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Everything posted by civiclover88

  1. ALL the ads have been disappointing this year. I don't know if its the economy, people getting used to sales, or what but I hope WM gives me something to go out for. Everything I want I can get online for the same price.
  2. FYI The sale prices are already active. However, of the six movies I was going to purchase, I found that WM and Amazon beat Deep discount's price on four of them. Sorry but no deal.
  3. HOLY CRAP! When did they put a Target up in Somersworth? I haven't been up there in ages.
  4. The title of the article should be " Wal-Mart taking steps to screw their loyal customers". Even though I probably won't need any big ticket items this year, this new way of doing things is doing exactly that, screwing their customers out of things they may want. I hope they realize that. A separate line for each "hot" item? I don't know what scholar thought that up.
  5. Alright, I used the movie "Heat" BD for this example. The MSRP is $28.95 40% of $28.95 is $11.58 $28.95-$11.58=$17.37 Right now the movie is being sold at their "everyday low price" of $22.23. Savings of $4.86. To find the % off of their "everyday low price" $4.86 divided by $22.23= 21.8% off their "everyday low price". Not a OMG amount of savings but it is a savings. Honestly, just give me the 25% off their price. That would be a better deal.
  6. If you're looking for cheap BD's, try deepdiscount.com. They are having a 40% off sale on DVD's and BD's.
  7. Some people need to realize that not EVERYTHING is meant to be mean or racist or sexist. Some people just need to grow a thicker skin.
  8. If I remember last year, they didn't "up" their prices to compensate for the sale. However, last year it was only 25% off. The only thing about this site is the run out of stock QUICK. So order as soon as you can.
  9. I'm the village idiot of Crazytown. what a coincidence.
  10. I went to last years and its Not a good sale.
  11. Wow nice attitude. With todays economy EVERYONE is trying to stretch thier dollar. If you don't like the discussions, go elsewhere. Im sure some people don't want hear it
  12. Especially if some jerk decides to take from someone's cart! The way they are MAYBE doing it this year, I can really see this happening.
  13. Thats me. If WM has a good ad, I'll be there!!
  14. Rochester, Hinsdale, and the Maine stores are kinda far for me to travel to for BF. Thank you for the heads up though.
  15. This is correct and incorrect at the same time (at least with my experience). I purchased a TV from WM and forgot to have them price match the TV. I went to the service desk of my local WM (not the one I purchased the TV from) with the ad. They went and refunded me my $100.01 for the difference without returning the TV. Basically, every WM will do things differently.
  16. This is the part that upsets me. Basically, they are making it harder for people to purchase WM's items by "telling" you you can only purchase what you are waiting in line for. I hope and pray that my local MW does NOT do it this way. If they do, I WILL NOT be going back there for BF.
  17. I would raise holy hell if BB stated to me "You can only grab 4 ticketed items". I can see your point if that's the case. Also, an Insignia camcorder; Is it gonna last till I get home? Probably not. I know that if I won, I would still go, just for the experience, but have my wife buy another four items for us. HAHA!
  18. Got the same e-mail. I have a better chance of getting struck by lightning then winning, though.
  19. I noticed that this morning. If you call 1-800-best-buy and go through the automated stuff, it states that the transactions are there.
  20. I actually did that last year and it did work. We split up with a small part of the list and got everything we wanted on the list. However, with this change supposedly coming from corporate, I may need twenty people just to get everything we want. Of course, if WM's ad stinks this year, I won't have this problem.
  21. I did not get an e-mail about this particular event. If you log on to the BB Reward Zone site, they tell you about it there.
  22. Personally, I liked the way my areas WM did it. There were no unforeseen problems like this. They used a ticket system WAY before you got in the store, like BB. I am slowly making ALL my purchases on-line b/c stores are making it harder to get everything on your list.
  23. But this year supposedly there is to be a line for each highly sought after item. What happens if you want more than one BF doorbuster item? http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=151038&page=2 The very top reply.
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