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Everything posted by msomnipotent

  1. I went a little nuts last year for myself, but it was all needed. I usually buy pj's and renew my magazine subscriptions, and buy my make up for the year.
  2. Probably Farm and Fleet if they have bird seed on sale again. The birds and squirrels have been chewing through my supply like....wild animals! Other than that, I don't have any place in mind. It depends on what the kids want.
  3. Sorry not to respond sooner. Yes, it was gas powered. You can search the old ads here http://www.blackfridayarchive.com/ It will at least give you an idea of what to expect.
  4. I shop at Ulta for a lot of stuffers. My family is mostly female and Ulta can have some pretty decent giveaways. I also use my points from filling my prescriptions at Walgreens for things. Candy winds up rotting at our house, so a typical stocking will have a silver dollar, some nail polish, perfume or bath gel, Eos, small smelly candles, and a DVD or video game.
  5. I went a little nuts last year as it was the first time in several years that we had some extra money. I don't expect to spend as much this year as we plan on moving in the spring or summer and we are saving our money. And I expect to be much pickier this year regarding sale prices. I'm already finding a few good deals so I won't need as much by then.
  6. I don't remember any decent sales for higher end models, but Farm and Fleet usually has a Yard Machines on sale. Last year's ad showed it to be $269.99 that wasn't too bad. I almost picked it up for our cottage but I decided to save for a 2 stage. We are in the midwest, so we kind of need it. I have better luck finding used machines on CL or bookoo, though. Or wait until the end of season for a deal.
  7. Costco has their stuff out too. Once again, no snow globes. The nutcrackers are more expensive but look nicer.
  8. Amazon gift cards from my surveys, discounted gift cards paid for by my Chase card to get points for more Amazon gift cards, and cash. I do 90% of my shopping online, but I only carry one credit card, maybe a gift card, and cash when I go out shopping. I have a zippered inside pocket in my coat so I don't even take my purse.
  9. It never fails. The prices always go down as soon as I buy it. It was $5 cheaper at Amazon when I bought from Walmart, but I chose WM due to their 90 day return policy vs Amazons 30 day. I should keep a closer eye on WM for a possible price adjustment.
  10. I almost bought that model today because the price just dropped to $59.99. Now I noticed that manufacturers are coming out with improved models and there are several cheaper versions in the $40 range on amazon. Now I don't know if I should wait to see what BF brings or just buy one now.
  11. I saw it while I was sweating from an hour in the garden. I wanted to tear my hair out. Too soon! Too soon! I"m ready to plan for BF, but Christmas seems so far away yet.
  12. I have been very happy with the towels and sheets I buy from Overstock.com and they usually have several sheet sets on sale on BF. Costco also has towels that do not stain from make up that are a good deal but I don't think they were on sale last year.
  13. I noticed that Farm & Fleet has their 50 lb bag of bird seed on sale for $9.99 this week, which was an extremely popular item for the same price on BF. I watched 6 pallets walk out the door in the short time I was there on BF. I don't think anyone noticed it this week.
  14. Several BF's ago, I bought 10 memory cards and 10 USB drives for $1 each at radioshack.com. To be honest, I really thought it was a BF deal and not a price mistake, and I needed 10 of each because I was put in charge of buying memory for both sides of the family. It wasn't like they were high capacity or anything. It actually burned me because it showed everything shipped but they canceled the USB drives, and by the time I found out about it, BF was over. At least I received the cards.
  15. I'm not thrilled with any of the prime only deals, so people without shouldn't feel too bad about missing out. Between their so-so deals and needing to charge tax for my state now, I can get items cheap in a store most of the time now. I can't understand why their stock price keeps going through the roof. I don't know anyone that doesn't have a gripe with them. My new gripe is sellers that constantly contact me before and after I write the reviews. It is getting out of hand and I'm really about to tell off one particular seller and report them, which just isn't my nature. If I didn't get credits for choosing the 5 day shipping, I wouldn't even have Prime anymore. But between the credits to fill up our MP3 players and watching a "free" movie here and there, it is pretty much a wash for me.
  16. You are in luck! They have a sale until 9-13 for 2 Hoverboards for the low, low price of $1,200 including carry bags!
  17. I bought a Roku 3 in April, spent 30 mins playing with it and then put it back in the box. I thought it was confusing to use and the news channels had sound but no voiceovers. As an example, there would be footage of a car chase and you could hear tires squealing, but no one explaining what was going on or where. I'm looking to replace my Panasonic blu ray player, too. I bought the DMP-BDT500P and I cannot tolerate the remote any longer. It is slow and rarely hooks up to Netflix or Amazon Prime. I'm thinking about buying a few of the Fire sticks if they have a good sale. I will have to research the blu-ray players. Maybe just get a cheap and simple one this time.
  18. My best memory was the great deal I got on a laptop for my daughter (and seeing her face when she opened it). The worst was going to Walmart with my family. I do my best to avoid WM on BF, but family nagged me into to. Six people with lists, 3 hours wasted, and the only thing bought by anyone was a sheet set that had to be returned anyway because the box cutter sliced into it. I haven't seen anything so out of control ever, and I used to hit all the stores on BF before. This was another level.
  19. I have already started. I try to buy what I think will by the hot items that my nieces and nephews would like long before the holiday season. If they don't want them, I usually give them to Toys for Tots if I can't return them. We did a lot of traveling this summer and I always pick up a few trinkets for presents along the way. I stopped at that giant Christmas store in Frankenmuth, MI and bought a few gifts. Nothing like Christmas in July!
  20. Minion Rock N Roll Stuart. I have already bought one for my niece. Mainly because I think it will drive my sister insane listening to it, which is a Christmas gift requirement of mine. One of the commercials aired while my daughter was having a party and all the kids said, "Ohhhh....".
  21. We are putting the house on the market next summer, too. I'm thinking of just doing a destination Christmas so we would be forced to buy only a few small gifts. My daughter wants a Fitbit and the trip would count as the adult gift. I have always wanted to see Biltmore decorated for the holidays. But 1/2 of the extended family probably wouldn't come. But then my husband really wants a 4K tv, and now that I have seen it, I want it too!
  22. I know 3 people that have Sharks and really like them. I have had 3 Dysons and will never buy one again. A cheap piece of plastic will break and render the entire vacuum useless unless you buy a terribly overpriced part. The last time, about 2 cents worth of plastic broke off and I have to buy the entire motor part for $90. Then I bought the Hoover Windtunnel pet rewind and had so many problems that I will not be buying Hoover again. It started breaking the second time I used it. I wound up with a Riccar Supralite premium and love it. It isn't for everyone. There are no attachments and the bags are kind of expensive, but it makes the carpet noticeably cleaner, the carpet feels fluffier and new, made in the US, and the bags are really well made and last a long time. It is also really light and I can use it on the stairs easily, and I am arthritic. I pretty much broke the bank, but there are cheaper Riccar models that should clean the same. The entry model is under $300. I just stormed into a vacuum store dragging the Hoover and shouted, "Gimme something that doesn't break!!!". They have a portable canister vac with attachments that came free with the vacuum so I don't have to worry about the upright not having any attachments.
  23. msomnipotent

    Now what?

    I went a little nuts this year because this is the first year in a long time that that we finally have all the bills paid and extra money. The biggest gift purchase was a $400 laptop for my daughter at Office Depot. The biggest gift for myself was $350 for dishes at Mikasa. It was more than I expected to pay, and that was after the sale, a coupon code, and cash back. I even had to wake up my husband and ask just to be sure he was on board with it. I'm 42 years old and this will be my first set that I bought myself. We had been using the set my husband had before we met (so it is more than 15 years old) but we are down to a few plates and bowls. Before that, I had a ugly set someone gave me as a housewarming gift when I moved out of my parents' house. I'm a little excited about it, but it is on backorder until March. Sad face. But the Christmas bills are all paid up. Go me! Nope, scratch that. It was $350 before the coupon and cash back. $247 after everything.
  24. I did it once when Tickle Me Elmo was hot, but I really needed the money as we were living off of our savings at the time. I made just enough to pay for Christmas presents. I got into an argument with a Target cashier the year those Fisher Price cameras were hot because she accused me of being a reseller and was pretty nasty to me. I have 5 nieces and nephews all around the same age and they all wanted one of the cameras. She even tried to refuse giving me the gift receipts until another cashier diffused the situation. I don't think reselling is worth my time and I have too many people to buy for to worry about getting extras. And maybe I'm just out of the loop, but I really haven't noticed anything so hot along the lines of Cabbage Patch and Elmo for a long time. Maybe the Frozen dolls this year, but we were still able to get it on sale with a little effort.
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