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Everything posted by cjqueen

  1. Usually I try to put it up close to Thanksgiving, but this year, its' going to have to go up before then because I could be having my baby on Thanksgiving! lol I asked my hubby a few weeks back if it was ok with him if I put it up early. He said, "How early?" I said, "Halloween's not too early, right?" You should have seen the look on his face! When he recovered, he said, "Me and the boys (my 15 YO and 17 YO) can put it up." I told him they wouldn't even be able to figure out how the tree goes together! lol No, I didn't put it up at Halloween, but I think it's going up tomorrow.
  2. Isn't there a 15 day limit on returns for electronics? eta: Are video games considered part of electronics?
  3. That's a good point about Gamestop. I hadn't thought about that. Online at Gamestop GC are $29.99.
  4. It looks like the European version that does not play GC games: http://www.tomsguide.com/us/Nintendo-Wii-Wii-Blue-Special-Edition-Launch,news-12841.html
  5. Thanks. I had just found it too. Here's one of the new ones at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Black-Console-Super-Mario-Brothers-nintendo/dp/B005QWYKOE/ref=sr_tr_sr_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1320954253&sr=8-4 But, according to the link you provided, if I get one of a Wii that is bundled with Mario Kart, it is gamecube compatible. Why did they have to go change crap right before the holidays? lol
  6. Can you provide a source for this info? No offense, I just haven't found that anywhere online. It just doesn't make sense for them to overhall the current Wii when they are releasing a new WII next year, which is just basically a slimmer Wii without the gamecube support. Thanks.
  7. We got one 2 years ago on BF and it's still working good *knock on wood*. I waited in line last year to get one for my MIL at her request (and didn't even get a thanks!) and it's working good too. I guess it's like anything else. You never know how it's going to do.
  8. Last year, they had the $28/29 games out on a pallet, but by the time I got there, they were all gone (at least the one I wanted). So, I went to the glass case and asked someone to get it out for me. It rang up for the sale price.
  9. I thought the Wii 2 or Wii U didn't come out till next year? Thanks for pointing out that it doesn't say it comes with a game. I hadn't noticed that.
  10. You're not alone. My youngest two have put a new Wii on their list. We got a Wii 5 or 6 years ago when they first came out, but it's wore out now. I'm also hoping that Amazon will have a Wii for the same price. Last year, I wound up getting quite a few things from Amazon instead of Walmart because they matched the price early on. I know some people will be waiting for the Wii 2 that's coming out next year, but he Wii 2 doesn't support Gamecube games, and we have over 40 GC games.
  11. On facebook, Walmart said, "The prices are good in-store only. Thanks!" So, that bites. Maybe the Facebook guy doesn't know what he's talking about. ??
  12. The 4GB Xbox with Kinnect is going for about $300 now. If you don't download any content (or very little) the 4GB will work just fine. We got it last year and it's worked great for us. I've got four kids ages 8 to 17.x
  13. I didn't even see the GC! That makes it and even better deal.
  14. I found quite a few things that were on my kids' lists. Now, I just have to figure out how to get them.
  15. I'm now very pregnant (will be 37 weeks on BF). My husband has told me I'm not going to go shopping on BF, and I have to agree (don't want a shopping cart shoved into my belly). So, I'm going to have to do all my BF shopping online this year. Does anyone have any tips for shopping online at Walmart.com on BF? Thanks!
  16. Yay, someone besides me uses a spreadsheet to track BF & Christmas lists. My family looks at me like I'm crazy when I mention my spreadsheet. But, then again, maybe they don't know what a spreadsheet is.
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