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Everything posted by blackfridayadd

  1. not yet, but they have taken the $ out of my account
  2. WooHoo got 2 TV's for son & inlaws. After earlier getting some stuff online from Kohls. Only thing I want now is a memory foam pillow for $8 at a local store & thankfully they don't open til 8
  3. our stuff from GH world tour will play the AC / DC, but this is on 360
  4. thanks for the info, just saved 45.00 on a jacket my wife wanted for christmas
  5. no problems here. went to CS , told them what I needed. teenager working said as long as you didnt get it today we can do the PA. I stated nicely if I had bought it today I wouldnt need the PA, seemed to puzzle him a bit . scanned my receipt & gave me 143.xx back. I hope they keep this policy in effect, as it will make me do alot more shopping at Target vs Walmart
  6. yeah I was in the store at 5, didnt pull out of the parking lot until amost 11.
  7. sounds like my CC last year. I got the laptop, was about 6th in line but somehow it took almost 5 hours to check out, because of all the problems with the AOL signup & rebates.
  8. I got mine pm'd also at a local store, no waiting in line nothing. they were to open at 6 but the manager saw me pull up about 5:45 so he opened up. I did have to wait on the salesman I talked with to get there, but I couldnt be happier. plus there 2 year in home warranty is only $40.00
  9. 60u is the model on best buy , its hd not ed. I bought mine from a local store last nightfor alot more , I have an account there . they told me to bring the ad in & they would price match. plus an additional 25 percent if it is still in stock at best buy, so come on people clog those lines up so I get another 200.00 or so off.
  10. the one shown on the web for 249.00 said 18 min per store I thought.
  11. last year I lined up about 11 to get the laptop for my son. I was 5th or 6th in line.
  12. agreed, I have never heard of wrapping Santa presents.
  13. we bought our son, a desktop about 3 years ago when he was 7. now tonight he will be getting a laptop. I couldnt take him always wanting to be on my laptop, so I got the BF laptop at CC.
  14. no waiting for me, I love the old xbox, but I'm gonna preorder the ps3 as it sounds much better than the 360.
  15. I am wandering if I can get out of my AOL deal ? I payed for the aol, but when the receipt printed it didnt have some bar code on there for them to scan, after about 20 minutes of trying to fix this to no avail, they just typed in that I payed 250 more than what I actually paid. so my receipt shows like 654.89 where I actually only gave them 404.89 after the router & other stuff was added.
  16. we only have 1, so I would say prob around 500 - 750. just depends on what is on his wish list, as he will be getting the laptop from CC this year so he want use mine anymore. last year he got a dirt bike because I found a great deal on a used one. he is 10 & yes the items he wants now are getting alot higher in price.
  17. 17 here in Hoover, Al
  18. havent opened mine up yet, the wife got it for me & its in her mother's van, but she said the 1 she got me also came with a flashlight for the same 29.95 price. also picked up the 12 gal wet / dry vac which is a great deal for 24.95, these same capacity & features vacs were at Lowes today for 69.99
  19. yeah, I asked on here if 1 am was early enough, most said yes. well I just had a sneeky feeling that I better get there earlier. got there around 10:30 pm, was 9th in line for a store that had 17. also the rushers at 5 was too funny when they jumped in the voucher lines & stood there for an hour or so thinking they were getting the vouchers. they were really pissed when the employees told them you had to have the vouchers already.
  20. prob in a hour or 2. I plan on leaving by 12 am.
  21. to get to Circuit City to get the laptop ? dont need it for myself, but I'm tired of our 10 year old wanting to use mine so we want to get him one.
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