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Everything posted by tchalko

  1. Does ANYone know why in a city the size of Houston, TX there are NO Staples stores?
  2. ok, sorry to be a wet blanket, but these headphones did NOT work for me when I went to the gym. They didn't do very well when I was perspiring (ok...sweating!) - kept slipping around on my ears....also, the beautiful sound from them which I heard from them in the office was barely audible in a loud gym...they just don't enclose my ears tightly enough to block out the ambient noise in the gym. I would DEFINITELY recommend these headphones for anywhere except the gym...but, YMMV - this is only my humble opinion... let me be clear, though - other than at the gym, they are stil gr8! and WELL worth the price...
  3. Just bought two of these - they sound GR8!!!! They also feel nice on the ears - I wasn't sure how they would feel either...we are off to go and workout at the gym now to see how well they do when I'm a-shakin and a-rolling (and a-jumpin' and a-sweatin'!!!!)
  4. Got my things the next day after ordering!!!...I will chime in with the choir and say 'I LOVE STAPLES'! Just curious, though...how are all you great shoppers (hugs esp. to noehlp) finding out about the $.49/$.69/$.99 sales at Staples? Is there a search function on their site that lets you know about these great deals??? Or what? Hope I'm not asking for 'trade secrets' here! Thanks for posting all Staples sales!
  5. Yep, Staples is great...I got this REALLY well packed box of what I ordered *yesterday* sitting waiting for me as I came into the office *today*. You just can't beat getting 49 deals AND free shipping and delivery! And, the glue sticks are HUGE!!!! Two in the package, they are almost 7 inches long each - and only 49 cents for BOTH of them! These two should last me a year or longer! The rest of the stuff is great too.... Thanks again - Staples deals are starting to be the first place I look on the forums for now!
  6. Thanks....great deal!
  7. The 4 flyers were there at around 1am CST....you are right, though, I just noticed about an hour ago that they are gone! hmmmmmm.......
  8. got the free sample + free shipping + free gloss with a $5 mini pencil. THANX for the link and code!
  9. I'm gonna go in and get that wireless with the print server - my print server just puked 2 weeks ago...$19.99 is a great price for that, too...
  10. GREAT price on memory... Good to see how desperate AOL is for new customers - giving it away!!!! (i.e. $15/month plan X 12 = $180, but you get a $250 gift card...so it's like getting $70 for nothing!)....
  11. Whether emachines or other desktop, 256mb is just bare minimum if you are running XP...they should really have minimum of 512 mb, but that is why they are cheap. DON'T buy memory at BB, unless it is on sale - make sure it is the RIGHT kind of memory (most have DDRAM now)...a good place for RAM on sale is Fry's or Microcenter (I hate recommending Fry's because they have such a SUCKY return procedure, but they do have great prices on no-name periperhals). And, I agree, DON'T spend a dime on Geek squad (sorry for poster who has relative who is in Geek squad) - all it takes to install memory is open case, plug in memory next to existing memory card (just match em up if you don't know what it looks like) and turn it back on - OS will automatically recognize it. Should take 10 mins...
  12. But, if a store was 'civilized' and advertised ahead of time that the lottery system would be used, then why would anyone go and stand in line for hours? I think if you KNOW the lottery system is used, and you stand in line anyway, you deserve the cold feet! The problem is that retailers treat their customers like brainless cattle and don't let us know how they are going to handle the situation. If they published it ahead of time, we would all know where we need to stand in line, and where we need to be within 5 mins. Of course, if they publicize lottery, then they have to deal with all those cars trying to park at the last minute. So, fair, shmair...the only logical one that really works is the good ole stand in line voucher system - first come first served.
  13. So how much does a year (I presume it's a year???) of AOL cost?
  14. THANKS! for the PM!
  15. Can someone please PM me with it too?!?!?! As a reward for my first post on this forum - ever?
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