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Everything posted by jillandjustin

  1. Agree~it takes forever! Our TRU is on the small side. It's older than me There are only 8 registers, plus two in video games. The lot only holds about 50 cars. We usually park at the truck stop across the street. I will check with my student cashier regarding the opening time...last year was 3 a.m.
  2. We're in Southern CT, Greater New Haven area: West Haven, Milford, Orange
  3. No stores in CT Stinks, since they offer 20% off to teachers.
  4. Interesting story from MSNBC: Upside-down economy right-sizes Christmas http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33125317/ns/business-retail/ Looks like tradition is in.
  5. Hubby was laid off in February, so def. gonna be less....
  6. I have, but was only 7 weeks. We went to Walmart after the pushing and shoving crowd was gone (around 10ish). I would avoid anywhere craziness might be expected (TRU, Walmart, Target, Best Buy) until later in the day. Or, send hubby out with a list
  7. BENDAROOS! ERGH! The wax gets all over everything!
  8. We started doing BF when we were a carefree young couple sans children Now, shopping for kids mean shopping for deals on really sought after stuff So, we eat Thanksgiving dinner at my aunts, then dessert at my MIL's, then head home to catch some sleep. My mom meets us at our house around 3 a.m. We head out, while the kids sleep in. When they wake up, she makes breakfast and lets them watch all the TV they want. Meanwhile, we shop at MUST go to places (namely TRU and Walmart), then relax with a coffee from Dunkin or Starbucks before finishing at a slower pace. We bring home lunch for Gramma and the kids.
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