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Everything posted by Kash

  1. One thing then a family vacation someplace for a week of R & R.
  2. Yahoo! It really is getting to be that time of year already. Thank you Bopeep for taking this on again. I’ll get my questions filled out and submitted.
  3. Thank you. I love comparing what I paid before. Or just referencing what I got before before I buy again.
  4. Christmas, family, treats (food), presents, deals, and fun. Plus, Christmas music and Hallmark Movies
  5. I normally have a budget. But this past year our family has had soooo many changes. With additions, sicknesses, moves, etc. I am not setting a budget this year. But plan to keep it to the minimal. Of course everyone will still get a new kohls big one!
  6. Hey Len or anybody who can give two cents. I am in the market for a new tablet to replace a fire tablet for DS. Want a little upgrade. Trying to decide between a Lenovo duet or an apple. Trying to stay under $300. Any comments? Thanks.
  7. I have noticed that more and more items are limit 2 or limit 4 in our grocery stores. I’m not talking just TP and PT. I mean peanut butter and canned beans. So, it is a good idea to not only keep an eye out for holiday presents. But also, things on your baking list so even if there isn’t many presents there are plenty of homemade treats
  8. Wow this is an awesome prize. Thank you Brad. Wow this is an awesome prize. Thank you Brad.
  9. Happy Labor Day everyone. Hope you had a pleasant weekend.
  10. Just checking in for Aug. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer.
  11. Wow. Is that the first time since we started this club?
  12. Checking in for May. Nice to read what is going on with everyone. We have been very busy here. Moved some of the family from Texas back to Michigan. Nice to have everyone close again.
  13. Who did you order from? I know my response is delayed. Things have been busy for me. But I certainly hope you’ve got ahold of them and got at least the warranty extended since you haven’t even had it done 6 months. Happy belated Birthday!!
  14. Sorry time has been flying by for me this past month. I am glad my phone picks up where I left off. So I could see your post. But yes I would say speak! Speak from your heart. I believe what you have to say will touch many others.
  15. Hello everyone. March rolled in with the birth of a grandson
  16. This one is sad. Now red box is all we have left unless we want to buy or stream.
  17. Hello everyone... Happy February. So, yesterday I was carrying something and it accidentally knocked over the little (43”) tv (and broke of course). Sure wishing it was BF instead of Feb. now do I want the new one with roku or fire ? GD likes Disney and Netflix.
  18. Happy New Year everyone! May 2021 be a better year than 2020!
  19. I think if they get the hang of it, like some like Kohl’s have for awhile, the multi sales will continue. If done right they can grow their sales as it may entice people to buy more for a longer period of time. Staying closed on Thanksgiving is a 50/50 in my opinion.
  20. Actually the bag was from something else and happened to be there. But good eye my fellow Michiganders! Funny what makes us think of each other. Every time I ride my motorcycle by MIS I think of Wittenlover. Never met you in person. But I feel like I know you. Lol
  21. Oh no... You are such a trooper for handling this every year. I pray they answer you and everything is fine. I also hope that the packages all get to everyone safely so you don’t go through what we went through last year..... I don’t think anyone here realizes mine got ATE/Lost/Stalled/.... you fill in the blank. Anyways it never showed up and poor Bopeep had her hands full with the post office and insurance. She came through amazingly! By the way mine came already this year thank you secret Santa. I am waiting to unwrap. Well I did open the starbursts already
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