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Everything posted by keej

  1. Lol, ours have done both. Typically TH, but it has gone wed too. Helpful, eh? :-)
  2. Toys were same as yesterday here, but it looked like they were getting ready to mark further... Lots of empty spaces. Got lucky again today and found a camp chair for .89. Again had to ask, but no problem.
  3. Once again the deals seem dependent on who is working at the time. I didn't even have to discuss it with them, it was fairly easy. Sorry it didn't work for you guys! Maybe it will for others...
  4. I just scored 5 water baby sunscreen packs Even though they didn't scan with a price they gave them to me for 90 percent off. 1.39 for 2 sprays and a small tube is quite a good deal. I almost didn't bother to check, but the cat needed food so I gave it a shot. Glad I did. :-)
  5. Found the Cascade 60 packs (new Zealand scent) for $6.xx. Bertolli 2 pack tom basil sauce $2.54 (alfredo 2 pk scanned 4 something) Gevalia Coffee $3.xx
  6. Kelty kid carrier backpack style 30.xx, 70 off. One left a carpenter road in A2.
  7. Has anyone seen smaller strollers (not umbrella) in their stores? Our closest store doesn't have any this year. But if they are at other stores, I would drive around on Monday.
  8. I agree. It could be handled better for everyone involved. In the 6 years I have shopped this sale it has been hit or miss on how each store handles it. Some places just do it better than others. Unfortunately for me, which store is doing it better changes every year. We didn't do toys for tots this year either, but instead I called a local homeless shelter that specializes in homeless families (families with children). They were more than happy to accept donations and were such a pleasure to deal with. I think I will continue to donate to them each year instead.
  9. Good luck!! It is worth a try! We went last night and someone had just returned a Barbie Jeep! You never know what comes back!
  10. I am glad you were lucky and that things worked out for you. There is clearly a difference in needing to take a break and just being a rude- ours were just being rude. I swear without training I could have scanned the whole darn aisle in the time one woman scanned a shelf. The had a 5 minute discussion whether to take their break at that time or what until they were done, it was not a pressing time constraint. So, no, they weren't just doing their their jobs, they were working extra slow. I do take some offense to your assumption the only reason I was peeved was due to being there with a young child. Yes, that made it all the more offensive, but the other women there waiting without children were just as upset. Without being there is is hard for one to make assumptions about what happened. Besides, really- what is the difference if they scan an item in a cart or one on the shelf. It all has to be scanned- why does it make such a difference? Scan them and get folks out of the way seems to make way more sense to me. But that is just my 2 cents.
  11. Well that doesn't sound fair to me!!! I had my own moment of displeasure with Target today, but yours beats it hands down. I was in the store at 8, mark downs had just started, 4 other women and I piled stuff up and waited for them to finish. None of us asked to put stickers on our stuff, we waited- well until they decided it was time to go on break while we all waited. We ended up talking to the manager (after waiting for a half hour) who promised they would come out and scan our stuff immediately... well that didn't happen. Until I raised a stink that I had been there with a 1 year old for over an hour waiting for them to scan 4 of my toys. *rollingeyes* So an hour and a half later I finally made it out of the store. I got some good deals but was really peeved. i would have been less peeved if they hadn't gone on break and left us just hanging.
  12. Just peeled off all the little orange tags and this seems to be the case for the stuff I bought. But yes, ALWAYS scan!
  13. [ATTACH]6676[/ATTACH] 10.xx Mickey Mouse rock star (was 14.xx @ 70 off, but used a shop kick mobile coupon for and additional 30 off)
  14. Thanks for the heads up on coats!! I just got them too! :-)
  15. Hit the jackpot on scissors today. I bought 6 pair and had 3 $1.00 coupons (from last year when I couldn't find any). So I paid 19 cents in tax for 6 pairs of scissors. This was at the Ford road Target in Canton, MI. I left at least 6 more pair of scissors if anyone is still looking for them. No cheap tape though. Christmas was gone, but I did find a pack of stray napkins for 22 cents. The large Mickey Mouse head bowl was 99 cents (also 90% off) and I left those too. I had already bought a few in Ann Arbor. Oddly, the small Mickey bowl was 7.99.
  16. They were on an endcap- The boxes say Laura Ashley and have a range of colors; cream box with pink and brown flowers, green with yellowish flowers, red with 5 yellowish circles (flowers??). I got a few of the striped boxes too when they were 44 cents.
  17. ### 253070134 Scotties Laura Ashley tissues 14 cents!! I got 35 boxes for $4.90. Guess I am set for a while! Lots of Halloween stuff at 90% too.
  18. Ours just started selling wine this year (still just wine though).
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