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Everything posted by nicole20

  1. I always get so excited to see the whole list of what specials are coming on tv... i will map out what to watch everyday. This puts me in such a christmas mood! Thanks so much for posting!
  2. Thanks maybe i will try to explain things to my ds and see if he understands that his things are bigger and more expensive than his sisters to even things out
  3. I was just wondering this is my first christmas buying for two children my ds is 6 and my dd is 12months, how do you make sure that the presents are equal. I was thinking of just spending the same amount of money on both, but what if one gets more presents than the other this way? Or do you just make sure they have the same number of presents.
  4. We will spend about the same we cut down on who we are buying for..no adults this year only nieces and nephews besides our parents and our kids, but i have another baby at home to buy for this year!:) We usually spend about 1200.00.
  5. Thanksgiving Day ads letting the kids pick their toys Friday shopping fun!:
  6. Just my ads and my debit card. I go to Walmart at around 1 am and start getting items from other stores that are on sale because walmart will price match these items and then i get into line for whatever it is that walmart has that i want so i can get most of my shopping done at Walmart, but im out shopping all day!
  7. I go alone. no one in my family gets into the holiday spirit like me. I am the freak of my family who gets up and gets in lines at 2am to get the gifts, but the jokes on them because i always find some great deals!
  8. My favorite thing is to get up on Thanksgiving and go get the paper. I go through the ads all day trying to decide what i want and where i am going to go first. I always look forward to Walmart, Target, and Toys R Us. Black Friday is so much fun!
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