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Everything posted by pooks

  1. Where do you find/activate the list feature on the website?
  2. Isn’t it usually posted by now?
  3. Ditto. It’s just not the same, like it used to be
  4. Lemme know when you guys form the Kohl’s Throw Addict group. I may have a problem.
  5. Love it! Love to see people’s beautiful trees!
  6. pooks

    Stocking Stuffers

    I love putting lotto scratch-offs in the adults stockings; it’s my trademark Stocking Stuffer lol. Stamps are also a great idea for adult stockings. Hand creams, lip balms, hand sanitizers are great. I like the toothbrush idea. WaWa giftcards are good bc they’re very useful even in low dominations. Softie socks or fleece gloves are great SS as well.
  7. You can use one coupon per item, whatever the combination. I’ve done this many times there, and is one of the reasons I like all of the coupons they send me.
  8. So, I had already ordered 10 damn throws at BF prices when Kohl's did that recent one-day sale; and now of course I'm contemplating getting more on BF with my Kohl's BF coupons! I'm absurd, I know. But then I also nabbed two $40 crockpots that came down to $3.99 each with all the stacked coupons! I'm in holiday bargain-shopping mode and it's awesome! LOL
  9. So, I'm perusing the SEARS" Early Access to BF Deals Now" for members (I'm a member). It states "Exclusive members private event...access now to BF Doorbusters and Deals"...but when I click on the products, the sale prices are still higher than what it's supposed to be on BF!! For example, Craftsman 13" tool bag will be $3.99 on BF; right now they list it as $5.99. The Craftsman 19" Toolbox with tray will be $12.50 on BF but now it's listed on sale supposedly at the "BF price" for $17.99. What gives???? If they're marketing/claiming that you have early access to BF deal prices, why the hell are they ripping you off with higher/non-BF prices??? I guess they're counting on people who haven't seen the BF ad that will jump on these supposedly stated BF prices and but now rather than later when the prices will actually be lower. That really pisses me off >
  10. Used these codes to score two 7-qt slow cookers for $3.99 each! And Croft and Barrow men’s flannel shirts originally $36 came down to $8.75 each! Insane! Awesome sale codes
  11. Amazon gift cards are what we have started giving our 10-yr old nieces and nephews so they can get what they want. Not too terribly exciting but we don’t want to waste money on stuff they don’t really need or want.
  12. Come on, Best Buy....; also hoping for Sears to drop soon too
  13. "The hubby will grown"....omg lol....it took me awhile to decipher this until I finally figured out that you meant GROAN, not GROWN!
  14. I just did my online Kohls' shopping...TEN throws for me! LOL love it
  15. ok, my 2 girlfriends that are Kohl's throw addicts talked me into "narrowing down" my load; lol. Even though they themselves ordered 5-10 each! LOL I lightened my load down to 10 throws. Ridiculous.
  16. I stocked up on my usual Big One throws...friggin' love 'em; 12 in my cart already! Love giving these as gifts!
  17. IT'S TIME FOR KOHL'S THROWS!!!! I HAVE 12 IN MY CART ALREADY, FOR THIS ONE DAY SALE! They come out cheaper than BF b/c there's the 20% off code you can use right now! OMG, I'm in Kohl's throw heaven! LOL
  18. I’m gonna put some of their fabulous Big Ones throws in my cart tonight in the patterns I like, in hopes that they’ll be in the sale tomorrow at their BF price!
  19. I got the George Forman grill on the WalMart early access sale; 20 bucks, marked down from 60. Nice! Thanks for the heads up!
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