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Everything posted by Princessarky
I love amazon........I use the amazon gc I earn online to pay for most of our Christmas :) right now I am almost all done with my Christmas shopping for the kids already :)
My son got his check today just wait till he comes home and finds out :)
My son hasn't received his payment yet BUT it was put into his account and he did cash it out, so a check should be here in the next week or two
woohoo that was fast :)
woohoo congrats.........gotta love weeks that start out like this :)
woohoo I just got my check today :) my son cashed his out the other day so his should be coming next week maybe he won't be hitting me up for money at least for a day or 2 lol
Instead of trying to log into your acct see if you can your son can log into his account using his info, everytime I go the main site the change password is the option
yeah thats what my son got in his email acct the money they earned goes into their account to cash out not the parents
just wanted to let ya'll know if you dont already the teen's money is crediting to accts now, my son got his in his today and cashed out for a check :)
congrats to you both, mine is showing processed cause I opted for the check (have alot of amazon at the moment lol) My son got his username and password but his money isn't showing up yet, just wondering if anyone else's is.
just wondering for those that completed this if they have contacted your teen yet? At the end of my son's part it said something about crediting his $55 once they have contacted him within 7 days. I am not sure if it is email or phone.
you must have hit it right when you got the email, I was out so by the time I checked my email this had been posted all over the internet so took most everyone forever and I even read a few that finally just gave up.....but thats ok gave room for me lol
woohoo thats great, I hope more were able to get through.......of course u know teens now my son wants his money now lol told him that he could just sit and wait it out :)
My son was finally able to get through his part sat at 93% for about 2 hours I think it was. Finally he was about to complete the last part :) 30 went into my acct that I could cash out whenever I wanted. He got a message that his would credit in 7 days after he is contacted, so not sure if they will email or phone Just so glad to finally be able to get through it
more than 3 hours later, my son and I still haven't finished........you can imagine the look on his face at the moment since I wont let him "play" on the internet till we get this done :gdparanoid: :gdparanoid: :gdparanoid: thats what I have looking at me lol
I know what you mean, I did phone them already asking if the information would be saved and I was told once you are in you should be in but he advised me to NOT log out so I haven't lol I completed my part and now my son is trying to do his IF I can get it to reload of course, his part is completed up to 93% at the moment
OMG thanx for the heads up now I know trucking along here and gonna make my son do it later will be worth all the time :)