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Everything posted by atipton129

  1. 1. $5 Crock Pots are that way! 2. I will open these boxes if you try to get in front of me! 3. I can't believe this is what I'm doing on my Friday off of school!
  2. I haven't technically started my shopping, but we planned on moving last year in September and we boxed up quite a few of our personal belongings and put them in storage until our house sold. We just recently cleaned out the last boxes from storage and found some old Christmas presents for our 2 youngest, ages 8 & 6. I think we're going to wrap them up again this year since they were never opened or played with!
  3. I feel ya! I might just spend this BF shopping online. Half the evening & morning of last year I was able to buy things on my phone while standing in line at the stores that had already sold out of the item I was looking for anyway! Hoping I have the same good fortune with online shopping this year!
  4. I got a Lenovo 10" tablet a couple of years ago for $199 and it still works great. I like it much better than our iPad. Hoping to find another Lenovo tablet somewhere this year.
  5. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00K1MB0JC/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=3I83OQKK3DDHU&coliid=I13Q6XO8CFRRKC&psc=1 This would be a great gift for any confident woman!
  6. WooHoo!!!! Can't wait! I love the trivia questions.
  7. Ditto. I started at 8pm last year, and that wasn't too bad because I had all of our Thanksgiving traditions done and over with. Much earlier than that and I won't be making the 6pm EB's!
  8. Yes, I ALWAYS buy for myself / house on BF. I bet only 25% or so is actual presents.
  9. We get our tree on BF after napping. Decorating doesn't usually happen until the next day though!
  10. I definitely shop less. I start at the scheduled opening times, but as the sun starts to come up, I am utterly exhausted. Those few hours of sleep that I would get with the 4am/5am opening times made a world of difference.
  11. Ditto! I use the notes section when viewing my list to add comments about lower prices at other stores, price matching, etc. I also make a list each year prioritizing my shopping list from most to least important & a separate list with opening times from earliest to latest. I compare those 2 lists to plan the best route on BF.
  12. DH gets to watch our children on BF. Last year my nephew (age 11) wanted to go with us for the experience, but he was vetoed by all of the adults! lol
  13. Hoping for good deals on a HDTV/DVD Combo, Samsung Galaxy Tab & S3.
  14. My DS4 major must have is a Switch N Go Dino. Hoping for a good deal on some of them & some Monster High for DD.
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