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  1. Unfortunately between now and the hour and half I was just in class the computer got sold out again. While that is bad news for now, the good news is that since it got posted again for the same price today, they might end up getting more available in the near future. That being said keep your eyes peeled cause in my opinion this was the best laptop by far both during black friday and all weekly ads previous to black friday. Good luck getting one
  2. I just wanted to let everyone know that the best Black Friday add laptop is back on sale at the same price at Best Buy. Its the DV4-1114NR. The one that I got. Go to the site and type in the model number I just gave you. It originally went for $749.99 and now its back at $500. The only thing is its on back order. So the warehouse might not get it for a week or two and then it will take another week or week and a half to get to you or the store. Although if your willing to wait the 3-4 weeks, Id say definitely snatch this.
  3. Hey thanks for all of your help. I did get the one at Staples and my son is in the process of setting it all up now. I did purchase the 2007 office and ended up getting it for $59.00. I didn't think that was a bad deal at all. It had some rebates with it, plus and extra $20.00 off with the purchase of a computer. We got there ten minutes before they opened and they sold three of them right away and one lady bought the $499 computer they had. That 10 minutes of waiting time sure was much better than the 4-5 hours I wasted at Wal Mart on Black Friday for a computer they didn't even have. I couldn't of found this without your help so thank you very much:) Hey dessenma, thanks for sharing in the news. Im very happy that things worked out and that you got an extra $20 off. I have a feeling that this computer will fit your sons needs perfectly and am glad I was able to assist you will finding it for him. That being said, I wish him the best of luck in college and that the laptop comes in handy as he seeks reaching his degree. Take it easy.
  4. He is correct. Get the Staples one if you want the bigger 250GB HD and free printer with rebate. Or go to Circuit City and get the other one for $499.99 and get 160GB HD with no printer. Other than that they are basically the same. The dell isnt worth it, its over priced for what your getting. This also brings me to my next point. For my friend that Im helping try to find his son a computer for college, the one I recommended the Staples computer to above, the Circuit City one is great if you dont mind sacrificing the 250GB HD and getting the 160GB one. Of course you wouldnt get the free printer either than. So yea, Id say for you, being that you said you needed a printer...and really wanted the 250GB....the staples one is still for you.
  5. Sorry if my typing is bad sometimes, I think something is wrong with my brain where I can think faster than I type so I jump to words in my sentences or dont finish spelling them before moving onto the next. If ever you dont understand me just let me know. However Id like to hope its not this way all of the time
  6. I just looked at all the adds available this weekend. Everything at Best Buy, Circuit City, Office Max, and Walmart is over priced for what they are giving you. After first I got a little excited over some a Best Buy one but then I quickly realized that for what they were giving you, the computer was over-priced by about $75. So as far as this week is concerned, there were only 3 good deals, two of which wouldnt work out for you since you dont have Office Depot near you. That basically leaves the staples one, and being that you told me that youll need a printer, its not a bad deal. I would look at it like this. Your getting the computer for $499.99 and paying $50.00 for the printer than you were going to buy anyways instead of you paying $549.99 for the computer and getting a printer for free. I know its the exact same thing, but I think the first way a looking at things is more optimisitic. Alright well Ill continue to look for any ads that might come out midweek even though I dont think theyll have another round of new ones until Saturday of next week, but well see. Alright well let me know how that staples one worked out for you in the mean time and if you decided to get it
  7. Ok so Ive got something for you that might be what your looking for at Staples starting tomorrow morning (Sunday 11/30.) Staples item # 761020 HP 15.4 inch screen AMD Turion 64 X2 Dual Core Mobile Technology RM-70 3GB RAM 250GB HD (Just what you wanted) Windows Vista Home Edition (Not 64 bit edition, thats good to know) Intergrated Webcam Lightscribing DVD/CD labeling system Plus a free printer with mail in rebates. $549.99 Ok so I love the fact that its an HP. They are my favorite brand laptops. The Turion 64 X2 processor is pretty gnarly. 3GB of ram is perfect. The 250GB HD is more than plenty space wise. Its good that it doesnt have the 64 bit edition of Vista. Then there is always the bonus perks of having a Webcam built within the computer and Lightscribing technology. Heres the think that I dont like, its $549.99 instead of $499.99. If it was $499.99, Id stay this is the one dont think twice. Since it is not however, then I have the following to say. If you were going to get a printer anyways, then this is a good deal cause it takes care of that end of things. However, if you were not looking to getting a print to go along with the laptop, its something you need to decide on for yourself and if that extra $50 is worth it. Basically heres the thing, if it had a $160 GB hard drive, it would be $499.99. If it had 2GB RAM it would be $499.99. If it had a older processor it would be $499.99. If it had a 14.1 inch screen it would be $499.99. However since that is not the case, its $549.99...its the 250GB HD that pushed it over the edge. That being said, in the end, if I am going to get you a computer that is $499.99 or under if you dont want this one, which would you be willing to sacrific. A 250GB HD for a 160GB one? A more modern processor for one that is up to date but still good? A 15 inch screen for a 14 inch one (although there hasnt been a lot of 14.1 inch screens being sold as of lately from what I noticed these past couple of weeks, the 15 inch ones are more standard), or 3GB for 2GB (although I dont imagine many computer packages having a 250GB HD to also then have a 2GB Ram set, so it might not be realistic to hope for a computer with 250GB of HD but has 2GB's of ram.) Alright well let me know what you think of this deal, and if its not the one for you, where do you want to make some sacrafices if we have to in order to keep it at $499.99 or under. We still might get lucky regardless, but Im asking you just in case.
  8. Yea dude. Snag it if your alright with 2GB of memory and it being a Compaq. I think its a decent price for what your getting and like I said Im sure there will be a lot of others that think this as well, so get there 45 minutes early to guarantee yourself one. Good luck, let me know if you get it!
  9. Oh ok. Sorry to have gotten your hopes up. Alright well sounds like you would like to lean more towards the 250GB HD rather than the 160GB. I have a feeling your wanting it as a safety precaution and I respect that, but 160GB is still pretty humungous. In either regard, just to be safe, Ill keep an eye out for a 250GB one for you instead of a 160GB one if that is what you really want. It will add a little bit more to the price, but as far as it draining your battery power, its just a small factor of many. The main one is having a big screen. As I was telling you before a 15 inch screen will get about 2 hrs of battery life with the average 6 cell Lithium Ion battery while a 14 inch screen will get about 3 hrs. When looking at the difference between a 160GB and 250GB hard drive, Id imagine that having a 250GB would only cost you an an extra 15 minutes of battery life to run. So not a big deal. Its more or less the screen as the key factor. Anyways though, the search goes on. Ill keep my eyes peeled for a 250GB one for you. Dont worry we'll find something!
  10. Hey Stationchief, why do you think they offered my DV4-1114nr in an upgraded verison, the DV4-1117nr? It had the Windows Vista 32 bit version just like mine, but it came with a 250 HD and 4 GB Ram. So your basically telling me that unfortunately all the people that bought the package deal one didnt get their full moneys worth because that extra GB of ram will be usless unless they get Windows Vista 64 bit
  11. No. Its an in stores only deal. So grab it while you can if you have the time to on Sunday morning cause I doubt they will last long with Christmas getting closer and closer and with people trying to get a second chance kind of deal if they missed out on Black Friday.
  12. So just so I know when Im looking for you in the next couple of weeks, would you like one with a 160GB HD or one with a 250GB HD? Im guessing the 160GB one would be fine, but then you said ample storage space would be nice...so by ample, would 160GB fit that category? And your correct your not going to find Microsoft Office on any of the laptops, unless its a trail version. Hate to break it to you. Alright well like I said Ill start looking into things for you in the next coming weeks. In fact here are two that I saw that I personally think are on an even grounds to the Toshiba you were originally looking at, but at a cheaper price. They are both at Office Depot. #1 (look up item # 978005) Compaq 15.4 inch screen 2GB Ram 160GB HD Athlon Ql-62 Dual-Core Processor Windown Vista Premium Edition (doesnt state 32 or 64 bit though) $399.99 I personally like all the specs. I love Athlon Dual-Core & Intel Core 2 Dou's processor, so the processor is pretty sweet. It could use another GB of ram to max it out, but that is something you can always get for cheap later on. Im not sure how I feel about Compaq. I hated them back in the day, but HP bought them out, so now they are supposedly suppose to be like HPs rather than the old kind of Compaqs that they used to be. All in all, I would have wanted this one a lot more than the Tosibha you were originally looking at for the price that its going at. #2 (look up item # 993090) Toshiba 15.4 inch screen 3GB Ram 160GB HD Pentium Dual Core T-3200 Processor Windows Vista Edition (doesnt state 32 or 64 bit though) $479.99 This one has the extra GB of Ram, which is a plus. The Pentium Dual Core T-3200 is an older processor, still good, but not as energy efficent and fast as the newer ones. Long story short, this processor is more suited for a desktop, but it is still good for a laptop. Finally its a Toshiba. I just cant get past the fact that Toshiba makes computers. Its still weird to me. On top of that, their key boards have been known to make a lot of noise when typing on them. Whether or not thats a big deal, its just something I thought you should known. If it were me Id pick the Compaq if your ready to pull the trigger on something. However, it would be nice if we could find you a HP with 3GB Ram, 160 HD, and a 15.4 or 14.1 screen with a Turion, Athlon, or Core 2 Dou processor for $449. That would be ideal. But like I said, the Compaq isnt too shabby. So keep it in mind and tell me what youd like to do. Ill continue to keep my eyes open. Once again both of these will be at Office Depot and the sale begins tomorrow (Sunday November 30th.) While you wont have to line up early in the morning, I would get their maybe a half hour-an hour before the store opens just ot be safe.
  13. Btw, stationcheif is there any other related posts like this one talking about what laptops people got. I like really about what everyone got and didnt get and why. Its fun to debate and read baout such things
  14. Wow I didnt know that, I thought it had room for 1 more GB of ram. Bummer, I totally did not know about that while I was debating over buying that computer on Wednesday before I decided on my dv4-1114nr.
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