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Everything posted by revecca

  1. One guy at Walmart told us to buy tin foil in various colors, and wrap the gift in layers and layers. We did one gift just to try it out, and they love it! It was fun!
  2. I second that! Lol!
  3. I have 4 children 2 girls, and then 2 boys. Their b-days fall on Jan, Feb, Mar, and Nov. So, I kinda divide the gifts up. Since their b-days and Christmas are so close. Last year I bought my 10 yr old (boy) the Nintendo 3DS XL for $150, so this year he is only getting two video games. I was able to get him Pokemon X and Y for $14 each at Kmart. My younger son is 7, and this year I bought him a Nintendo 3ds XL as well. Same price! And was able to get Super Smash Bros. and Kirby for around $50 or a bit less. My eldest girl is 15, and was able to get her a Samsung Galaxy really cheap from MetroPCS. As for her younger sister who is 13, it's a bit harder. No stockings or Advent calendars this year, not in the budget.
  4. I'm so sorry for your loss.... Thank you wittenlover!
  5. For the past 15 years I have felt that way. The holidays were/are always up to me to make them special. My spouse and I are getting a divorce, so I'm trying my best to make it as nice as I can this year for our 4 children, and of course, I'm failing miserably. Lol!
  6. I remember those!!!! My friend made several so when she had her first Christmas with her husband to be, that they had ornaments for their first Christmas together.
  7. http://damndelicious.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Leftover-Thanksgiving-Turkey-Pot-Pie.jpeg http://damndelicious.net/2013/11/22/leftover-thanksgiving-turkey-pot-pie/
  8. http://static.squarespace.com/static/524355d1e4b0d08691bc0f57/t/546fd6c3e4b0ceb72e1e7c52/1416615641034/?format=750w http://blog.naturebox.com/posts/3-step-recipe-thanksgiving-leftover-dumplings
  9. Thanksgiving Cupcakes http://www.momables.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Thanksgiving-cupcakes-MOMables-650w.jpgSave Print Author: MOMables Cuisine: Lunch Ingredients won ton wrappers (you can find them in the produce section) leftover turkey, shredded leftover stuffing of choice leftover cranberry sauce Gravy, if desired Instructions Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Mix shredded turkey with stuffing. Reheat the turkey and stuffing before filling the won ton wrappers. Spray your cupcake pan with non stick spray. Gently push one won ton wrapper into each cupcake cup. Spoon 1 Tablespoon of turkey/stuffing mixture into each won ton wrapper. Spoon about 1 teaspoon of cranberry sauce over each top. Make a second layer of won ton wrappers. Gently push the won ton wrapper in the opposite direction and put another 1 Tablespoon of turkey/stuffing mixture. Hold the second layer of cranberry sauce- the top cranberry sauce is added at the end. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until golden brown and crispy on the edges. Leave your cupcakes in the pan to let them cool slightly before you remove them. Add a spoonful of cranberry sauce over each cupcake (it's the frosting!) and have gravy on the side to dip if desired.
  10. Our bus driver is from Montenegro, and the parents are not too kind with him. Last year I got him a nice bottle of wine, my youngest son who was having a hard time adjusting to going to school (Kindergarten, never went to Pre-K), the bus driver was really good with him. I was waiting all year for him to kick him off the bus. Lol! What about Christmas ornaments, or is that too blah? Our neighborhood TJ Maxx always has these really beautiful keepsake ones.
  11. What a brilliant idea! I would love to try this one year , http://www.handimania.com/uploads/Santa-head-hat-fb.jpg
  12. Thanks for posting. I was going to grab the boys some pants for church, and should have gotten them last night. I forgot about it, and this morning the pants went back up. Now, I have to sit and wait. The 20% on top of what they were, it was a really good deal. I'm bummed. Lol!
  13. I usually buy the teachers Visa gift certificates for the holidays. It gets harder each year because I have four and as they get older the more teachers they get. I am tempted this year to make things for them, and have my two girls help. What do you do for your child/childrens teachers?
  14. http://static.slickdealscdn.com/attachment/2/8/0/2/7/9/3095242.attach https://www.livingsocial.com/deals/1337680-one-year-shoprunner-membership?cvosrc=affiliate.cj.1225267&utm_campaign=1225267&utm_content=3724478&utm_medium=affiliates&utm_source=cj *Use promo code SKIPTHELINES. Expires February 9, 2015
  15. I'll have to wait for my stitches to come out of my mouth, but I'll be trying the turkey fajitas, pot pie, turkey tetrazzini, and the stuffing waffle. Thank you, they all look so good!
  16. Trying to find some great recipes for the Thanksgiving leftovers, so far my dental hygienist told me about this pot pie recipe she makes with her leftovers, sounded really delish! What's your not so typical favorite thing to do with your leftovers?
  17. I really love these, 24 books of Christmas, http://sewsara.blogspot.com/2011/12/24-christmas-books.html Mini Van (or what ever type of car you have) Express, http://www.confessionsofahomeschooler.com/blog/2011/12/mini-van-express-tickets.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+ConfessionsOfAHomeschooler+(Confessions+of+a+Homeschooler) Random Acts of Kindness, http://katherinemariephotography.com/blog/archives/7437
  18. 1. Favorite Christmas movie? It's A Wonderful Life, hands down! Big James Stewart fan 2.What are 3 things on your Christmas list this year? I'm in the middle of getting a divorce. Since Santa can't really help with that, I pray that God helps me find a job that I can do at home that will support myself and 4 children, a home for us, and a second hand car (depending on where we end up) 3. Does it snow where you live? No, and I do miss it 4. Do you celebrate Christmas, if not then what Holiday? Christmas 5. Favorite gift you've ever gotten? I always loved baby dolls, didn't matter which ones 6. Worst gift you've ever gotten? None so far 7. What time do you get up on Christmas? Around 8 or 9 depending on the youngest one 8. Biggest pet peeve about the Christmas season? It goes by too fast and not being around family 9. Favorite Christmas song? Holy Night, though I'm still waiting for a version that is outstanding and makes me want to drop on my knees when I hear fall on your knees. 10. Would you rather it be cold and cloudy, or be kind of warm out? Cold, snowy and cloudy 11. Hot chocolate or eggnog? Both, without alcohol 12. Favorite thing to wear during the Christmas season? Warm flannel pj's 13. Anybody you're hoping to bump into under the mistletoe? Maybe next year, or the year after 14. Embarrassing Christmas story? Too many, and too long 15. Favorite Christmas treat? Peppermint sugar cookies and Chocolate gingerbread cookies 16. Latest you've stayed up on New Year’s Eve? I don't remember, but now with having children I'm lucky to get a bit past 12, lol 17. Favorite Christmas character? Snow Miser 18. What are you doing for the holidays this year? Stay home, a quiet one due to my two minor surgeries 19. Ever been to someone else’s family’s Christmas? Yes, we used to go up to OH, I have tons of family there, but now everyone is everywhere 20. Favorite pie flavor? Pumpkin 21. Your favorite Christmas tradition growing up? Hanging around with our family and friends 22. White lights or colored lights? Whites lights trimmed with gold lights 23. Favorite Christmas dinner dish? Some sort of roast w/mustard sauce, Yorkshire pudding, scorched potatoes, salad, veggies 24. Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Christmas Day 25. What tops your tree? Large bow or Angel, can't make up my mind 26. Candy canes- Yum or Yuck? Love them 27. Is this your first Christmas on Gottadeal.com? No. I've been using this site and been on this site for 6 years. 28. Do you hang mistletoe? No, not until the youngest gets a bit more older 29. Favorite Christmas activity? Watching Christmas movies with my children in our holiday pjs while sipping on hot cocoa and eating popcorn 30. Favorite Christmas story? A Charlie Brown Christmas
  19. I'm enjoying reading these as well! I'll post mine up tomorrow. I also went back and fixed question 27.
  20. I usually throw a Christmas party every year, nothing major. It's a getting to know you thing, especially for the newbies who attend. So, I thought I'd post it here for a little bit of fun. 1. Favorite Christmas movie? 2.What are 3 things on your Christmas list this year? 3. Does it snow where you live? 4. Do you celebrate Christmas, if not then what Holiday? 5. Favorite gift you've ever gotten? 6. Worst gift you've ever gotten? 7. What time do you get up on Christmas? 8. Biggest pet peeve about the Christmas season? 9. Favorite Christmas song? 10. Would you rather it be cold & snowy or be kind of warm out? 11. Hot chocolate or eggnog? 12. Favorite thing to wear during the Christmas season? 13. Anybody you're hoping to bump into under the mistletoe? 14. Embarrassing Christmas story? 15. Favorite Christmas treat? 16. Latest you've stayed up on New Year’s Eve? 17. Favorite Christmas character? 18. What are you doing for the holidays this year? 19. Ever been to someone else’s family’s Christmas? 20. Favorite pie flavor? 21. Your favorite Christmas tradition growing up? 22. White lights or colored lights? 23. Favorite Christmas dinner dish? 24. Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? 25. What tops your tree? 26. Candy canes- Yum or Yuck? 27. Is this your first Christmas on Gottadeal.com? 28. Do you hang mistletoe? 29. Favorite Christmas activity? 30. Favorite Christmas story?
  21. We started doing this years ago with my family, we go around the table and each of us say one or more things that we are thankful for. I was wondering if some of you would like to share what you're thankful for this year. I'll start, I'm thankful to God for my health, and for the health of those around me. I'm thankful for all the loving and supportive people God has brought into my life. I'm thankful for the roof over our heads, and the food on our table. I'm am thankful to those who serve our country....
  22. My parents tend to make too much and they eat for a whole month, so I have taken over. I don't make too much food just enough to last for Thanksgiving weekend. I have gotten on the organic/natural kick because of my illness, so everything is organic, and made from scratch, not boxes. Though, sometimes I do find organic ready made at a good price so I grab it. Lol! We made oyster stuffing one year, it turned out really tasty. My mother used to make stuffing with chestnuts, but since she passed away I haven't had it since. I've been dying to try to make turkey/brining first. I'm really looking forward to real mash w/gravy made from the turkey drippings.
  23. I hit Walgreen's this morning, and I used my Walgreen's card and coupons. Balance reward savings $21.85 + store coupons $8.62 = $30.47 total saving. Paid $20.61, and tax free. Walgreens Back to School Deals 7/27 Wexford 2 pocket folders - $0.10 Wexford Sticky Notes & Page Markers - 6/$1With In Ad Coupon Wexford Wooden Ruler - 6/$1With In Ad Coupon Wexford School Glue - $0.39With In Ad Coupon Wexford No. 2 Pencils (8 pack) - $0.39With In Ad Coupon Wexford 5" Scissors - $0.49With In Ad Coupon Wexford 1 Subject Notebook - $0.49With In Ad Coupon Wexford Sheet Protectors (10 pack) - $0.49With In Ad Coupon Papermate Mechanical Pencils & Ink Joy Pens - $0.99 Uni-Ball 207 Gel Pens - $0.99 Sharpie 2 pack Markers - $0.99 Pilot G2, or B2P Pens - $1.99 1" Binders - $1.99 Composition Books - $0.79 Backpacks B1G1 Free Crayola Art Supplies - Buy 1 Get 1 50% off
  24. Happy 10th Year Anniversary, looking forward to many more! Thank you for all the contests you have had past and present, very generous. Even if there were none, I'd still enjoying coming here for the deals, and talking with the peeps. Congrat's to all the winners! WISHING ALL OF YOU A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS AND A BLESSED NEW YEAR !!!!
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