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Posts posted by nikol0304

  1. they all think im crazy. but im the one who has the most but spent the least for my kids!!!

    Isn't that the best? We tend to end up going overboard with the kids though....but this year I think I'll be able to keep myself in check. I actually started shopping for them right after last Christmas, so I'm almost done with them. Once my Christmas fund is mostly wiped out on BF, hopefully I won't be tempted to buy those last minute things!

  2. Ive been going since I was 20, so this will be my 5th year. Prior to that, nobody I really knew had the desire to shop BF. My sister (14 at the time) was my tagalong that first year and really never got into it like I did. She's kinda been one of those "I'll get whatever jumps out at me" people. She still loves the thrill and tradition of it, but I'm hoping this year she steps up and plans so I don't feel like Hitler while we're out. lol....


    That weekend is always chaotic now as I have a 3 yr old whose bday is the 27th (last year was on BF) and a MIL whose bday is the 25th. So while I may lack quite a bit of sleep for a day or two, I'm usually out at the stores by midnight and home recovering by 10am. :-)

  3. Yep! My family too. My husband used to think so, but now he's gotten used to it. I start thinking about it in July or August, lol.

    Haha thats like my fiance...he's gotten used to it. He's even started genuinely caring about my BF fund (we have 2 small children so I'm not working right now.) He knows. No matter what our current financial situation...I will be out. Even if it's just for $3 pajamas. lol..


    He's a different story though. He thinks I just like to shop. If it was up to him we'd go the week of Christmas and spend $500 per child. Wrong! That's why I handle the finances AND the shopping.


    But my mom has no desire to do BF, and my dad and everyone else thinks we're nuts. Oh well! They should be happy we're willing to brave the cold and long lines to get THEM nicer gifts for the money! lol...


    The only thing I'm having an issue with is a "big" gift for my 10 year old stepdaughter. She has everyyyyything. Just got an iPod touch and a laptop for her birthday (moms side)...so I'm at a loss. She's do for an upgrade on her cell phone right before Christmas, but I don't know how well I'll be able to play that off as a gift, persay, seeing as how it'll will be nearly free and she knows that since we told her she had to wait. lol. So what do you buy a 10 year old girl who has everything?!


    I'm not sure what your budget is for a "big" gift but, vera bradley is huge with the girls in this area my daughter is 8 and she got her first vera backpack this year. Anyway, they have overnight bags, luggage, all kinds of things you could pair with a purse. I also think maybe a ring would be nice if she's pretty responsible, or maybe some earrings.


    Thanks...I needed some more inspiration. Vera Bradley...not so sure. I'm familiar with it but in this area it seems it's more of an older woman obsession. I'm really not into the stuff either, personally. But I like the jewelry idea. She doesn't have her ears pierced but maybe a diamond necklace or something. (Obviously we're not talking big, lol. She IS only 10.) But I like the idea just because it's something different and I think she'd really like that.


    The only thing I'm having an issue with is a "big" gift for my 10 year old stepdaughter. She has everyyyyything. Just got an iPod touch and a laptop for her birthday (moms side)...so I'm at a loss. She's do for an upgrade on her cell phone right before Christmas, but I don't know how well I'll be able to play that off as a gift, persay, seeing as how it'll will be nearly free and she knows that since we told her she had to wait. lol. So what do you buy a 10 year old girl who has everything?!


    If she is set for the "preteen/teen" electronics then what about clothing or jewelry. Leather jacket, boots, designer purse or fragrance. A lot of the designers have lines for the younger ladies. Good luck!


    Actually, those are good ideas. She always gets a ton of clothing from everyone...but I'm thinking maybe a gift card to Justice or something so she can get something she likes that maybe she doesn't have. And I like the leather jacket, designer purse idea. I think she'd like something like that. (Although unless macy's or somewhere offers discounted prices on designer purses on BF, I dunno about that one! lol..)

  6. There are several good ideas here...but I'm at a loss with my fiance's 10 year old. She has an iPod touch, a laptop, nintendo ds, digital camera, cell phone, Wii...needless to say her mother's side spoils the crap out of her.


    She is not really into any kind of toys anymore, and she always gets a TON of clothes (which she loves, but it doesn't make sense when she still has stuff hanging up with tags on it from a year ago.)


    I think this year it's going to be an upgraded cell phone (which should be almost free- shes on our plan), and probably some bath/body stuff and some gift cards. I don't know.


    What do you buy a 10 year old girl who already has everything? lol...

  7. I have quite a few gifts bought so far for our kids, sooo..almost done with them. Although we have a lot of extended family. I've got about $500 in savings so far, but hoping dh (he's on commission only) gets a decent check this month so I can add another $500-700, maybe more if November is a good month. I really want a new TV. I've also started a spreadsheet to get an idea on who I already have done, ideas, and budget per person.


    Other than that it's just time to sit back and wait for the ads to come!

  8. For those that order from Amazon - do they have special sales Black Friday? Toys and electronics? Is there an easy way to know what they have? Is there a set time those sales start? If I'm going to order from them I will have to make a special trip, as my parent's place in BFE will not cut it for online shopping. Thanks!

    Actually most of my Amazon shopping last year wasn't on BF. From what I can recall, they had a week of BF deals....and then continued with daily lightning deals in an array of categories, toys, electronic, everything. Usually a new set of sale items would post at midnight, but it would be 1 item for a few hours, and then a different the next few, and so on. So you have to keep checking back. But definitely don't buy up until that week of BF. I made that mistake and 3 or 4 of the bigger toys I got for my kids were significantly lower during a lightening deal in Dec. So if you do shop Amazon, wait until BF or later...much better deals.


    I believe I frequented a thread last year dedicated to Amazons toy deals. I'm pretty sure it was from another forum on this site.

  9. Last year was really my first year for doorbusters. And our main store was WM. The only possible way I was able to get more than 1 (with the way their ticket system was), was because I had my brother and sister with me.


    I don't know if I'll do WM again this year. It was way too chaotic with their new BF strategy, which wasn't implemented very well. It was near impossible to get more than 1 doorbuster if you were just 1 person. Although their prices couldn't be beat. And ya gotta love the $3 PJs.


    So for those of you who went to stores with a ticket system, how did it work if you wanted more than 1?

  10. Last year, the only thing I attempted to order online on BF was the $98 GPS from Target. It was for myself, so there was really no worry if I didn't get it for a couple weeks.


    However, I will say there was some confusion with that particular GPS as they had the same exact one (without the case) for the same price, BUT that one was backordered until late Dec. or something. I had to cancel my order and go back and find the right one and place a new order.


    Amazon was my lifesaver last year with the children's gifts. Love them. Always got everything I ordered in a timely manner.


    Personally, I would never buy the majority of my BF items online. Like someone else said, the technology is questionable, and for me and my sister, the thrill of the physical hunt is the best!

  11. Love it. Let's just hope someone listens out there. I know my WM last year was way more chaotic than it's ever been. The ticket system helped, and they did provide maps of locations for items and their lines. But it went downhill when they changed the lines to be different than what was printed on the map. Nor were they labeled with anything more than an 8x11 peice of paper and a marker.


    And the checkout lines....were HORRENDOUS. I had all of my doorbusters by 5:05 and didn't get outta there until 7am. And they were wrapped around the building with people intercepting at different isles.


    So I would say the top 3 things on that list would be a ticket system, maps of locations (and sticking to them!), and some serious line order/more checkouts open. Everything else would be a bonus for me!

  12. Mine has to be Wal-mart. Hubby and I go about 2 hrs before opening and start pulling stuff from other ads that they will match. Then when it is time for Blitz we can be in place for the items we need from them. Then Checkout is a breeze as long as I have all my ads. But I will say the lines are horrible at my Wal-mart. We waited longer in line last year than it took us to grab our blitz stuff.

    While I'm a hardcore BF shopper, I've never actually price matched one single thing. I'll usually just hit up a few stores...


    Does WM actually price match BF ads? Some

  13. This is the first year that I am about 60% of the way done. My kids are just about done. About 90%. Most of their stuff I got last year after Christmas. Target's clearance being a big one. I'll still probably pick up 1 or 2 more things for them on BF.


    I also have a few other random gifts in my stash that will work as gifts for the family. Between my fiance's family, and my own, we have a lot of people to buy for...which is where the other 40% comes into play.


    The only thing I'm having an issue with is a "big" gift for my 10 year old stepdaughter. She has everyyyyything. Just got an iPod touch and a laptop for her birthday (moms side)...so I'm at a loss. She's do for an upgrade on her cell phone right before Christmas, but I don't know how well I'll be able to play that off as a gift, persay, seeing as how it'll will be nearly free and she knows that since we told her she had to wait. lol. So what do you buy a 10 year old girl who has everything?!


    Can't wait for BF 2010!


    eta: my whole point being....this BF is for mommy and daddy! lol

  14. Forgive me, I know this off topic.


    I have never joined Disney rewards until tonight. I just joined to get the $10 off Toy Story coupons. So, now I'm wondering about allllllllll the zillions of Disney movies I've purchased over the past 9 years for my young girls and whether it would be acceptable/worth my while or even allowable for me to enter in those DVD UPC codes? Is it worth the time and energy to collect them all up and enter everything in?


    Any help would be appreciated. Again, I know it's off topic, but the thread hasn't exactly been on fire with much conversation, and I thought maybe I could just get a quick answer from someone who has experience with Disney Rewards.



    I don't know if I'd go through every single movie.....because for the DVD's, the codes are only on the paper inserts...and if you have kids like mine...they like to try and put their own movies in. I went through several of ours yesterday and about 1/3 still had the paper insert in it.


    But I do think their rewards are somewhat worthwhile. To me, not enough to go through every single movie. lol. Of course you need to have like 15,000 points for the really big stuff...but its pretty much like most other reward programs.

  15. I just got back from Target. I had them price match the $16.99 each price if you buy both from Toys R Us, then I got $10 off each additional with the upgrade coupon from Disney, and finally the register also gave me the additional instant $10 for buying both from Target. I paid $3.98 total for both blu-ray combo packs before tax. Thanks op!!

    Wowwww...that actually PM'd the ad with the $10 instant savings from TRU? Now THAT is a deal.

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