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Posts posted by Candy

  1. My dad is soo hard to buy for....my parents are also remarried...and its very hard to shop for them....but my dad is the worse. He is a simple country man who doesnt really want any of that new fangled stuff..lol. I bought him a dvd player and "The Passion of the Christ' dvd and about a half dozen western dvd's..........he complained the whole time he was setting it up he didnt watch much tv...didnt watch movies..didnt really need that thing...didnt...on and on.......but I think he really has enjoyed it....I may simply add to his dvd's...I really dont know.

    My mom and step's are easy...or at least they never grumble with what they get..lol

  2. When my parents divorced in the 80's I inherited all the christmas stuff from my childhood..and I usually still incorporate those into my tree....an angel here..rudolph there...lol. My tree is always very beautiful I must admit..2 yrs ago I did all blue...bows, bulbs,etc....but I missed my memory tree! SO did my girls who were also used to it..so back to my memory tree of life since 1965 for me..lol
  3. Well, about 3 yrs ago the 17 yr old asked to start helping me wrap and go to BF...so she usually sees everyones BUT hers...I NEVER let her see her own...and she helps me alot...she LOVES it..and now this year the 14 yr old has asked to do the same thing.....I really don't mind..because they are finding such delight in the hunt, bf, and the wrapping.....and we get to spend a day together.....dh sees some..not alot....mainly because he doesnt really care what I buy...lol...as long as he isnt the one that has to do all the shopping. (Won't he enjoy BF this year when he gets to be the electronics monitor at Walmart for a laptop!..he is a huge dude...so it makes sense to me...lol)
  4. The 17 yr old....wants a cellphone with unlimited plan(Yeah right..lol.. a cell phone maybe....she has one..but it is a prepaid..and not her thing she says..lol)

    14 yr old wants a skateboard over $100.00...(hmm....doubt that mcuh..but she may get one cheaper..she has one already but it isnt good enough she tells me.)


    The twins....probably if it were only one thing...a $50 game for gbadv....they both want lots of games


    The 7 yr old wants ...gmby adv...like her sisters..

    so if only one thing..that woudl be it..lol

    DH wants a whole new huting outfit from head to toe..but its a certain kind...which is very expensive..so dunno yet.

  5. I have to say...my mother is alot like shellex's exmil..lol..she has PLENTY of money..not rich..but enough to buy a few decent gifts considering all the junk she buys all year long..but she is an addict......auctions..yard sales....whatever...and she will pay $50 for something she swears is worth ten times more..and guess who gets this wonderful addition of useless stuff?.....lol

    But we know how she is.....and we simply smile,ty..and then pack that crap up usually...lol. Last year she gave my 39 yr old dh at the time...a very...ummmmm...ugly old fashioned..off the wall....can't explain it....leatherkinda jacket....that barely went around is waste..lol....but she means well.

  6. OK this one is very, very hard for us...LAST YEAR...we had.....one in high school that had a choir performance...one in junior high with a band performance....and the other 3 in elemntary school who had a school play.......hmmmm....and guess what.....they were soooo kind as to have them all on the SAME NIGHT...ggrrr..lol. My dh went to the 2 older performances because the schools were close and the performances were an hour apart...and I went to the little ones...which was earliest.......rushed them in the car...and flew to the high school in time to see the oldest perform for 15 whole minutes...lol

    Thank G that the two oldest are BOTH in high school and the twins are BOTH in junior high.....but it will still be a tough act this year to work thru..lol

  7. We have 4...and 3 came from my mother who decided she was never decorating again last year..lol....so in one year our yard grew decoration wise by 300%...lol.

    We DO deflate ours during the day because my dh is afraid the motor will burn out to quickly..which makes sense...considering you pay $50 for those buggers..lol....may as well make them hold out as long as possible. I had a bat this year for halloween too that I got last year after halloween and I LOVED him..he was only about....6.5 or 7 feet tall..which is a much, much better height then all my Christmas ones which are much taller.

  8. Until last year, my dh hadn't gotten to see the girls open gifts because he is a federal officer and worked night shift..and didnt get home until about...8:30 am....sometimes much later....but I let them get up about 6:30 am....as long as they don't open anything til we are up.....I also used to let them all open at once....now I make them take turns....which helps alot with cleanup..lol
  9. My girls have a time trying to figure out what they want themselves! WIth five girls ages 17 to 7......very few things left to find they havent had before. BUT..the oldest wants SIMS2/SIMS University and a few other xbox games....plus a new cellphone...hmmm...maybe.

    The 14 yr old is very clothes oriented this year..and she wants a professional skateboard.....depends on that one too.

    The twins are 11 and big time into jewerly, makeup and anything girly..which is actually a new thing for them.

    My 7 year old..sooo...sooo easy.....anything babrbie, bratz, babydoll, but she does want her own gameboyadvance sp tis year since all the others have one.....so it shouldnt be too bad this year....or so I keep telling myself..lol.

    Actually I am all done shopping...BF will simply be a fun extra day I think...except the laptop if I get it which will be for me..lol

  10. I have never had anyone take anything from me, but I have had people shove me out of the way......which is why I have NEVER waited at the electronics dept in Walmart for anything...I figure if someone needs it that bad......go at it. BUT...our Walmart has recently remodeled and the newer walmarts have an open floor plan at the electronics department..which gives alot more room to move......so maybe this year I will brave the elecrtonics dept..lol..who knows.

    However, reading all the responses.......wonder how many kids even know where the toy is that is soooo important by New Year's.....THAT is the reason I gave up the most popular toy hunt.......they want them THAT DAY...within a week.....they barely notice it.

  11. Hmm....I have a gameboy advance sp in layayway now...but I know last year they wouldnt let you take a layaway OUT during BF...is that how most of your Walmart's works?...IF I knew they would...it sure would help me out alot not to have to wait for one..and then cancel that layaway.
  12. I think every walmart is different..because the one I worked at..no one was allowed to hold items...not to say it didnt happen occassionally..I am sure it did. But I do know that all the ones in my county and the next county say that is a huge no no..and no one I know was allowed to hold anything back anytime of the year...regardless.
  13. I would buy the $99 mp3 player so I can take it walking for exercise....I have bought my hubby and my oldest mp3's....but not myself...(and probably wont ever as long as I have kids to buy for..lol) but since I need to walk everyday.....that would be a great addition.
  14. Yeah, sorta.....it used to be you could add things into an existing layaway anytime you wanted..now that is a no no...you have to make a whole new layaway....only bright side is you can now have as many layways as you want.......as long as they dont start charging me a cancellation charge like kmart......I can live with that....but its frustrating to worry about 3-4 layaways at once too.
  15. Yes...as a matter of fact...this weeks sales paper has the weekly sales...a special item per day. I live relly close to Kmart..but I rarely even try to buy there for sales items..I simply take the sales paper with me to Wal-Mart..and I learned last year...they DO honor those daily sales as long as its the same day and time.

    I tell you....if I could find someone as cheap as walmart...Id never go there again...I hate the dang parking..lol

  16. I used to go with my mom every year...since we live 90 minutes apart now...my teen girls go with me usually..and this year..since hubby is gonna be home that morning..he has been drafted to be the electronics department stand in..lol......his job is simple..yet very much needed..lol
  17. A good idea to remember is also.....Kmart has the....special of the day thing now....so say...a barbie is 4 bucks on wednsday...if they dont have them...(which they never do at ours) you can go to walmart and get the same one..same day..and get the discount...don't need to wait for BF.

    RIght now Kmart has the Ponies for 4.44...think it was today...a pretty good bargain.

  18. It was probably already in the computer system.....usually it takes awhile to program the computer for specials...which is why...on the flip side...on occassion you will think you are getting something on sale..ad because the skue is different...or it hasnt been programmed yet..you dont..so always keep a watch is best..but how lucky she was able to get in and out that fast!
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