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Everything posted by 1josh

  1. I had been looking for an ice cream maker and found the Cuisinart model ICE-20 in Bed Bath and Beyond for 40% off. This brings is down from $49.99 to $29.99. I used the $5.00 off a $15 purchase and paid about $26 with tax. They have it listed online but it is currently out of stock. It has excellent reviews. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41FRS3FBY4L._SS350_.jpg
  2. The target I went to had only 4 out and of course I got them all. Very nice bargain.
  3. I have been looking at this thread since it first started but never bought the game. My husband went to a youth gathering and he played this game. Based on his suggestion I started looking for the best price. Well, we decided to go to the flea market today and to my surprise they were selling for $20. My first question was if it was legit. Of course they answered yes. So I bought it and I am playing it now. Because of all of the hype here I expected a bit more... BUT it is a workout and I had fun. My children are having a blast also.
  4. Was $85.00 I found code 10offsale for an additional 10% off sale items ( I am not sure if it works) http://f.chtah.com/i/33/1639777845/100105-OneDaySuperTote.gif http://www.verabradley.com/product/Category/Sale/Super-Tote/154804/defaultColor/Caff%C3%A9%20Latte/pc/638/p/154804/sc/729/c/0.uts
  5. I found this in another website. Coupon Code: soundofdapolice http://www.skullcandy.com/shop/all-products.html?limit=all
  6. Also fox xbox 360 Tom Clancy's End War Xbox 360 Game UBISOFT $8.99 http://images17.newegg.com/is/image/newegg/74-170-026-S01?$S180W$ http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16874170026
  7. They also have My weight loss coach for ds $7.99 http://images17.newegg.com/is/image/newegg/78-147-095-S01?$S180W$ http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16878147095
  8. Ok.. Thanks... use your magic. Have a Happy New Year!
  9. $8.99 Free Shipping* http://images17.newegg.com/is/image/newegg/78-142-049-S01?$S180W$ http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16878142049&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-NA-_-NA-_-NA
  10. Thanks I was able to finally do it. I am on the one month trial right now but It did not let me use that account. I used a different account and it worked fine, and I did not have to buy the book.. I love prime. Thanks alot
  11. Its telling me that I have to place the order. Did you have to buy the book
  12. I found that Barnesandnobles.com has them for 29.99 as well. The only thing is that you do have to pay tax and shipping. It comes about to $35. However, if you do the transaction with one of the cashback websites you can get 12% back (or 8% in the other website).
  13. I called my local store and they dont have any (they haven't for about three weeks). Oh well... Im sure another store will put this on sale some time this year.
  14. Wow. I will have to run to that store
  15. Toys r us has a sale right now Buy 1 Get 1 HALF OFF! on all games. You might want to try that.
  16. I did the same thing. I won one of those $50.00 cards the other day from gottadeal and I had about $9.00 left on it. I used it on this game. So it came out to be $31.
  17. I went to the mall the other day and they had a stand with everything 75% as well. In case shipping is too expensive and if the mall is close by, it might be a good option to just drive there.
  18. Thanks... It funny. I went to Best Buy yesterday and played this game there with my kids. My husband wanted to buy it but there were out. I just ordered one. Their bday is next month but I dont think I can wait until then to play it.
  19. The Wii system is also on sale http://snpi.dell.com/sna/images/products/A0764619.jpg Nintendo Wii Gaming Console Starting Price $199.00 Total Savings $15.00 Subtotal $184.00
  20. NINTENDO Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board http://snpi.dell.com/sna/images/products/large/A3082488.JPG Starting Price $99.99 Total Savings $30.00 Subtotal $69.99 http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?sku=A3082488&cs=19&c=us&l=en&dgc=SS&cid=39715&lid=1003769
  21. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61f0AZHYEUL._AA120_.jpg Phineas and Ferb on Nintendo DS List Price: $29.99 Gold Box Discount: - $12.50 Gold Box Price: $17.49 (41% off) http://www.amazon.com/gp/goldbox/ref=cs_top_nav_gb27
  22. Check Amazon. Below is an example Game of Life -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List Price: $23.99 Price: $7.99 & eligible for free shipping with Amazon Prime http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/517DZSX32EL._SS400_.jpg
  23. My son put this on his Christmas list... but Santa already picked the presents he is bringing home. Hmmm... might get it for his bday in January.
  24. How do you get the surveys. Do they send you an invite for these. I would love to do them as well if its going to save me some $ in the end.
  25. FYI: That code applies to all of the items they have under "fun stuff".
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