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Everything posted by thehogsters

  1. Well im sure I dont have the fine eye if an expert but I saw no lag on any of the 4 tvs. The BB bf tvs are already on sale. I just ordered the Samsung 8500. fyi, lots of tv geeks on the AVSforums and not one seems to think the Sony 810 is a better tv than the Sony 850. I only found a few that thought the Samsung 7500 was better than the 8500. Point is my opinins of these tvs are with the vast majority.
  2. Yes I read his review. I dont give 2 sh$ts about motion blurr, lag, judder, grey scale or video games. The number one deciding factor for me is picture quality. My wife and I stood at BB for an hour looking at these tvs. The 810 looked like crap beside the 850. The only tvs that looked better than the 8500 was the 9000, 9500 and lg oled.
  3. The 65" 4k Samsung for $1998 at HH Gregg is not curved screen.
  4. It is good info but I do not agree with some of his placement. Look at the 65" tv he has the Sony 810 ovef the 850. I just made a trip to BB last night and that 850 blowes the 810 out of the water. Same thing with his placement of the samsung 7500 over the 8500. I mean for real? Is this guy blind? Im getting that 8500 at bb for $1999 on bfriday. You would have to pay over 3k for any tv even close to this one
  5. I live in a small town. Got to WM the past three years two hours before the sale started and always been one of the first in line.
  6. Sam's has interest free financing for 2 year on any item over $988 with the Sam's/Walmart card. Does any one know if this is good at WM? Or how I could find out?
  7. The same Samsung fridge is $50 cheaper at HD and both offer free delivery. I wonder if Lowe's will price match?
  8. I like it. We have always done TG around lunch so it does not affect me at all. Now I can eat my TG lunch, go home and nap and hit the stores without waking up at 2 am.
  9. Walmart 700tc sheet at 6:00 then rush over to get in line for the 70"Vizio that starts at 8:00. Will get to WM no later than 5:00 and scope out the map and see how many people are in line. Might have to leave the wife alone in the crazy sheet zoo line if people are already in line for the Vizio. After sheets the wife will have to suffer the guarantee video game line for GTA V. I'm sure we will try to find some blue rays and other items. After WM I'm going home to drink beer while the wife and mom go to Kohls and Belk.
  10. Thanks for the help but the 70" Vizio is not listed on the guarantee, only the 60". I'm going to be there at 5:00, it's sure to be a hot item.
  11. What do you mean by that and how do I get it without lining up? PS I'm glad you guys like plasma IMO LED looks better. Plasma looks so dark compared to LED.
  12. I'm going for the 70" Vizio. Plan on getting in line 2 hours before the sale if not more.
  13. Best deal I have seen is the 70" Vizio at Sam's VIP sale for $998. I wonder if anyone will have at 70" Sharp for $1000 on BF?
  14. I have heard the same thing. Why any one would pay 50% more for this over the Nexus is beyond me. I have also heard that the mini will not be nearly as powerful as the nexus. Simply amazing how apple has brained washed so many people into believing their products have some mystical advantage over the competition.
  15. Don't see me spending $200 for a nabi when I can get a Nexus 7 for the same price. The Nexus is the most powerful tab at the price point. Also the Nexus has an open OS so it's easy to root and make changes. Get a $15 gummy case and you can drop it all day long just like the Nabi. I like the NExus better than the Fire because of the Play Store. You can not use Play store on the Fire but you can use the Amazon apps on Nexus. Nexus wins hands down!
  16. I picked one up and love it. Your guy from Best buy is full of S*#T ! I go from web pages to the next in a second. The pointer mouse works better than any I have ever used. A fully charged batt. last over 2 hours and windows 7 is great.
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