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Posts posted by thewilfords

  1. My finds today:

    Box set of 20 notecards and 20 birthday cards, each box set was 75% off, down to 2.48 (my son's teacher is always writing us parents thank you notes, so one for her!)

    Crayola Color Explosion Star Wars sets were 50% off, so 4.98 each. I grabbed the last 2.

    2 bags of halloween candy- not in system, manager sold to me for 25 cents each (they were the florida naturals ones).

    Leaf wreath hanger- 1.74 (forget percent-I think it was 75%)


    There were tons of video games for all platforms. nothing we needed though. There was nothing at all in toys, though I did grab the last 2 planet heroes figures for 3.50 each. They did have 2 of the Tony hawk bikes on clearance that could use the coupon as well, but we don't need it.


    I was pretty peeved they are sold out of the ultimate light saber and the alien force chamber, 2 things I need for Christmas. Oh well.

  2. Woo Hoo!


    Found a MM Apple Juice 10 pack today! Only took me a few weeks from first hearing about them here! I was so excited! I went to scan it and it sure enough was .69! Nothing very good on toy clearance. I did find some jewelry that was marked 50% off, but the sign said 75% off. So, I asked a person on the floor who looked like they may have some authority and she was able to let me take it for 75% off so I picked up some of the exhiliraton costume jewelry for 75% off. Lots of stuff that is one of my good friend's style (lime green, orange, blue) and I was able to get her a few items for under $2 each. I'll put it in a gift basket with the bath and body stuff I grabbed at 75% off a week or 2 ago!


    Also wanted to point out the most adorable pink holiday wrapping paper I saw in the one spot. It had penguins on it. They also had the matching tags. I just thought it was the cutest paper and tags.


    I did see lots of games on the clearance section in the back of the electronics section (xbox360 and ps3). Also, there is a polaroid display across from the camera section (on an end cap near diapers facing cds). On the bottom section there were digital frames on clearance but still way to high. They were like 10-15% off, marked 89.XX But, they are something to keep an eye on in case they do down further (I hope!)

  3. Hi-


    New here, and jumping in! I've gotten some great info from reading the last few days.


    I stocked up on candy at my local store with plans to make little candy goodie bags for the kids classes for Christmas, and also for the teachers at the school. I also was able to grab some fairy wands and a play power rangers gun out of the Halloween section for Christmas presents.

    I did grab at 1, and saw at another store some great wall hangings. They are dark wood and say "Family" in the middle with a space for a picture on each side. They were 75% off and rang at 4.98. I needed something new for the wall.

    In the toy area I did find a Tonka gas pump toy for little one (like toddler age) at 75% off for 4.98. I haven't been her elong enough to post a link but it's the Tonka Lil' Gas Pump on the site.

    Also, lots of the Camp Rock stuff 75% off at my local stores in RI.

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