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Posts posted by DaFees

  1. Ok I said this under the individual pages found on the main homepage but this applies here to the .pdf scans as well:


    "Ok, I think these scans are ALL wrong. I'm lookng at the movies and games and your scans show them as being higher than what the walmart.com website is showing me directly. For example the big three sections of games come up as $25, $15 and $10 for me where as you scan has them at $39, $18 and $11. You may want to double check your scans."

  2. THANK YOU for the ad, and more to the point thank you for all of today's ads. I mean wow seems like the ads are on rapid fire today. I've taken a quick scan of this ad and there does seem to be some deals, depending upon what you are after. I plan to take a more thorough look through though in a little bit.


    At least with Best Buy and Sears being put up today I can now start chatting with family and figure what everyone will want and where I may be lining up this year.

  3. Any chance we could get a .pdf scan of the book? I really like to stick the .pdf files on my family's iPad as it then makes it really easy to show the ads to other people.
  4. Starting in Lancaster, PA then on to York and then Hanover back home for awhile and wrap up the day in Gettysburg.

    Love the outlets on BF!

    Ok, what are the odds that two people on this forum come from the same exact town? I'm not sure but here's a good example.


    I will likely be camping out near the front (if I'm not the front myself) of the line at Best Buy in York, PA once again, then once done I shall travel the short trip home to Hanover.


    @Alexle2007, you mention Lancaster, which I assume then means you'll start out at the Rockvale Outlets. I've never been there on Black Friday but from what I'm told it can get a little crazy, :)

  5. Alright, if I may I shall jump in on this thread to help as I have quite a bit of experience with this promotion which is now running for the 4th or 5th time. Also I am a part of another forum that deals specifically with Blu-rays and partly on deals on Blu-rays and there a thread I'm following where everyone is talking about this promotion has reached 184 pages. Anyways I'll start with two GREAT deals I just grabbed for myself today.


    First is Prometheus 3D Blu-ray combo pack (which by the way includes extras not found in the 2D combo pack). Right now if you go to coupons.com, a website I will assume most are familiar with, is offering a $5 off coupon good on Prometheus (3D, 2D or the regular DVD). You take Best Buy's pricing this week for Prometheus, along with the Upgrade & Save plus the manufacturer's coupon I just mentioned and you can get the 3D version for $14.99 and the 2D version for $9.99, again I must state that the 3D version contains extras not in the 2D combo pack and YES the 3D combo pack includes 2D for those who haven't yet any 3D hardware.


    Next deal (Now that you've seen what is considered a prequel to the following set) is the Alien Anthology (Alien, Aliens, Alien3, Alien Resurrection) on Blu-ray. Again, coupons.com has a $5 off coupon good for this Anthology box set. So combine that coupon with the Upgrade & Save plus this week's $29.99 price at Best Buy and you can score this set for $19.99. That's 4, YES 4 movies for $19.99.


    So basically you get a great set for a cheap price and then a NEW release for a great price as well. Can't beat either of those.


    Now a couple of things I have learned. One, this Upgrade & Save promotion is good on any Blu-ray, evident by the fact that I and countless others have yet to really be told no. If you are looking for a particular title, start with the SKU and Best Buy's website. If the SKU is an 8 digit SKU then that movie is not carried in any stores, period. If it is a 7 digit SKU then the movie is carried in stores. Said movie being available is another matter. If you want to know if something is available, it is better to call the store rather than rely on the Best Buy website as it can be wrong and has been wrong before.


    Two, some cashiers will occasionally try to deny you using a manufacturer's coupon along with the Upgrade & Save from what I and other's have learned there is no policy which states this to be the case. So if a cashier tells you no, ask to speak to a store manager and let said manager tell you no.


    Third, let's say there is a particular movie you want, really bad, but ALL the Best Buy's in your area are sold out, and since the Upgrade & Save coupon can't be used online, what do you do. There is two options. First option is to see if your local store offers what is known as Express Lane Checkout. This service available at Customer Service basically allows you to purchase an item in stores to have it delivered to your home. During this you should be able to use and all discounts and/or coupons you have including the Upgrade & Save. Wording on the Upgrade & Save coupon might give a little wiggle room for store managers to tell you no, but so far I've not been told no yet, a few others have though, so this can be YMMV, but never hurts to try. The second option, especially for titles not sold in stores, you can order the title online. Then once you receive it you can take it to the store to return it and then basically rebuy the movie but use an Upgrade & Save coupon this time. This second option really won't work anymore this time around because since the promotion ends on Saturday you wouldn't be likely to receive the online order in time. Also, be careful as I've heard stores will make you wait 2 hours before you can rebuy the movie after returning. I'm not totally sure how this all pans out as I haven't tried.


    Fourth, and probably the BIGGEST tip I can give is check all local Dollar Tree stores in your area as most carry $1 DVDs (some also carry $.25 and EVEN $.01 DVDs). You simply buy these $1 DVDs, take off all the shrinkwrap and such (as Best Buy won't accept still wrapped up movies) and then just trade them in. I've done many times now as many people get to a point they no longer have any spare DVDs to trade in. Dollar Trees usually carry a LOT of those Dog Whisperer DVDs, but Best Buy has never complained every time I trade them in. Also, you are giving business to the Dollar Tree stores, so hey, everyone wins.


    Fifth, this doesn't exactly pertain to the Upgrade & Save promotion specifically, but remember to keep your receipts because if any movie you bought drops in price no more than 30 days after you bought the movie you can take the receipt back to Best Buy and get a refund for the difference. I've also heard of a number of people having success taking in newly available coupons (or even old ones they just forgot the first time around) and their receipt into Best Buy and getting the coupon applied to their receipt AFTER the fact. Example is the Prometheus coupon that JUST came out yesterday, well some folks have been able to take that coupon into Best Buy and have it applied to their prior purchase of the movie.


    As the OP said there isn't much time left to jump on this promotion but I have quite a bit of knowledge with this GREAT promotion so if anyone has any questions, do not be afraid to ask and I shall do my best to answer them.


    EDIT: If I may add a couple more good deals to the OPs list.


    In addition to Madagascar 1 for $4.99 (After the Upgrade & Save (U&S) coupon) you can get:

    Madagascar 2 for $4.99 (After U&S)

    Taken (which should most likely include $10 movie cash to see Taken 2) for $4.99 (After U&S)

    Fight Club (which should also most likely include $10 movie cash for Taken 2) for $4.99 (After U&S)

    The Incredible Hulk (2008) for $4.99 (After U&S)

    50/50 for $4.99 (After U&S)

  6. I know this is slightly off topic, since we are talking about price matching, but I must say that, assuming it pans out according to plan, I like how Target says it will offer free wifi in all of its stores. If it is up and running while folks are waiting in line on Black Friday this could be good as it would allow them to purchase all non-doorbuster deals online then that way when the doors open they need only worry about the doorbusters. I understand there a lot of logistics to consider when offering free wifi, but I wish all Best Buys would do the same, so that when I am lined up outside their doors for Black Friday I could have access to places like this website or Facebook, etc. I understand that if everyone is using the same free internet it could be come quite slow, but still it'd be better than nothing. Plus Best Buy could borrow a line from Target and say that they're offering the wifi to make the customer's shopping experience better by way of them having easier access to the Best Buy mobile app.


    Anyways, it is great to know that Target will be doing this.

  7. My experiences don't rank up in the same level as others posted here or compare to the horror stories I've heard with Wal-Mart.


    I can tell you that Wednesday night I was waiting for the Best Buy ad to come online at midnight or 1AM. Well both times cames and gone and no ad was posted yet. Waited until 2AM, no ad posted. At that point it was the time I decided to go line up at Best Buy. So as I'm driving to Best Buy, I can see it's getting close to 3AM. So I stop at near by gas stations along the way, pull out the laptop, and see if the ad had been posted yet. Stil nothing. So by this point then I get to Best Buy and figured since they didn't have free wifi available in the area I was out of luck. Well a couple hours later around 6:30 a nice couple that was camped out behind me in line, said that they had a mobile hotspot device and that I could borrow their wifi. I tell this couple and their hotspot made my day complete, because once I was on I checked Best Buy saw the ad posted, saw the one item I wanted wasn't out of stock yet, was able to purchase one of this item, and now someone in my family is going to be super happy.


    After that the rest of the time was spent waiting in line until Best Buy opened at midnight. During the wait there was music, and the couple behind me had a portable generator set up. Eventually some other people took notice this and the couple was willing to share, so a guy busted out a TV and an Xbox. At one point someone even grilled up some hamburgers for some folks. Now sure the wait was long, the air was cold, and the worst part of all there was no port-a-potty near by, so the nearest option I could find was a wal-mart 2 minutes up the road, which wasn't helpful if you had to go in a hurry, :(. Other than that though, everyone was very friendly, the line was very orderly, no fights broke out or nothing. At 5pm and 11pm, the local news station was there doing interviews. It was all fun.


    Once the store opened I managed to get inside and get all I wanted:


    1xPS3 Holiday Bundle for myself (Birthday present from my folks)

    1x42" HDTV for $199.99 (stood in line and picked this up for my cousin)

    1x24" HDTV for $79.99 (stood in line and picked this up for my sister-in-law)

    1xToshiba Blu-ray player (stood in line and picked this up for a friend)

    1xToshiba 320GB external HDD (stood in line and picked this up for a friend)

    couple Blu-rays for myself


    a 16GB flash drive for me and my cousin.


    After than I zipped over to the nearby Wal-Mart and was able to snag a copy of Dance Central 2 for Xbox Kinect for $15, thus completing my Black Friday shopping trip and there by getting everything I ultimately wanted and needed to get. All I can say is that I can't wait to do it again next year.


    Oh and to those of you wondering, I enjoy the sport of camping at Best Buy on Black Friday. I love it so much so that each year I offer to stand in line for family and friends who otherwise would never stand in line as long as is required. naturally those who I line up for do give me a little something, which I in turn use get a couple movies or a game or two that's on sale, so it's all good.


    I tell you this though, to everyone around this area who knows me considers me THE Black Friday "go to guy" whether they want the details on the latest ad drops or need me to stand in line or whatever, I'm right there ready to help.

  8. Ok, I managed to find a link to the PS3 bundle on Best Buy's website, but I can't find no such link on Target's website. Does anyone know where I can find a link to the PS3 bundle for $199.99 so that right at "midnight" I can refresh that link, verify the deal, add to cart, check out and be happy?
  9. I need some help here. I'm looking at the ad and I understand that all the ticketed items are one per person because each person can only have one ticket and therefore one item. But what about non-ticketed items. I mean like on page two of the ad they list some flash drives for sale. Would those be one per person. Also what about something like the PlayStation 3 bundle, is that one per person? I mean how do we even exactly know which items will be ticketed and not and what items carry a limit.


    I apologize if this has been asked already, but I am interested in 2 of the PlayStation 3 bundles and I know those 16GB flash drives are a good deal and I wouldn't mind picking up two of those.

  10. Does anybody think there will be any deals on the 64GB iPod Touches? I mean I know amazon.com currently offers about $30 off retail, but I'm just curious if anyone will top that.


    I currently have an 8GB 1st Gen iPod Touch, and I'm at a point now, it's get to be a hassle. When I first got the iPod a year ago or so it was great being able to listen to music, play games, and access facebook from mobile hotspots. However as I caught onto sales and my app library began growing I began quickly running out of room. Now I'm constantly having to decide which apps and music I want on my iPod the most. I figure I'll just ask for a 64GB this Christmas and that should take care of it all. Also not being able to run half the apps I have because I can't run 4.0+ firmwares is a pain.

  11. Small Business Saturday, details here, http://smallbusinesssaturday.com/


    Question is, who among us shall be participating in this event? I mean can American Express genuinely think that the average, cash strapped in this tight economy, American, can afford to forgo the savings that the big box stores offer in favor of paying the premiums that come with small businesses, even though shopping at small business is suppose to help everyone.


    if I'm being honest, most of my shopping is done on Black Friday, and not the day after, and if I do shop the day after, I don't know how much of it actually is through small businesses.

  12. This is a tough assignment. Isn't this really short term or setup cost? The PS3, Xbox, and WII only compare in that each play video games. The PS3 and Xbox also stream Netflix is HD while the WII is only SD. The Xbox requires an additional subscription fee to stream Netflix (which adds to long term cost). Only the PS3 is also a BD player. For someone looking at these things, the cost of the Xbox and especially the WII setup will be much higher than the cost of the console.


    If you are talking about long term cost, it's probably a good idea to estimate the cost of a list of top games. These tend to cost most for the PS3 and least for the WII.

    I appreciate you comments, but let me say a few things. The main reason I only compare consoles for their game playing abilities is because sometimes that all a person wants their console to do. Sometimes families will buy a Wii because it has a lot of kid friendly games for their children, not because the Wii can stream Netflix. Also usually when it comes to Netflix you have to look at this way, if Netflix is something important to a family, then they either already have Netflix, or the fact that a console streaming is reason enough for them to get Netflix. Either way this is something they already have factored in or will factor in. Plus most young children aren't going to ask mommy and daddy for a new console because it can stream Netflix. Also you mention the additional subscription fee to stream Netflix on the 360. If you are referring to the fact that you need Xbox Live to in order to stream, ok, I believe that's mentioned above, but if you are saying there is an additional fee beyond the cost of Xbox Live required in order to stream Netflix, well then that is a new one to me.


    Now as for your point about the PS3 being a Blu-ray player. To some that can be an important deciding factor yes. I can understand some older teenagers liking the idea of Blu-ray playback, but then you have to look at it this way. If a teen wants both a Blu-ray player and a console, then they most probably want a PS3, however if they genuinely want the 360 which can't Blu-rays then I would imagine they'll either go without or simply just add a Blu-ray player to their list, which then if it's another item on their list it will be factored in already.


    I mean it is hard to factor things like these in because not everyone wants a console for it's media/entertainment capabilities. To some gaming comes first and all the entertainment stuff is a bonus. i mean you have to look at it from the perspective of the child. The child doesn't go to his mommy and say I want a PS3 because it has a Blu-ray player and I know that Blu-rays are awesome because my friend so-so has a Blu-ray player and it's awesome. No, it's more like the child wants PS3 or a Nintendo Wii because he saw his friend playing that new game that just came out and he wants that new game too!


    Usually when it comes to the entertainment side consoles it's usually the parents that will look at that more so than the children. Some families may already a nice HD setup with a Blu-ray player and such or others may not really care about all that. They may have a DVD player and be content with that.


    The last thing I want to cover is you suggesting I estimate the cost of a list of top games. Well that's really hard to do honestly, because no two gamers are alike. Sure many gamers may share similar interests, but it's hard for me to predict what a given child could possibly want without ever having met them. Sure I could just pick what many consider to be the top ten, but then that may not cover everyone. Plus estimating cost, if I did so could be hard. I mean as you can see different stores are having different prices on some of the new triple A titles. Now, sure you can price match and all of that, but I mean the point is there's always deals on games. It's hard to estimate costs because the of the way sales come and go and all of that. Plus another thing too is, I can never be sure how many games a parent would want to get for their child. Some families might be like, oh this Kinect bundle includes Kinect Adventures. That's a game, let's start there, and maybe add in another game or two. Another thing too is when it comes to games, sometimes parents don't know what their children like, so they'll maybe get them a gift card so they can pick out the games they want or they'll take them shopping after the holidays and let them pick out a game or two.


    Again I'm not saying my chart or information is perfect, and as with other posters I do appreciate your opinions, so thank you for that. If you have any further comments I'd like to hear them.

  13. This is a good chart but I think you have made a mistake. When looking at the 4gb Xbox kinect v the 250gb xbox you forget the most important thing. the 250gb hard drive. you will fill up the 4gb very fast and what are you left to do then. a better comparision would be what it would take to put them at similar capaticities.. i think the the 250gb hd is like 70$.. so that would put it at a higher cost then the 250gb HD and add the kinect later.. Am i right on this?

    In some ways you are correct, actually, but do consider this. Not every gamer is that type that will download a lot of content via the Xbox Live Marketplace or play a lot of games that would gain better performance from being installed. I'm willing to wager that a number of families are looking at the Xbox 360 w/ Kinect bundle as a nice family friendly bundle that provides their children with fun games that get them up and moving around (to a degree) and also with something they can join in with as well. Now true I suppose I could have include the cost of upgrading the hard drive, but like I said not everyone would need it, and for these family types that I mentioned, they could get by with a flash drive or two. The Xbox 360 was recently updated to support up to two 16GB flash drives at a time, and that's at a time, you can swap others in and out if you wanted. Also I'm not preaching this as an alternative to upgrading the hard drive. I'm just saying why pay $70 to $90 to upgrade the hard drive space you could get away with a 16GB flash drive for much less.


    I've edited the OP to factor my opinion on this in, and besides I know that Best Buy at least will be selling 16GB flash drives for $11.99. To close, let me say that I do thank you for your opinion though. I never said this was perfect or rather that I was open to the opinions of others so again thank you.


    I guess one way you could go about this situation is that you could buy a 16GB flash drive now and see how that works out for you. If you quickly see it won't be enough, then you can search for deals on a hard drive upgrade. Otherwise if that flash drive can last you for the next two years then that's great. I mean I suppose the decision or rather how important the extra space is to you, would really depend on your usage situation.

  14. A lot of items in the new pages are advertised at regular price, so don't expect too much from these pages.

    That is mostly true, except for the PlayStation move controllers and accessories. Items like the PlayStation Move have only be that cheap ($24.99) once before, and that was only recently (last week of October I believe). So if anyone is looking for a good deal on an extra PlayStation Move controller, Best Buy clearly will have the best price this Black Friday.

  15. Thanks, and there was one other thing I wanted to mention. Black Friday can be a crazy day and sometimes parents aren't too keen on running all over town to different places and have a bit of that one stop mentality. Well thanks to the fact that stores like Wal-Mart and Target have price matching available on Black Friday, you could make either of these stores your one stop. So, essentially you can pick out what setup you want, figure out which combination of stores has the best overall price, get the ads of those stores together and then you can just make Wal-Mart your one stop.


    Another thing too, is to think about these things now, because for example, say you don't get a second controller now for both of your children. Well it won't be too long before you become tired of them fighting over who's turn it is. Then since Black Friday has long past your stuck paying whatever price is available to you at that time. However, think about this stuff now, and you can save a little more in the end. For example, on Black Friday you can get a second PS3 controller for $34.99 where such a controller would normally cost $54.99 in most stores. That's $20 and that can add up. Oh and that's one more thing I want to mention. Whenever possible, I reference only official 1st party accessories. Like with the Wii, when making this guide, I went with the officially licensed Nintendo Wii remote. I didn't use a Nyko Wand or anything like that. My reasoning here is that sure you might be able to save a couple dollars by going third party, but I like piece of mind knowing that if I go with first party accessories then I know those accessories will match the rest of my setup and I know I won't have any compatibility issues.

  16. Hello everyone,


    First let me apologize if all of this was unnecessary, but I felt like doing it anyways. Every year the major retailers put games and console on sale in hopes you will buy your child(ren) the latest and great in video game entertainment. Well, now sure it's easy to look through all the ads and see who has the best deal on what, but sometimes just buying a console isn't enough. Sometimes there can be additive costs that creep up on you. For example you could buy a Wii for Christmas but then two months later the batteries that came with the console died. That becomes an additive cost, whether you buy more batteries, rechargeable batteries or a rechargeable battery pack.


    Also another important thing to consider is that the big trend in gaming now is motion play, whether it's using your whole body with the Xbox Kinect or not so much with the Wii remotes. This is, of course, if motion gaming is something important to you (may be important in that motion gaming is something the whole family can share in) or to your child(ren). So I figured I'd create a little visual chart that helps visualize the costs associated with making a new console purchase for your child(ren) this holiday season.




    Now that may not seem totally clear and I apologize, but allow me to break it down for you:


    In dark blue: This is the upfront console cost. What you will pay for the console itself. The Xbox 360 w/ Kinect is available multiple places but Wal-Mart has the best bet on this one with a $50 GC included. Target has the Xbox 360 4GB w/o Kinect. BB has the Xbox 360 250GB. Multiple retailers (WM, Target, BB, etc.) have the PS3 Holiday Bundle. GameStop has the PS3 Move Bundle. Wal-Mart has the Limited Edition Blue Nintendo Wii, and Sears has the New Super Mario Bros. Wii Bundle.


    In aqua: This is what it will cost to get a rechargeable battery pack so that you needn't keep buying batteries. For the 360 I reference the Xbox 360 Play & Charge Kit which GameStop has in their ad. For the Wii I reference a Nyko Charge Station Quad available online only at Wal-Mart. Sure you might find a charger in an ad or two, but none of them match the quality level of consistent reviews that the Nyko gets.


    In red: This is the cost of a second controller. This is added because some parents either have more than one child (and don't want their children fighting over who gets to play next) or they want to be able to play games with their child(ren). For the Xbox 360, Toy'R'Us has the best deal on a second controller. For the PS3, GameStop has the best deal on a second controller. For the Wii, Target/Wal-Mart has the best deal on a second controller, which, by the way, in specific regards to the Wii I included a second Nunchuk in the cost of getting a second controller, because although two Wii remotes and one Nunchuk may work at first, but then you run into that one game that needs each player to have their own Nunchuk and suddenly you have a problem. Plus Nunchuks aren't THAT expensive.


    In orange: This is what it will cost to get a second rechargeable battery pack for your second controller. See the "In aqua" section to refresh what options are the best for each controller/console


    In green: This represents the cost for one player to be able to enjoy the motion controller option available for each console. For the Xbox 360, Target has the best deal on the Xbox Kinect. For the PS3, most retailers want the same price. Note that with the PS3, if you get the Holiday bundle then you're best option to get into motion gaming with that bundle is to get a PlayStation Move accessory Bundle which includes one Move controller, the PS Eye, and a game. Again most retailers have the best price on this bundle too. As for the Wii you needn't pay extra for motion gaming as such a feature is available on all console from the start.


    In purple: This represents the cost of getting a second motion enabled controller. This really only applies to the PS3 and it would seem that Best Buy has the best price on a second Move controller.


    In light purple: This represents the cost of an option to recharge your motion controllers. Again this really only applies to the PS3 and it would seem that Best Buy has the best price on a Sony brand Charging Station.


    NOTE: Obviously all colors won't appear in all columns. For example you don't see green in the first column because that bundle includes a Kinect and therefore you needn't purchase one separately. Also with the Wii you notice there's no charges for the Wii's motion gimmick or battery packs/chargers for that because a Wii remote can be used for regular gaming and motion gaming.


    BIG NOTE: This chart doesn't include the cost of any games, and except for the Xbox 360 4GB w/o Kinect and the Limited Edition Blue Wii, all offerings include at least 1 game if not more. Also not included are online costs, which really you only need to pay to play or access certain content on the Xbox 360. Also not included is the cost of HD A/V cables. Most modern families have at least one HDTV, however none of the bundles include HDMI/Component cables so that's one other thing you may need to consider, but with websites like Monoprice.com extra cables hardly add up to anything significant. EDIT - I should mention that the cheaper models of the Xbox 360 only include an internal storage of 4GB as compared to the one model that includes a 250GB. I don't exactly include the cost of adding a 250GB hard drive to the lesser models for a reason. The reason is that unless you know you'll be downloading a ton of full games from the Xbox Live Marketplace or playing a lot of newer games that benefit from installation, in most cases you could probably just get away with buying a flash drive or two as the Xbox 360 will support the installing of content on to flash drives. Also the Xbox 360 will read flash drives up 16GB up to 2 at a time for a total of 32GB of usable space at a time. I know that Best Buy and probably other stores will be having a decent price ($11.99) for a 16GB flash drive this Black Friday.


    Again, it's real easy to just go buy a console for your child(ren) and think you're covered, but the goal here was to help highlight what the real cost of getting a console would come to what with chargers and extra controllers and all. I think one big takeaway you could get from this chart is that if you're looking for a console that you're older children will enjoy, then a PS3 or Xbox 360 might be a nice option w/ bundles starting at $200. If you have younger children or are looking for something family friendly and fun then perhaps a Nintendo Wii or an Xbox 360 w/ Kinect may be the way to go. Of course though if you have a pretty serious gamer in your family, then the costs might add up quickly especially if they want something like the PlayStation Move.


    If anyone found this useful, great, if anyone found this confusing or has suggestions on how to make it better, let me know, and if anyone found this useless/unnecessary, then I'm sorry. Oh and I wouldn't object to this info being reused in other areas like being highlighted on the homepage or something.

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