. I've hit him up for going this year to a few stores and he probably will. However, I'll probably still do the bulk of BF on my own. It all sort of depends on who's living at our house by then (foster parents).
  14. Exactly...which is why I'm afraid this round will be blenders and towels, instead of more electronics. By that point I'll just be buying filler gifts and stocking stuffers.
  15. My mother has now decided she wants a Sonicare Elite 7300 toothbrush for Christmas. I'm seeing that they're around $80, but I'm hoping I can get a coupon or a discount code somewhere? I don't have a particular price in mind, but I'd definitely like to pay less than $80 if I can! Thanks! :)
  16. I dunno if it's nationwide or not, but my local Circuit City has an unblocked wifi connection. I used it last year on my pda while I was waiting outside the store.
  17. I also received mine Saturday. They have the usual $1/yard flannel, but after bad experiences in previous years I won't be buying any. The only thing I'm interested in is their $1.99/yd solid fleece and the $2.99/yd print fleece, otherwise it seemed kind of boring.
  18. DH will be going with me for the first time (for the early stuff, anyway). He's 6'7" and can reach the high stuff for me :)
  19. I'm going to see them this coming Friday for the first time, 5th row, a little to the right. I'm so excited, can't wait!
  20. I only shop alone for the most part, nevermind if it's BF or not. I don't like waiting on someone else, being rushed, or stopping for something to eat every hour or two. I know how to entertain myself in line: pda w/new game and music loaded, and a cellphone. I love it! :)
  21. I go home, drop all the stuff and usually by that time DH is up and around and has decided he wants to go somewhere. We'll head out again for a couple of hours and go out to dinner. That night I fiddle with the outside light timers (lights are up in mid-October, but not on until BF morning when I leave).
  22. Immediate family, which includes: DH, DMIL, DFIL and DM (DF is deceased). DH and I are both onlies, no children.
  23. Checking in from Springfield, IL. Just me, DH, 2 dogs, 2 cats and some saltwater fish. Can't wait for those ads this year!
  24. I always go to Joanns first, since they'll be having lots of fabric on sale. They always have flannel for $1/yard, which is pretty cheap (it's pretty cheap quality too, but I don't use it in things that are really going to matter). Plus, their notions will be 50% off and I usually save up any of those purchases until now. I also have several coupons that I can use, since my mom and all of her friends get the flyer but none of them actually sew. For me, the biggest fun is standing in line waiting to get fabric cut and chatting with the other people, finding out what they're going to make with their bargains. We'll trade bolts when we're done, so that everyone gets what they need (unless someone is feeling greedy and buys the whole thing!).
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