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Everything posted by LisiLiz

  1. Seriously, this forum needs a "like" button, or an "I agree" I'm slowly adding more and more to my Kohl's shopping cart b4 I call it a wrap 2nite
  2. yeah, mine 2!
  3. This is a one time deal here.....Ju can do it!
  4. Where's the "like" button? lol
  5. I think they're gonna drop the tv's last if at all
  6. oh man, still nothing! jeeezz....c'mon, lets us spend our money darn it!
  7. Just got in from work....4get cooking! I Got my windows open on Bestbuy, I'm reeeeeadddy. Hopefully I can hang in there
  8. Most stores prepare days before, having their employees/managers/and or supervisors start preparing the items that are on sale and putting them in strategic places in the store, for stores that start their sales at 4am, they must be done before the shift leaves for the day to then come back at 3am to finalize any last minute items they waited to put out. Registers are already programmed for the sale prices to start ringing up and they have the cut off time a little after the hour is supposed to stop so that the people that are on line at lets say 12:45pm can still get their sale. If your lucky and that store still has an abundance of items left they might continue the sale til later just to get rid of the items. The last thing we want is to have all this left over merchandise in the stock room
  9. I normally go with my mother in law, but this year seems like I'm going alone, she cant come. Hubby stays home with the kids. and I'm like the only one that does the BF shopping in the entire family. My mother in law got into it when I took her 4 years ago and she loved it.
  10. Walgreens is having 4 different sales. 1) The normal weekly sale from Nov 20-26th, 2) a Thursday only sale 3) a 4 day sale from nov 20-23 and 4) a 3 day sale from Nov 24-26. The patriot candles are on the 4day sale, Nov 20-23 (B1G2F)
  11. LisiLiz

    Itunes Giftcard?

    No, sorry. I was mistaken. The multipacks are the original price (3-$10 I tunes cards) with a free $10 Walgreens giftcard
  12. LisiLiz

    Itunes Giftcard?

    I think Walgreens is having a pack of 3-$10 Itunes cards for $25 and you get a free Walgreens gift card
  13. I like shopping at my local, small shops for furniture, during that week.
  14. Yeah, just hang around the store....time will fly by anyway. Or what she could've done is what I do; designate one credit card just for bf. nothing else, just bf. OR, get a green dot card a month prior and put money into that, so you dont have to worry about a paycheck
  15. I would love to say Walmart, but I'm not that Brave.....Going to Macy's, Kohl's, Victorias Secret, and then the little stores around the way, like Carter's, bath & body works, and probably gonna finish with BestBuy, by then, the madness should be gone. And, can't forget to support my local small business shops on Saturday
  16. I'm working til midnight on Thanksgiving day anyway. so right after work I'm going shopping! I'll be sleeping around 8am....should've gotten everything I wanted by the time the "4-amers" wake up
  17. I get clothes for my 3 boys (they need coats), some toys, a ps3 game for the husband, looking at the norelco shavers this year for him, and normally, stuff for the house. i stay away from rebate items. I ALWAYS forget to send it in, or complete the form online, just annoying. Let me get my savings now, or forget it.
  18. I have no need for a tv, but that price is amazing! I'll just check out BB after I get my other shopping done. What's left is left, if anything. Good luck to all u guys and girls that do stand out. For some, its a tradition, for others its just fun and for me, its just the best time to go shopping! :)
  19. u get free shipping with code:joy2unme, on orders over $25.00
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